Chapter 16

Glendale, Arizona

Labor Day Weekend-two years prior

He stood outside the small home in Glendale and wiped the sweat from his brow. He told himself it was from the oven-like Arizona night, but for the first time in a long time he felt apprehensive. The voice had been loud and clear, telling him to come here and finish the business between them, but now doubt was creeping in.

He hadn’t been back to Arizona since he moved away. And it was even longer since he’d seen Lucy. She was hesitant at first-unsure about meeting her old boyfriend while her husband was away-and she should have listened to that first instinct. If she thought she would just be able to walk away, without him without any repercussions for her for her actions, then she underestimated him once again.

He looked through the window beside the front door, and saw Lucy scurrying around her kitchen, getting ready for their “date.” She appeared much the same with her long dark curls and smooth olive skin. She wore the pink sundress, which had always been Kyle’s favorite-it looked like she was more excited to see her old flame than she’d let on in their correspondence, he thought.

Wearing latex gloves, he reached into the inside pocket of his sweat-stained blazer and pulled out his Glock, before ringing the bell. When she opened the door, he would take in the immense surprise on her face, and an understanding of what was about to happen, and why, all in a split second. Then he would shoot her right in that sharp tongue that she used to belittle him with.

He gripped the gun as the door swung open. But nobody was there. Then a voice rose up from below, “Are you Kyle? My mom said to tell you she’d be with you in just a minute.”

He looked down to see a little girl-a miniature version of Lucy with the same dark curls. He hadn’t counted on this. An image of his parents flashed in his mind, followed by the same pain he felt when he lost them. He now understood the source of his apprehension. He misread the voice. He couldn’t allow this girl to grow up with that pain.

“I’m sorry, I have the wrong house,” he replied in a low voice, and ran as fast as he could up the street, until he reached his rental car.

He drove directly to the airport and boarded the next flight home. He had no fear of being traced-he was using the identity of Grady Benson, who had been Kyle Jones’ old Air Force wingman.

He picked up an extra shift on Saturday night. His presence was welcome, due to so many officers being assigned to work the Rockfield Fair during the Labor Day weekend. While on patrol, he tried to make sense of his failed journey. His missions had always been so clear, and brought such a feeling of peace, that this was uncharted territory for him. But he still felt a strong call-to-action hanging over him. Completing his business with Lucy on this anniversary had made sense, but now for the first time since his journey began, he felt unsure.

But later that night, he received a radio message about an accident on the Samerauk Bridge. When he arrived at the scene, he found that it was no accident. And later, in the hospital, as he comforted the mother of the murdered girl, his mission again became clear.
