Chapter 59

Gilbert, Arizona

Memorial Day-1998

Kyle Jones entered the frigid air of his Arizona home, a major contrast from the triple-digit temperatures outside. He took a last look at the almost empty living room-just a few boxes remained.

He picked up the remaining items and headed out to the truck. The heat grabbed him and he felt momentarily lightheaded. The experts said it would be a summer dominated by home runs, heat waves, and a presidential sex scandal. McGwire already was pushing twenty homers, and the temperatures had hit triple-digits by Memorial Day. As for the sex scandal, Kyle hadn’t got any action since breaking up with Lucy, so he wasn’t about to begrudge someone who was.

The decision to move was not an easy one. He liked living in Gilbert, and enjoyed his work on the police force. But ever since his breakup with Lucy he felt less connected. And perhaps all the moving he did throughout his childhood had gotten in his blood.

He didn’t have any specific plans, which was a major change from the structured life he’d lived. But he’d saved plenty of money from the settlement that resulted from his parents’ death, so he had some time to find his way. He would start by visiting them at Mount St. Helens, where their ashes were scattered. They always gave him good advice throughout his young life, and thought he might benefit from being in their presence once again. He would then travel to Lake Cumberland, Kentucky, where the accident occurred. It was his most favorite place in the world growing up, as it was for his parents, which was why they chose to retire there after leaving the Air Force. It was also the place where they were taken from him, and he felt he needed to make a final visit before moving on for good.

When he told Grady of his plans, Kyle was surprised by the unemotional response. He was a little hurt, actually, especially since he’d helped Grady get back on his feet. Not to mention the many years they’d spent together. Kyle offered to leave him six months’ rent to allow time for him to find a new roommate, but he declined.

Kyle entered the house for the final time. He wrote Grady a note, in which he promised he’d send a forwarding address and phone number when he settled somewhere. It was not the way Kyle wanted to say goodbye, but Grady was gone again-speaking at another safety conference, which had become his passion since Leonard Harris’ death. And a not-so-subtle reminder to Kyle that he should have done more to get justice for his own parents.

When he finished the note, Kyle entered his bedroom-the only things left to pack were a few items of clothing. He opened his suitcase and began taking shirts off hangers-neatly folding them, of course-and placing them in his bag.

On another trip to the closet, he found a few shirts belonging to Grady. They often traded clothing over the years. Their looks and builds were so similar that one of their squad leaders at Luke AFB used to always mix them up. Kyle didn’t really see the resemblance, but nobody ever debated that their personalities were complete opposites.

Kyle carried the borrowed shirts into Grady’s room and hung them in the closet. When he looked down, he noticed the journal that Grady began keeping after his suggestion to do so.

He knew he shouldn’t read it, but was caught in one of those debates with the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. Grady was such an intriguing mystery to Kyle, and even after all their years together, he sometimes felt like he didn’t really know him.

July 4, 1991

Timothy Kent was in my sights. I had waited for two years for this moment, but there is no statute of limitations on justice. Not only did Kent kill my parents, but he would now be responsible for the death of his girlfriend, and the Tompkins kid, who would play the role of lead suspect. The part I enjoyed most was the brief moment before the car split him in half. It was the look on his face. The look that told me he now understood his crime and that his punishment, while final, was also just.

Kyle urgently flipped the pages forward until another passage caught his eye.

July 4, 1996

My mission was clear. As I stood on the houseboat, I struggled to keep a straight face as Leonard Harris told me about how he’d changed his life. But I knew that like the leopard, evil couldn’t change its spots. His alleged metamorphosis was just a trick to fool the public, and perhaps himself. It was no surprise to me when his hedonistic tendencies betrayed him during his final party. It was the same behavior that had led to him taking the lives of those two girls.

Kyle trembled and began to sweat, despite the high-powered air conditioning. Thoughts of calling the police entered his mind, as did the idea of running to his truck and hightailing it out of town. But he couldn’t pull himself away from the macabre tale.

I stifled a laugh while the divers frantically searched for him, as if there was a chance Leonard was still alive. My heart raced, but at the same time I felt so at peace. I could almost feel Kelly and Laura thanking me from heaven. It was truly the moment I was put on the planet for. I wish every day that my parents were still walking the earth, but that would be selfish of me. Because it was their tragic death that woke me to my destiny. From now to the end, I will mark July 4, 1989 with a sacrifice in their honor every Fourth of July.

Kyle’s head spun out of control. Could this be some sort of delusion, or was it fiction? How could this be? Grady was weird, no question … but a killer? He backtracked pages and was drawn to another passage.

September 4, 1995

I have not written in this journal in over four years, but the actions of my roommate Kyle Jones and his girlfriend last night has caused my return. Ironically, it was Kyle who suggested I keep a journal, but what he didn’t know is that he’d sparked me to return to a dormant one.

I thought the sacrifice of Timothy Kent would end the nightmares. But I learned in the last few days that it was just the beginning. The first sign came while watching a television program on a judge in North Carolina named Raymond Buford. Buford chose to defend the indefensible-drunk drivers. The second sign was Kyle arriving home after committing this very same act. I looked into his eyes that night and saw that he’d gone to the dark side. From protector to enabler, betraying the vow we made to fight for justice.

Even though they didn’t participate in the direct murder of another, the crimes of Buford and Jones were worse-using their position of power to circumvent the enforcement of the drinking and driving laws. Laws that are too light, anyway. My mission, I now know, is to rid the world of this evil. Those like Buford and Jones must be stopped.

Kyle read it again. Must be stopped. A lump formed inside his throat. Then a thin metal necklace wrapped around his neck. It was pulled back with strength and vengeance.

Kyle looked back to see Grady Benson in a trance-like state, his hands shaking as he squeezed the last breaths out of him.
