Still completely nude, Patty walked up the passageway until she found the ladder to the wheelhouse.
"May I come up?"
Mr. Lazer poked his head out one of the windows and smiled down at her. "My my, you certainly may, little lady."
Holding onto the rail for support, she climbed up and directly into Mr. Lazer's arms.
"I don't usually avail myself of Madame Noon's girls during my parties, but with you, lovely lady, I might make an exception."
"I was hoping you'd say that," Patty smiled, rubbing her still wet pubic mound against the rising bulge in the man's pants.
"Having a good time?" he asked. "No problems down below, I hope."
"Lord, no. Everyone down there is sleeping like a baby. Most of them are just plain fucked out."
He threw back his head and roared with laughter. "And how many of my clients and friends did you account for?"
"Several," she said, looking around the wheelhouse. "I'll bet it gets lonely up here… especially when you can hear all that going on right below you."
"A little."
She moved harder against him. "I just did a lot of fucking down there, but I always like one last drink of the evening. Or, in this case, the afternoon, before I quit."
"You're a cheeky little thing, aren't you?" he said.
She went to her knees in front of him. "I've been fucked and sucked for the last six hours," she said. "I've had every pore in my body filled up with cum.
But I want a nightcap. I want your big cock, and I want it now!"
She looked up at him with her face inches in front of his bulging cock. He returned her look and, in answer, moved his cock nearer her face; if she wanted more meat… why not?
Carefully, Patty unbuckled his pants and pulled them down over his knees. Then she reached into his underpants with both hands and lifted out his mammoth organ. The sheer size of the thing made her moisten her lips in anticipation.
Her pussy, meanwhile, did some moistening of its own.
She covered as much of the prick as she could with two hands and began to rhythmically slide them up and down the shaft of the magnificent cock. It began to grow before her eyes to an unbelievable length.
"You've got an unbelievable cock," she breathed.
"What would you like to do with it?"
"Suck it…".
"And swallow all your fuck juice when you shoot."
Patty could suddenly think of nothing else but ramming herself on the huge prick. She knew that her cunt was tender from the hard fucking all day long, but the pain meant nothing to her. She wanted to worship this prick like a god.
She bent her head down and took the massive head in her mouth.
He moaned and leaned back. Patty pushed herself down on the cock even harder, forcing three more inches of it into her mouth, until it brushed the back of her throat. She moved her head up and down on it, faster and faster, and felt as though any minute it would come bursting through the back of her throat.
Lazer grabbed both sides of her head in his large hands and forced her head down even farther. His prick actually did push itself deeply into her throat, and she raised her head up and down, breathing between his powerful strokes. As she moved up and down, she flicked her tongue over the blue, pulsating vein on the underside of the head of his beautiful cock. This technique almost drove the man to the point of madness.
He pulled away from her.
"What's the matter?"
"Let me sit down in the chair. Then you can suck me a little longer, and then I'll pour it into your sweet pussy!"
"Good… good," she panted.
He sat in the chair and spread his legs. She crawled to him and again moved her head to his lap.
"Now… suck it! Suck my fucking cock!"
Without a murmur, she opened her lips wide to revive the tip of the desire-stiffened cock again. Then she closed her mouth around it, clasping it, sucking it in, her cheeks hollowing to give maximum pressure. He arched his back, withdrawing his thick, piston-like rod, then with a sharp, sudden motion, sent it deep inside the girl's lewdly ovaled mouth, thrusting it back almost to her throat. She gasped at the violence of the movement, then fought for breath.
She caught it as he withdrew, and then he began to spear in and out of her mouth, the dark hairs around the thick base of his prick grazing her lips, while his pendulous balls swung bask and forth against her chin, slapping it rhythmically. She reached up and found the two heavy, sperm bloated spheres, and took them in~ her slim hand, running her fingers over the smooth, hair-covered surface. She slipped her hand further down, her fingers curling around his thick cock, her fingernails tickling the base of it as he withdrew it on the backstroke, then releasing it again as he rammed it deep between her lips.
Then he rose from his seat and grabbed her by the shoulders. She was a big girl, but the well-muscled Lazer had no trouble in lifting her like a baby. He held her over him while he positioned his throbbing cock under her dripping pussy. Then, with a tremendous cry, he slammed her down onto him, impaling her on his huge organ. His cock shot up the length of her cunt on one shot. She screamed, half in pain and half in incredible pleasure, and she clawed at his back, breathing steamy air into his ear, as she kissed him over and over again and urged him on.
He didn't need urging. Again and again he lifted her off his bursting prick and then plunged her down again. Each tune he did it, another wad of hot cream would come bubbling from Patty's pussy and slide down his cock.
She felt herself thrill as every ounce of blood in her body seemed to flow up into her head. Her temples throbbed unbelievably. She knew he was ready, too, for his pace, had quickened. But he seemed to have incredible control, bringing himself to a peak, then backing off slightly to regain his control, then driving into her again, each time harder and faster.
He slipped his hand beneath her softly undulating buttocks, stroking them and kneading them. His middle finger sought out the tiny puckered hole of her tight-ringed anus, digging cruelly into it while the girl jerked at the sudden intrusion.
He rammed his thickly pulsing cock hard in and out now, quickening his strokes, and lengthening them, until he could feel his prick crash against her cervix, then withdrawing it almost to the tip, to send it hurtling in again. He was breathing heavily as he fucked hard into her, and then he felt the boiling sperm building uncontrollably in his lust-bloated balls.
