Riding home together that evening, Patty found out what it was all about.
Marcia started to explain by sliding an envelope across the seat. In it were two, crisp one-hundred-dollar bills.
"You mean…?"
"Half… your half," Marcia said, smiling.
"So that's how you manage to keep up the expenses on your house and everything without Duke's help."
"That's right. I love to fuck, and I needed the money. Only I did it for a long time for peanuts, until I met Madame Noon."
"Who's she?"
"Well, she's kind of an agent, you might say. She weeds out the flakes and the phonies to make sure you don't get into any hassles and to make sure you get your money. She collects her percentage up front, and you collect whatever the traffic will bear."
"My God," Patty said, amazed, as she stared at the two hundred dollars in her hand and thought how easy she had made it. She also thought of how many bills it would pay.
"Most of the, guys Madame Noon fixes me up with are men I would probably screw anyway. They can afford to pay for it, so why not?"
Patty looked up from the money in her hand and stared intently into her friend's eyes. "How can I get in touch with this Madame Noon?"
Marcia slipped a piece of paper into Patty's hand. "I thought you'd never ask."
Two days later, Patty emerged from a taxi in an old, but still respectable neighborhood. Her heels clipped on the sidewalk as she walked along checking the numbers on the brownstones until she came to the address Marcia had given her.
It was a three-story house, nestled between two others just like it.
The bell was answered by a huge, broad shouldered man with a shaved, bullet-like head. He was so awesome that Patty almost turned and ran. But before she could say or do anything, he had grasped her elbow in a vise-like grip and ushered her into a hallway.
Then he went to the foot of the stairs and called up in a rumbling voice.
"Madame Noon, the young lady is here."
Then he turned back to her. "You are Marcia's Mend are you not?"
"Yes, I'm-"
"Careful," he said, holding his hand up, palm facing her. "We only use first names."
"That s good." He smiled and Patty noticed that all his teeth were gold. "We have no Patty with us right now."
"Uh… that's good… I guess," Patty said, still a little afraid of him.
He patted her arm before shuffling off down the hallway to be lost from sight through a curtain that served as a door to separate the entrance hall from the rest of the ground floor.
"Come up, my dear, come along up," Patty heard the cultured voice of Madame Noon calling to her. Waiting at the top of the stairs stood a tall, haughty, but beautiful woman who, being between fifty and fifty-five, was so well preserved and well made-up that she looked many years younger.
Patty studied her as she climbed the stairs. Everything Marcia had said about her was true. And she certainly didn't look like what she was-one of the most influential madams in the business.
She was a madam who specialized n attractive young housewives with too much spare time on their hands. Young women who were bored, young wives looking for extra excitement in their drab, everyday lives.
Patty felt calmer seeing the woman. At the top of the stairs, Madame Noon took her by the arm and led her into an expensively furnished living mom. At one end, a square silver screen had been erected on a table; at the far end on a similar table stood a projector, already threaded with spool of film. In front of the projector, and just to the right, was a sofa. It was obvious that the sofa was to be the vantage point from which to watch a film.
No other seating was visible and Madame Noon, seeing the surprise of her guest, squeezed her arm and murmured, "We will see a nice little film and then we'll see how well you will Work into, our little group. Crunch is downstairs getting everything ready. Why don't you have a drink while we wait for him."
Madame Noon laughed. "Yes… isn't he a monster? That's the name t gave him because of the way he fucks. Crunch."
Patty shuddered and again had second thoughts about being there. From a cocktail bar in the corner of the room, the woman mixed the uneasy Patty a very potent drink. In fact, two strong drinks were downed by the young woman before she heard the giant's footsteps on the stairs.
Suddenly, Patty was awfully embarrassed by the woman's matter-of-fact attitude about her reason for being there. She wondered what was going to be expected of her. Would she be asked to fuck Crunch? God, she thought, she hoped his prick wasn't in proportion to the rest of him.
Then again… maybe it would be fun if it were.
Then he was in the room, closing the door and pulling the curtains across the window so that the only illumination came from a single bulb that hung above the table where the projector stood.
Crunch guided Patty to the sofa while Madame Noon took up her place by the projector. "This is a very interesting film, my dear… one of our best. I hope you like it."
Then the light went out and for a moment the room was in total darkness Patty felt Crunch's arm go around her shoulders.
The low whirring of the projector, followed by a brightness of the screen, made her focus her attention up toward where the title of the film was now flashing in front of her: "TEACHER'S LUNCH".
A little red schoolhouse came on the screen. The camera panned up to the door and then around to a window and into the room. It was a classroom. A teacher stood at the front of the room and a group of children sat at their desks. All the boys and girls were completely naked. Only the teacher was dressed, but she had her skirt pulled up to her thighs and her legs were spread wide apart. She was showing the class the inside of her pink, hair-lined pussy.
All the little boys had hard-ons and the little girls were fingering their nearly hairless pussies.
