Patty was shaking like a leaf when the taxi left her in front of a huge stone mansion, surrounded by a high wall and dense woods. The old house looked almost haunted and not a little forbidding as she mounted the stone steps and used an old-fashioned brass door knocker.

She nervously fidgeted with her hair and smoothed the tight blouse and skirt she wore as she waited. The clothing had been carefully chosen at Madame Noon's insistence; conservative, but tight enough to reveal all the lines of her voluptuous body.

The door was opened by a tall, striking woman dressed in a tight, black sheath dress and high heels. Her body was svelte, and her tits thrust out like two huge globes. She had raven-black hair that was pulled back tightly in a knot, and a beautiful, commanding face with dark, heavily lashed eyes and full, scarlet lips. A huge pearl necklace adorned her throat.

"Yes?" She said in a low, melodious voice. "Can I help you?"

"I… I'm Patty. From Madame Noon's agency."

"Oh, yes. Come in. Harper is waiting for you."

The woman ushered Patty into a wood-paneled hallway dimly lit with Tiffany-shade lamps hanging from the high, vaulted ceiling. There were wide sliding doors, dosed, on either side of the hail, and a carpeted stairway that led to the floor above. At the end of the hallway, just behind the stain, was another door that Patty guessed must lead to a kitchen.

"You're new, aren't you?" the woman said.

"Uh… yes. This is my tint time."

"Good. Harper likes the new girls. He thinks he can shock them. But don't worry. My son is just another man, and it all comes down to plain fucking eventually."

"You… you're his mother?"

"Does that shock you, dear? Don't let it. I sometimes call Madame Noon's girls for myself, too. You're very lovely. Maybe I'll call for you sometime. Patty, wasn't it?"


"My name is Mona. Follow me, please."

She led the way upstairs to another hallway with several doors on either side.

"It's a big house," Patty commented.

"Yes." She stepped in front of a door at the very end of the hail. "Go right in. Harper will be with you in a moment."

As the door closed behind her, Patty found herself inside a huge, high-ceilinged room furnished in plush Victorian chairs and couches. The walls were wood-paneled, like the halls, and the room was softly lit with more Tiffany lamps. The strange colors and the twisting designs of' glass gave the room an eerie feeling. She noticed a low couch near one wall, upholstered in wine-red velvet.

A door opened behind her. She turned, and there he was.

Facing her was a tall man, dressed in a white shirt made of silk, tight black trousers and polished boots of black leather. His face was darkly handsome, with piercing eyes. His hair was jet black, like his mother's. His body was slender, but extremely well-built, and he had an air of calm strength about him. His appearance was so forceful that Patty found herself gasping slightly when she caught sight of him.

"Why are you afraid?" he asked in a low, smooth voice, noting her anxiety. His eyes seemed to burn into Patty's, as if he could fathom her most secret, hidden thoughts.

"I… I'm a little nervous, I guess," she said, blushing slightly.

"There's no need to be," he said softly, moving toward her with slow deliberation. "You're Patty."

"Y-yes," she replied.

"Sit down, won't you?" He pointed to a large armchair.

At his instructions, Patty sat in the chair as Harper pulled another chair dose to hers and sat in it, facing her. He leaned back, crossed his lap and let his hands rest languidly on the upholstered arms of the chair.

"What do you like to do?" he said bluntly.

Patty was taken a little aback by his forthrightness, but she decided to plunge right in. "Everything," she said, finding her voice surprisingly calm.

"Everything that has anything to do with fucking."

He smiled. "Good. Then I suggest we begin. But first, a glass of wine to relax us both."

He stood and moved to the far end of the room where a table stood. On it were several bottles of wine and liquor.

He poured two glasses of wine, then, turning his back to Patty, he opened a small box, took out a few grains of white powder, and dropped them into one of the glasses.

Smiling, he turned and walked back to the young wife, extending one of the glasses toward her.

"Drink this," he said. "It's a very light wine."

She took the glass from him.

"To love," he said, toasting her with his glass.

"To… love… " she replied shyly.

She sipped the wine slowly as Harper again sat in the chair opposite her.

