The acting Chief Constable shuddered, in spite of himself. Lord Archibald threw him a shrewd and perceptive glance. ‘Bad, was it?’

‘I’ve had more entertaining nights,’ Skinner replied, ‘but this one’s been pretty unforgettable in its own way. Christ, and that’s my wife’s chosen profession.’

‘Never mind, Bob,’ said the Lord Advocate, ‘have some breakfast. That’ll help dull the memory.’

‘What’ll it do for the smell in my nostrils?’ Nevertheless, he accepted gratefully the plate of bacon, eggs and mushrooms which his friend passed across to him, and nodded thanks to Lady Archibald as she handed him a mug of coffee.

Across the table, Lord Murray poured milk into his muesli. ‘Hutchison was quite certain, then?’

Skinner nodded vigorously as he spread a slice of toast. ‘Beyond any shadow of a doubt. He said that he would declare under any oath you cared to specify that Lord Orlach was suffocated. Apparently his heart was in remarkably good condition for a man of his age, but his lungs were “classically distended”, as Joe described them.

‘He was even able to identify the facial haemmorrhaging associated with asphyxia. My Lord, your late colleague either held a pillow to his own face and put it back under his head after he was dead. . or he was murdered.’

The Lord President looked at the Lord Advocate, their breakfast host. ‘How does that affect Norman King’s position, Archie?’

‘At the moment, it doesn’t. The fact that he is definitely placed by two witnesses as being at the scene of Barnfather’s death still weighs heavily against him. Old John could have been murdered by a common or garden house-breaker.’

Skinner snorted. ‘Nothing was stolen.’

‘Maybe he panicked,’ said Lord Archibald, lamely.


‘All right, all right. The discovery of a third murder raises the possibility of a connection with the other two, and we’re certain that King couldn’t have killed Orlach. But it still is only a possibility; it would still be very dangerous, politically, if I backed off from charging him, given the evidence I have on my desk.’ He picked up his knife and fork once more.

‘It would help beyond measure, David,’ he ventured, ‘if you could come up with a judicial connection linking the three old boys, and if you could suggest another suspect.’

Lord Murray nodded. ‘I understand that. And as a matter of fact. .’

Something in his tone made the others look up from their plates. ‘. . a thought has occurred to me. I recalled it last night, in fact, at home.

‘Archie, do you remember in our early years at the Bar, twenty years ago, a criminal case which became something of a cause célèbre, in media and other circles, HM Advocate versus Beatrice Lewis or Gates?’

The Lord Advocate’s eyes narrowed. ‘Yes, I do. Murder, wasn’t it.’

‘That’s right. It happened in Dundee. Mr and Mrs Gates were a childless couple in their late thirties, affluent and living in some comfort. He was a bookmaker, and successful at it.

‘They’d been married for sixteen years, until one morning Mrs Gates, according to her story, woke up in bed beside her husband. They were both covered in blood, and he had a kitchen knife right in the middle of his chest.

‘She summoned the police. From the outset she denied killing Gates, and maintained that the murder must have been committed by an outsider, someone with a grudge against him; a disgruntled gambler, she suggested. It was her assertion that she had slept through the whole thing. She insisted that she was an exceptionally heavy sleeper, something which her sister, with whom she holidayed on occasion, confirmed to the police, and which was tested later by the defence and found to be true.

‘Unfortunately for her, there were no signs of forced entry to the house. Even less fortunately, her fingerprints were found on the handle of the knife. Her defence to that was that she had grasped the knife on awakening, to pull it out of her husband’s chest, only to find that it was stuck fast.

‘Her small chances of convincing the jury of her innocence vanished altogether when the bookmaker’s mistress came forward to the police. She told them that she had visited Mrs Gates, informed them of the affair, and pleaded with her to divorce her husband so that he and she could marry. Mrs Gates denied this at first, but eventually, under some fairly aggressive police questioning, she admitted that it was true.

‘She stuck to her defence all the way through the trial, but the jury looked at the evidence and convicted her. She was sentenced to life imprisonment by a particularly dyspeptic judge who took it upon himself to impose a minimum recommendation of fourteen years.’

The Lord President paused in his account, pleased by the effect which it was having on his two companions, whose eggs and bacon were now as cold as his muesli.

‘The fact is that Mrs Gates’ defence did no particular credit to Scottish justice. The mistress was given an easy time of it in the box, and the police witness who testified to the security of the premises was not cross-examined at all. Worse than that, the defence team failed to have the woman physically examined.

‘When she was given a medical on her admission to Cornton Vale, it was discovered that she was in the early stages of muscular sclerosis. This accounted for her exceptionally heavy sleep pattern. It also cast serious doubts on her ability to deliver a blow as powerful as that which killed her husband. However it didn’t rule it out altogether, particularly since some months had elapsed between the stabbing and the discovery of the condition.’

Skinner picked up his coffee, which was still drinkably warm. ‘You seem to remember a lot about this case, David,’ he said.

Lord Murray nodded. ‘I should hope so, for I prosecuted it. I led for the Crown, too, when it went to the Court of Criminal Appeal. The defence tried to introduce the new medical evidence at that stage, but the appeal judges threw it out, quite rightly, as being against the rules of procedure. However they did say that the trial judge’s minimum recommendation seemed excessive, and urged the Secretary of State and the Parole Board to disregard it when the sentence first fell naturally for review.

‘You will have guessed by now,’ said the little judge, ‘that the Appeal Court Bench comprised Lords Orlach, presiding, Archergait, and Barnfather. I don’t know about you, Archie, but I can’t recall another occasion on which those three sat together in the Appeal Court, or even when two of them heard an appeal against the other.’

The detective replaced his mug on its coaster. ‘Which begs a question,’ he interjected, ‘Who was the trial judge?’

‘Coalville,’ said Lord Murray.

‘In that case, why isn’t he dead? I’d have thought that the judge who sentenced her would have been first on the list.’ Skinner looked across the table. ‘Still, if this theory is a runner, then we must assume that Coalville is a target. Lord President, I’d like him to be taken off all duties, so that he can be placed under close protection.’

‘So be it. He’ll hate it, but I’ll order it.’

‘Good. Next, can you recall who acted for the defence?’

‘Of course. Old Hammy Horne led; he died five years ago. His junior was Richard Kilmarnock.’

Lord Archibald grunted. ‘That couldn’t have helped the defence.’

‘It did in the longer term. Kilmarnock’s brother Arnold is a journalist. He was working in America at the time, but when he came home, he took up the case and ran a strong campaign over the issue.You’ll both recall that for a time, it was all over the Herald, the Scotsman. . and the Courier of course, given the Dundee connection. Two successive Secretaries of State looked at it, but decided that they had no powers to intervene. Eventually a third decided that he didn’t care about powers, and ordered a re-trial.

‘Unfortunately, Mrs Gates’ MS was very bad by that time. She was declared unfit for trial and quietly released, to die in a nursing home a couple of weeks later.’

‘Is Arnold Kilmarnock still around?’ asked Skinner. ‘I haven’t heard the name lately.’

‘I believe he works for Sky News now, in the Far East,’ Lord Archibald answered. ‘So Richard told me.’ He looked at his guests. ‘This is very interesting. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll instruct King to develop chicken-pox or some such, and to stay at home for another week. After that, we’ll look at the situation again.

‘Thanks, Archie,’ said the policeman. ‘I’ll begin an investigation at once, starting with Richard Kilmarnock. Meanwhile, David, whether you like it or not, you’re going to have the same level of security as Lord Coalville. Since you prosecuted this woman, if there is someone out there who’s taking revenge on her behalf, you could be on his list too.’
