‘All done?’ asked Walters, turning into the Jonson’s Cars lot.

‘All done,’ nodded Kieran. ‘I’ve changed the girl’s login details, and I’ve deleted every mail and attachment in all her folders, including the one from her aunt, and those photos.’

‘And she didn’t forward them anywhere first?’

‘She didn’t forward it, no. But it’s possible she downloaded or printed it.’

‘Shit. Then we still need to find them.’

He parked by the rental office, went inside. A bored young woman with peroxide hair and vivid pink lipstick was slouching behind a cheap pine desk. ‘Yes, sir?’ she asked, sitting up a little straighter. ‘Can I help you with something?’

‘I’m after information,’ said Walters.

‘About our stock or about our prices?’

‘About one of your cars. A red BMW soft top. I want to know who’s driving it.’

She gave a gulping kind of laugh. ‘Are you serious? I can’t tell you that!’

Walters didn’t have time for subtlety. He took out his wedge, counted off?500 in twenties, slapped them on her desk. ‘Are you sure?’ he asked.

She stared hungrily at the money. ‘Do you have the licence number?’ she asked. He gave it to her. She tapped keys, checked her screen. ‘It’s a business rental,’ she said. ‘Goldwood Laboratories. They’re over at Cherry Hinton Science Park. You know it?’

‘I can find it.’ He frowned at a thought. ‘I don’t suppose you put trackers in your SatNavs, do you?’

‘I can’t trace them for you, if that’s what you’re asking. Not from here. They handle all that out of Head Office.’

‘Okay,’ said Walters. ‘Not to worry. And not a word, right?’

‘Are you kidding?’ she said, tucking her money away. ‘They’d fire me in a heartbeat.’
