‘Where have you been?’ asked Alex. ‘Did you stop off for a beer with my old man?’
‘Your old man went home knackered, honey. He was out all last night.’
‘Oh?’ she said. ‘Doing what?’
‘An exhumation, followed by a post-mortem on the body.’
She winced, then shuddered. ‘How horrible.’
Andy nodded. ‘Rather him than me. I can think of better things to do in the dark.’
‘Why didn’t you tell me before? Where was it? Who was it?’
‘Question one: I decided not to mention it before the event. Two: it was in Aberlady churchyard. Three: it was an old judge, Lord Orlach.’
Her eyes became even bigger and more round than usual. ‘Another judge? What did the autopsy show? Was it murder?’
‘Joe Hutchison says that it was. Someone broke into his house and smothered him. Now we’re trying to work out whether it was connected to the other two deaths, and if so, how. Bob’s turned up a possible answer already.
‘He’s taken some paperwork home with him. Mind you, it’s touch and go whether he stays awake to read it.’
‘Exciting,’ said Alex. She smiled at her fiancé. ‘And how was your day, my love? Considering today’s press, I’d have thought you’d be well chuffed with yourself.’
‘I don’t have any right to be,’ he answered, with a frown. ‘We’re putting all the pieces together on the armed robberies, true, but it isn’t good old-fashioned police work that’s got us there. It’s good old-fashioned luck.’
‘This morning’s papers were giving you all the credit. Don’t knock it.’
‘I won’t. . not in public anyway. . for the sake of the team. But I can see the truth, and so, sweetheart, can you. We don’t have anyone locked up for this. Of the gang, we have three bodies in the mortuary, and the other three have escaped, for now, at least.’ He shook his head. ‘Then there’s the other guy.’
‘What other guy?’
‘The brains behind it all, the planner. Hamburger, the others called him. Our thinking is that he killed Bennett, Saunders and Collins and sent the other three into hiding. The only trouble is. .’ He sounded more exasperated than she had ever heard him. ‘. . we haven’t a fu. . We haven’t a clue who he is.
‘With everyone taken care of, one way or another, I’d say he’ll do a runner too. Wouldn’t you?’
She looked at him, smiling no more. ‘I suppose I would.’ She put her arms around his waist, and hugged him. ‘At least the city’s a safe place again. So cheer up.’
He forced a grin. ‘Aye, okay. So how was your day?’
‘Routine for once,’ she said. ‘The insurers confirmed that they’re not appealing the Grimley award.’
‘So that case is history, is it?’
‘Apart from what the Law Society do to Jones, but that won’t be much. Next year’s professional indemnity premium for his firm, though: that’s another matter.’
She reached up and kissed him. ‘Now, even though we’ve still to eat, can we discuss something other than work, please?’
‘Okay,’ he agreed, running his hands down her back and cupping them round her firm bottom. ‘Such as?’
‘You and me for a start. Remember earlier on this year, before other things got in the way, we were talking about getting married.’
He smiled. ‘Remember? You think I’d forget? Do you want to set a date? Is that it?’
As she looked up at him, he saw her expression become a little uncertain. All of a sudden, she dropped her gaze.
‘What?’ he asked. ‘Don’t you?’
‘Yes, of course I do. But there’s something we have to sort out first.’
‘Such as?’
‘Such as babies, Andy, babies.’
He chuckled at her awkwardness. ‘You’re not having one, are you?’
‘Don’t be silly. That’s just it. I don’t want to, not for a long time. I’ve been thinking about my career. You know I’ve always wanted to go to the Bar? Well, Mr Laidlaw’s been talking to me about that. He says I could stay with the firm, once my training period’s over and I have my practising certificate, and go for Rights of Audience in the Supreme Courts as a solicitor advocate.’
‘Do you want to?’
Her mouth twisted in a ‘Don’t know’ gesture. ‘It’s an attractive proposition. I could have the best of both worlds; specialist practice and, eventually, a partnership in the top firm in the country.’ She paused. ‘But it would mean a full-time commitment for quite a few years, to establish myself with the client base, and to gain Court experience.
‘It would mean not being able to start a family for a long time; until I’m around thirty, probably.’
‘If that’s what you want, love.’ Andy kept his expression steady, but his eyes gave him away.
‘But it’s not what you want, is it?’
He unwound himself from her and walked over to the living-room window, staring out into the dull, damp evening. ‘Alex,’ he said, without looking at her, ‘I’m fifteen years older than you.’
‘And ten months. Don’t split hairs. If that’s your timetable, you’re telling me that I won’t be a father until I’m forty-five. That may be okay for Bob, in his second marriage, but this will be my first. Look, if I choose to retire at sixty, our first child will still be at school. I want to be able to play football with him, or go running with her. When they’re at that stage I don’t want to be past it.’
‘Don’t be daft, you won’t be past it. Look at you now. You’re fitter than most men in their mid twenties.’
‘I’m not as fit as your dad though. He murdered me again on the squash court yesterday. Fuck me, I don’t want to be stuffed by his grandson as well, not until he’s left primary school at least!’
She came to him, and laid a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face her. ‘Andy,’ she said. ‘Do you want a marriage of equals?’
‘Of course,’ he answered, defensively.
‘Then surely we have equal career rights. Look at Maggie and Mario. She’s over thirty, and she’s a DCI. There are no signs of babies on the way there.’
‘Forget them, this is us. Does this firm of yours not believe in maternity leave, then? I thought that was statutory.’
She shook her head violently, making her thick hair fly. ‘It isn’t the firm. It’s the clients, and it’s me too.’
‘Och, Alex,’ he exclaimed. ‘You change with the wind. A few months ago you were all for getting married.’
‘And I still am. It’s what comes after that we need to agree.’
He looked at her. ‘Okay then. If this is negotiation, you’ve given me your agenda, now I’ll give you mine. I’d like to be a father within five years.’
‘In that case,’ she said. ‘Where’s the compromise?’
‘That was a compromise, my darling!’
Alex flared up. ‘That was an ultimatum!’
‘No, it wasn’t,’ he replied, quietly and sadly. ‘This is an ultimatum. Either we agree to start a family within five years, or this relationship will be heading for the rocks.’