Almost immediately she began to feel calmer. There was a long silence as they drank.

"Feel better?" he asked.

"Good." He leaned back in the chair, and as he did he uncrossed his legs, spreading them apart. Patty found her gaze riveted to his crotch, for the tightness in his trousers fully revealed the enormous mound of his cock. She could clearly see the line of his prick, huge and thick, under his trousers, and the round bulge of his testicles. Nervously, she tore her eyes away, but not before he had noted her reaction.

"Don't turn away from my cock," he said. "I'm proud of it. I like girls to look at it."

Ah, Patty thought, perhaps that's part of his weirdness; he digs being an exhibitionist.

Slowly she turned and gazed directly at the bulge in his pants. He had spread his legs wider now, and slumped his hips forward slightly so that she could have a full view. She found herself stunned at the sight of his cock and balls tightly encased in the trousers. They seemed to throb and glow before her eyes.

She had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. She found herself gazing in near-adoration at his crotch. Her mind reeled in a drug haze, thrilled by the obscene sight.

It's beautiful, she thought, so beautiful! "Don't you think my cock is fantastic?"

"Uh… yes… whatever you say," she replied. Her eyes traveled up to meet his, and as they met, her breath came faster and faster. He was the most mysterious man she had ever seen, so handsome and strange with his dark eyes, yet he was warm and gentle, too. She was elated to discover that her mind was soaring like a cloud in a dear blue sky, and her body was trembling with a warm excitement. She wanted to… to drift into his arms and kiss him, kiss him torridly on the lips… hold him.. embrace him… What the hell is wrong with me? She thought Then she realized that he had put something in the wine.

"You want me to fuck you now, don't you?"

She nodded.

"Say it, dammit!"

"Yes. I want you to fuck me now."

Smiling at her, he began to remove his shirt, slipping it over his head and revealing his tightly muscles upper torso with a thick tangle of curling chest hair. Patty's drug-fogged eyes eagerly drank in every naked inch of his tanned, lithe torso. Deftly, he took off one boot, then the other, and placed them nearby, while She watched him, completely fascinated and unconsciously growing more and more aroused.

"Soon you'll see my beautiful, big cock, and you'll be able to love it."

Slowly he unhooked the top of his trousers and began lowering them. He wore no underwear, and as he eased the tight-pants down his slim hips, his cock and balls were completely exposed to her gaze. His prick was unusually large and thick, and swung heavily between his legs as he stepped out of the trousers.

The hairy balls beneath bounced freely.

"Am I not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? Isn't my cock splendid?"

Patty found herself totally agreeing with him. "Yes… oh yes I.. your cock is big and thick and wonderful!"

He began to run his hands over his entire hard body, in an almost obscene manner, and Patty thought she detected a devilish glint in his eyes. Then he grasped his enormous cock with his bands and began caressing it, stroking it.

"Every part of me is beautiful, Patty… every part! You must learn to love my cock! Love it!"

"I want to… " she said in a tiny voice. "Show me how…"

There was a moment's silence. Harper stood erect, so that he looked like a bronzed, naked god standing in the bizarre colored light of the huge room.

"Now… you must take off your clothes also… and lie back on the couch."

Patty obediently, began to unbutton her blouse. He watched with beady eyes as she removed her blouse and skirt. Within moments she stood only in her white bra and panties, her cream-white skin gleaming, her proud breasts thrust outward like two shimmering melons. With trembling hands she removed the bra and placed it nearby on a table, fully freeing her firm, wide-set tits to his gaze. Her skin quivered and tightened, and the buds of her nipples grew taut and stood out from the dark rings of the surrounding areolas like large buttons.

"You're beautiful, too," Harper said. "That's good. You've got just the right kind of beautiful body that I like to sink my dick into, deep into… clear up to your belly."

His, cock had begun to throb with life and became erect as the beautiful young blonde slowly began to slide her tight, nylon panties down the white, smooth-fleshed expanse of her hips. Slowly, the brief garment eased down over the tender skin of her thighs and legs until she stepped out of it daintily and placed it with her other clothes. As she turned back to him, her golden triangle of pubic hair glistened as if sprinkled with dew.