Then a sub-title flashed on the screen: "SEX EDUCATION… see June finger-fuck, see John masturbate, see Teacher come."
As the film progressed, the camera moved in to show close-ups of the young girls. Some of them were stretched out in provocative poses, with their legs spread wide open to expose the plumpness of their young pussies.
Patty reddened with embarrassment and a few moments later was even more flustered as the camera moved toward a group of young boys. They seemed intent on masturbation, as if vying with one another to see who could get the most powerful erection. Patty found herself gaping with fascination at close-up shots of at least six terrific young cocks.
From behind the sofa, she heard Madame Noon chuckling. "Now there's a sight for a young woman!" she said, and Patty felt a hand on her breast tighten. Her dress was being crumpled and creased by the way Crunch's fat fingers were trying to locate her nipple and massage it through her clothing.
Patty was getting very excited, and felt a little ashamed at her inability to take her eyes from the film. Behind her, she could hear Madame Noon in the corner, at the bar. Then the older woman leaning over her from the back of the sofa, and a glass was being held to Patty's lips.
She gulped the liquid down, thinking it would be another of those strong but delightful cocktails she had had before. This new drink was quite different, however. It burned her throat, and was already making her pussy boil with inner heat. She had never tasted anything like it before. She had no way of knowing that it was a special concoction that Madame Noon Used to make her female company hot and eager for sex.
Patty made a halfhearted attempt to stop Crunch when he put his hand under her dress and slid it up between her thighs. She kept her legs closed and the giant seemed to be content with that for the time being. He let his hand lay idly over the puffy mound of her cunt.
Then another caption flashed on the screen:
"Let's all fuck teacher!"
All the boys seemed to be yelling at her as they ran to the front of the room.
They were waving their young hard-ons in her direction as the teacher smiled and tried to embrace them all at once.
Each one of the boys kept pointing at himself and his own cock. Finally she managed to quiet them down; then she proceeded to kiss and lick each of their cocks in turn.
"Don't worry," the caption said. "There's enough of me for all, of you!"
As if to prove that she could accommodate them all, the teacher struggled to pull off her clothes, fumbling desperately to unbutton and remove her blouse.
She got no farther than opening the front up before the first boy grabbed her.
Reaching into her bra, he pulled out one huge tit. He groaned at the sight of the wide areola that surrounded her giant nipple. Immediately he began to suck, kneading the soft flesh compulsively.
Seeing this, another boy left the milling, shoving pack and squatted down beside her thigh. Pulling up her skirt, he looked at her panties. They were bikini-style, made of a gauzy film of lace. The crease of her cuntlips was as plain as day. He ran his finger down the crease, outlining the two puffy ridges. Then he pulled the crotchband aside, just as he had seen the teacher do in the opening of the film, and looked longingly straight into the black triangle of her furry cunt.
He glanced quickly back at the other boys, seemingly afraid that they might try to steal his prize. Then he pushed the beautiful teacher's legs apart and climbed between them, unwilling to waste even the time to get her undressed.
He was a small boy, but his cock was the largest of them all. It jutted out from his open fly a healthy six inches or so.
The young lad could see her cunt hole grinning up at him. He guided the head of his cock between the furry lips and skewered her in one lunge. Her flesh rippled as the youth entered her pussy, and she jerked her thighs up to meet him.
A second boy turned around and squatted over the teacher's face. Her hand came up and fisted his cock as her tongue shot up into his asshole. When, she found it, she began to lick. She wetted it and worked it like it was tasty candy.
When it was thoroughly relaxed, she forced her tongue on through. Heatedly, she stabbed into him.
A strained shiver coursed through Patty as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes. Then her attention was drawn to the boy slamming himself against the teacher's cunt. His small body stiffened and he arched into a rigid bow, his limbs jerking spasmodically.
"I'm cummmmmmming!" his lips said.
The teacher felt his cock give a jerk, deep in her cunt, then his jism began to pour. The flood of his liquid fire triggered her own release. Her passion exploded. It ripped through her body, flooding over her in a burning wash of excitement.
When the boy had finally spent all his young cum, the teacher then turned the boy that had been sitting on her face around. Then, on all fours, he lowered his dripping cock to her hungry lips.
Below her, another boy was replacing the first one at her cunt. He was struggling to remove her panties. The teacher raised her ass up, straining to help, and soon he had them free of her ankles.
Two more boys nuzzled their way under the boy who was fucking her face, and started sucking on her huge, pink-tipped tits.
Then the boy between her legs drove his small pole into her already cum-dripping hole. On and on it went. They were rubbing her, sucking her, stabbing hot little pricks at her. When any one of the boys moved away to make room for others, her face registered a terrible loss until another cock or another boy came to take its place.
And everywhere… cum. Slippery, sticky cum, and she couldn't get enough of it. With it came more lust and more greed for the small, tender cocks that could produce it.