Patty could feel the urgency in the savage thrusts of his monstrous prick. She felt every muscle in her body tighten to its breaking point, and then came the flooding relief of her orgasm. She felt his body grow incredibly stiff, also, and she was sure that he was about to shoot his load into her any second. But as she hung on to him, waiting for his climax, she realized that his body remained stiff, as if he were standing at attention.
"Come… COME!" Patty cried. "Fill my pussy with your juice!"
His balls were bouncing, his loins ready to split from fucking such an exquisite piece of ass.
"Yes… it's coming… it's coming… now… now!" he cried. He groaned then shuddered uncontrollably as the hot waves of his sperm shot deep into her womb, filling her to overflowing with its milky whiteness. It began to seep down her narrow cuntal channel, flooding over the soft smoothness of her inner thighs, and then on between the cheeks of her ass.
And then Patty began to moan, too, and her body contracted in another orgasm as she felt the juices gush from the tingling walls of her cunt, and her voice rang out in a scream of wild passion. "Oh, my God! My God, I'm cummmmmminnng … I'm cummminnngg, too!"
A spasm shook her voluptuous young body as she screwed herself onto his cock, the hot, moist walls of her cunt clinging to his insanely climaxing prick, clasping it, milking it. And then she exhaled, and collapsed limply to the floor.
"Oh, honey, you are one good fuck," he said.
"Do you really think so?"
"You bet… the best."
"Then… let me ask you something… "
The address for the Saturday-night date, the last one Patty intended to do for Madame Noon, was in the more exclusive section of the city.
A maid answered the door. A pretty young thing of not more than sixteen, with a fantastic figure.
"Mrs. Wallace is expecting you?"
"Madame Noon sent me," Patty said.
"Ah, yes," the girl said, with a smile that sent a shiver of lust through Patty's pussy. "Come in, please."
The maid was wearing one of those black, tight-fitting uniforms with a white lace apron. The cheeks of her ass bulged out so provocatively that Patty had to restrain an urge to reach out and pinch them. "Follow me," she said, and led Patty up a long, curving staircase to an upstairs bedroom. The girl knocked and then opened the door, and beckoned for Patty to follow her. Once inside the room, the girl turned and left Patty alone with the figure in the bed.
The drapes were drawn, and. with only one light beside the bed, she wasn't too certain about the appearance or shape of her employer for the evening.
"Come closer," the voice from the bed said. "I want a good look at what I'm paying such an exorbitant price for."
"Mrs. Wallace?" Patty asked cautiously.
"The same. Come here, goddamit!"
Patty walked slowly over to the bed and stood respectfully beside it. It was up to her to make all the moves, she decided. Mrs. Wallace was an old woman, in her late sixties or early seventies. But in a certain erotic way, Patty found her attractive. Her hair was silvery gray, but it was cut short in a modern way, and nicely styled. Her grayish, bony face was made up in good taste; just the right amount of lipstick and eye shadow. In her younger days she was probably a very beautiful woman.
Since she was sitting up in the bed, it wasn't possible to see much of her body, but the colorful, silky kimono did permit Patty to get a good look at the upper portion. She still had plenty of tit, Patty detected, and they were still firm and smooth.
The old woman sniffed. "That will be quite enough of that, young lady. I don't care to be ogled at, even at my age."
"I don't understand," Patty said, puzzled.
Mrs. Wallace smiled and showed a row of perfect, even teeth that couldn't possibly be her own. "Didn't Madame Moon explain?"
"She explained nothing," Patty said. She didn't know whether to feel relieved or more apprehensive. If she didn't want to get fucked, then why was she here?
The woman shook her head, and clucked her tongue. "That old fart never does explain. Always leaves it up to me." She giggled. "I'm afraid the Madame thinks I'm slightly perverted."
"Aren't you?" Patty said, smiling.
"Of course," the old lady replied, laughing. "Take your clothes off and get in bed with me and I'll tell you what I like."
Patty did as she was told.
"Now," said Mrs. Wallace. "Here is what happens. I have also hired a young man from Madame Noon. We, you and I, will lay here and watch him and my maid fuck each other in the next room through that one-way glass. I love to watch people fuck, don't you?"
"I love everything about fucking," Patty replied.
"Good. Then, when we have watched them long enough and my old libido is on full charge, I will eat your pussy. Do you understand?"
"Yes," Patty said. "But I want to warn you. My pussy may be full of cum. I have been fucking all afternoon!"
"That's all the better, my dear! Now, if you'll pull that switch there, we will begin. I imagine that the young man and my maid are going at it by now."
Patty pulled the cord by the bed and watched as huge, heavy drapes across the room opened to reveal a large window that had been cut into the wall.
In the other room, the maid was getting a royal fuck up her ass.
Patty gasped when she saw who the man was.
It was her husband, Joe.
"Anything wrong, my dear?"
And then, suddenly, Patty was smiling. Now she knew why Joe had been so tired.
Why he had been gone so much. And she also knew where the extra money he had been bringing home was coming from.
"Are you all right, my dear?"
"Fine," Patty said. "Just fine."
And she was. It was all going to work out now with Mr. Lazer as a start, Patty knew that she and Joe would soon have a very profitable business going.
She closed her eyes and sighed deeply as she felt Mrs. Wallace's head push between her thighs.
"Ohhhh… ohhh, Joe," she murmured, "are you going to be surprised at the fuck I give you tomorrow morning."