"Good… " he said approvingly. "Very good. You have a beautiful body… quite beautiful."

"Thank you," she said quietly.

Her mind was so fogged with wine and drug that she felt no fear or anxiety. Her body rippled lightly with waves of pleasure, and she felt as though she could fly if she wanted to! The sight of Harper standing naked in front of her and stroking his hard, stiff cock thrilled her. It was the most wonderful sight she had ever seen. Her face glowed with ecstasy, and he knew then that she was his to do with as he pleased.

"Come over here now, Patty. Come close, and I'll give you the supreme thrill of loving my cock."

She moved to him and he placed her hands on his thick, muscular tool. For some reason beyond her comprehension, it felt like the most thrilling cock of her life. She loved the rubbery, pebbled texture in her hand. It was so warm, so big. She began to caress it. She fondled it lovingly. Then she cupped the heavy sac that held his balls, reveling in the soft skin and the weighty spheres.

She began to run her hands all over his body, savoring his nakedness as a rising tide of sensuality began to waft through her body. Her hand explored every hard, bulging muscle and ridge of his tall frame, and she grew more and more excited. She wanted to touch every part of his body, his face, his skin … his chest.. his hips… his balls… his cock.

But as she grasped his swollen prick again, with hot eagerness, he drew her hands away.

"Do you want my beautiful cock to ream your body now?"

"Yes," she moaned. "I want all of it. I want to be fucked with it!"

"Lie down on the couch."

She lay back on the couch, and closed her eyes. Almost immediately she felt completely lost in a radiant glow as the potent drug took hold of her again.

Harper let his hands play gently over her face. She became warmly aroused by his artful strokes. He massaged her temples, her eyelids and cheeks, then slowly he let his fingers slide down to the rosy, succulent mounds of her breasts. His own body was alive with excitement, and his cock throbbed achingly for release. Deftly, he straddled her, with his knees on either side of her hips.

Patty, in her drugged state, writhed sensuously as his fingers glided like feathers over her breasts; her skin tingled with warmth and pleasure as he began to knead the creamy mounds with mounting desire.

"Ohhhhhh," she moaned.

"Feels nice to be loved, doesn't it?" he whispered as he gripped the supple flesh. "You deserve to be loved… let yourself' be loved… and fucked."

"Oh, yes.. " she sighed, wriggling happily. He positioned himself again, spreading her legs apart, and kneeling between them.

Suddenly he took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately. Patty thought she would swoon from the intensity of it. It was all that was needed to banish any anxiety. She was lost in his kiss, overwhelmed by his powerful presence, and once again the drug clouded her mind with euphoric delight.

Harper eased her back on the couch. He let his hands rove over her curving white hips and down her long, silky legs. Then, after pausing for a while to stroke her small, delicate feet, his hands traveled back up to her legs, up toward the soft pussy flesh nestled in her golden triangle, up toward her trembling cunt. His palms rested on the insides of her naked thighs, and he slowly parted her, legs farther to reveal the naked cuntal slit completely, then lowered his face down toward her luscious cunt.

Patty gasped as he snaked his tongue out and licked her vaginal slit lightly. A tremor of excitement shot through her as he buried his face in her wet, tender cuntal flesh Her entire being was bursting with passion… she gave herself I completely to his hotly questing mouth.

He ran his tongue hungrily up and down her moist, trembling pussy, probing with his tip into every fold of the warm outer lips, and nibbling playfully at the silken strands that lined her pussy. He found the tip of her clitoris and began to suck at it until it grew hard, sending ripples of delight coursing throughout her body.

At the same time, he grasped his erect cock with his hand and deftly sliding back the velvety foreskin, he gripped his huge instrument and began to masturbate roughly as he licked madly at her quivering pussy.

Patty, overcome with passion, opened her legs wide to allow him easy entry, and pushed her hips upward to eagerly press into his hungry mouth. In her sexually overwhelmed state, she writhed lewdly beneath his madly licking tongue, her open cunt grinding hard up against his greedy lips, brushing his mouth cruelly into the slippery wetness. She had never experienced anything like this in her life, and she wanted more. Her legs kicked and thrashed in complete abandon.