Watching all this fucking and sucking on the screen had taken its toll of Patty's rising sex needs. She could not resist slowly opening and closing her thighs in her aroused state. Every time her thighs opened, if only for a brief second, it was enough for Crunch to slide his hand farther up her thighs. Now, he had all his fingers and palm under the crotchband of her panties. He was fingering and rubbing her pussy, and it was starting to make her juices flow.
Patty could sense the tall figure of Madame Noon leaning over the back of the sofa again. Her hands gripped Patty's shoulders and pulled her back, hard.
"Wha… what are you doing?" Patty cried.
Madame Noon leaned her lips close to Patty's ear and whispered, "Open your legs, honey! Let Crunch finger your cunt good. That's what you want, isn't it?
Isn't that why you came here?"
Patty's mind was racing. Was that why she had come? She couldn't remember. But her body reacted as if the Madame's words had been a command. Her thighs spread and this time she didn't clamp them shut when Crunch's hand moved to attack her soggy snatch.
She found herself holding her breath as the fingers again reached and crotchband of her panties. For a moment she wanted to push the hand roughly away, to close her legs or jump up from the sofa. The strong hands on her shoulders prevented her from any hasty action and now, as the hand under her dress gave a sudden jerk and a twist, she felt those fingers under her panties.
She let out a gasp as his fingers held stiff and together like a cock, moved from one end of her moist twat to the other. She wanted to close her eyes and, enjoy to the fullest the sensation she was now feeling~ and yet she didn't want to miss the film, either. While Crunch rubbed her pussy, she opened her eyes, and they both watched the story unfolding on the screen.
All the little boys and girls were wildly fucking and sucking each other now.
The school principal had also made his appearance in the room. He, too, was naked. He had a huge cock-extender on the end of his already mammoth organ, and he was between the teacher's spread thighs as she lay on her back on the desk.
Two of the boys were peeing all over the teacher's mammoth jugs as the principal shoved the full length of his huge dual prick all the way up her cunt into her belly.
Patty thought that the scene was the dirtiest, most erotic thing she had ever seen. It turned her on all the more. She couldn't resist placing her hand on the enormous bulge in the front of Crunch's pants. She knew that, behind the sofa, Madame Noon stood watching her, seeing her reactions and her movements in the light cast from the projector and the reflection on the screen. Somehow, she didn't seem to care. Patty know then that she was about to take Madame Noon's test.
Quickly, she wrenched the buttons of Crunch's fly open and got into her clasping hands the long, thick shaft of his cock. He gave a grunt of pleasure and sank farther down into the sofa. He thrust his loins upward, making the manipulation of his prick and balls easier for her.
Madame Noon was leaning over her even more now, her face pressed close alongside her own hot cheek, her mouth to her ear. She muttered to Patty while her hands fumbled at the clit and the zipper of her dress.
"Play with that lovely cock, my dear."
She had gotten her dress unfastened and unzipped to get the material down from her shoulders. Instantly, Patty's bra was undone and she felt the Madame's hand caressing her left breast, while Crunch's free hand kneaded her right one.
On the screen, the teacher was now sucking the principal's big cock. The actress was a good cocksucker. She was taking an almost unbelievable amount of his prick into her mouth every time she bobbed her head down over his meat.
Patty gave a start as she felt the hands of Madame Noon on her head. There was no mistaking the pressure, no mistaking what they wanted her to do. They were trying to get her to… lower her face down toward Crunch's cock. They wanted her to mouth-fuck him, just as the girl on the screen was doing.
Suddenly the hand at her left breast released its hold and at the same time two hands went up to her head. Crunch was using both his hands to force her to suck his prick, and under the fierce pressure, Patty felt her body give way. Her face went down and against his closed lips she felt the hot, smooth flesh of Crunch's cock.
The moment she had felt her head being jerked downward, she had closed her eyes instinctively. Now she opened them and found herself looking directly at his huge hunk of male meat. A wild tremor of excitement, so intense that it frightened her, went through her cunt. She wanted to resist this, wanted to retain some self respect, and yet…
She was hardly aware that the projector had stopped, that the single lightbulb above the projector table had been switched on, and that Madame Noon was on the floor beside the sofa with her face close to Patty's bead and Crunch's bobbing dick.
Patty opened her lips slightly and, with a low growl, Crunch jabbed the head of his prick into her face. She felt the rigid meat shoot into her mouth, felt her saliva wetting the huge monster, felt the rubbery, blunt head pound the back of her throat.
Patty could feel Madame Noon patting her hair and pushing her head down in rhythm with Crunch's lifting thighs. Both of them seemed intent on making, her swallow as much of that length of prick as she could. She saw an inch from her eyes the crisp black hairs of the man's pubic bush, and just when she was sure she was going to choke, her head was pulled roughly away from the hairy loins and she found herself looking directly into the lust-crazed eyes of the ugly giant.
"Now she's ready," Crunch bellowed.
"Yes!" Madame Noon cried out, and turned to Patty. "Now we shall see how well you can fuck, my dear!"