"Yesssss!" she cried. "Yesssss!"

Harper, throbbing with his own passion, sucked feverishly while he gripped his cock tightly and jerked it up and down. He plunged his tongue deeply into her throbbing pussy-hole, rotating it far up inside her warmly seeping slit.

"Oh, God!" she shrieked out as his tongue drove deeply into her softly clutching pussy. "Ohhhhhh goooddddd!"

As the wildly abandoned young wife writhed beneath his slavoring mouth, his hand pumped furiously at his blood-engorged cock. His sperm swollen balls tightened in lewd anticipation. His loins were bursting with tremors of aching passion, roused to a fever pitch, and he moaned with guttural, animal sounds.

Patty began to cry out, her senses whipped to a frenzy by his tongue fucking … she could hear the obscene, wet sounds made by his tongue in her pussy, and it thrilled her all the more. Pinwheels of bright color exploded behind her closed eyelids.

Suddenly she realized that she had reached that peak of ecstasy. She surrendered completely, her body thrashing, her head swinging from side to side, her mouth wide open as she screamed in delight.

"Aaaarrrrggghhhhh!" she cried from the very depths of her being. "I'm cummmminnngg!I'm cuuuummmminnnnnnggg!"

He, too, could feel his climax not far off. His huge cock was swollen to incredible proportions as he gripped it tightly with his hands and jerked it while his balls shuddered as they filled with boiling cum.

Suddenly he lurched to his knees above her writhing body. His fist flew back and forth wildly on the barrel of his cock as white, scalding cum burst in great globs from the bulbous head. The river of his spunk splashed across her breasts, making the pink nipples white. Screams and groans ripped the air as he drained the cum from his balls onto her bouncing tits.

"Now I'll make your pussy shoot," he said, when at last the well of his testicles was dry. "I'll eat your cunt again and make you come while you lick my jism off your tits."


"You'll like that, won't you, Patty?"

"Oh yes! Yessss, suck my cunt while I clean your cum from my tits!"

While he buried his hungry mouth back into her drenched cunt, Patty lifted her pendulous, cum-soaked tits to her lips. She laved and sucked her own nipples, swallowing his cum from them as fast as her tongue could bring it into her mouth.

Then she started coming on the darting tip of his tongue. Her body became a feverish, quivering form, bursting in raging climax. "There…there!" she screamed. "I'm coming!"

"Suck… SUCK MY CUM OFF YOUR TITS!" he yelled, and drove his mouth over her cunt.

She pulled her tits against her lips and went wild. Hungry flames engulfed the young wife. Her lust-heated cuntal walls dilated and shuddered, issuing streams of warm orgasmic juices that cascaded over his devouring mouth until finally the release began to ebb slowly and they passed the apex of their orgasms.

Their bodies began to relax, and then Harper pulled away from her and sat next to her on the couch.

He could see from the ecstatic expression on her face that the young woman had been overwhelmed, and he smiled to himself, snug in the knowledge that it had been a long time since this girl had been sucked off like he had sucked her.

"Did you like that?"

"I loved it," she sighed, basely able to get her breath.

"Did my cum taste good?"

"Wonderful," Patty replied, and noticed that, as they talked, his huge cock was starting to get hard again. "Do you want to fuck me in the pussy or ass now?"

"Oh no"


"No.. " he repeated, his voice rising to a quiver. "I never fuck the girls bodies. I save myself for just one woman."


"Yes… he does."

Patty turned. Mona was standing beside them, stark naked. Patty hadn't even heard her enter the room.

"Gather your clothes together, dear," the woman said. "You can dress in the hall. Your money is on the table by the door."

Patty nodded dumbly and did as the woman told her. As she moved through the door, she heard them speaking.

"Where this time, Mother"

"In my cunt, Harper dear. Fuck your Momma in her beautiful pussy with your big, beautiful dick."

Weird, Patty thought as she stuffed the money in her purse and dressed. Weird, but exciting.
