Somali Coast

The sound of a low-flying helicopter woke Saleh Narsai from a light sleep. He sat up, his eyelids feeling like someone had put weights on them, his mouth was dry, and his head was pounding. It was only when he swung his feet over the edge of his bunk that the early morning light registered on his weary eyes. Slipping his feet into his shoes, he stood, grabbed his pistol from the bunk and left his cabin.

As he climbed the stairs to the bridge, he glanced at his watch and saw that he'd gotten about four hours of sleep. Rubbing the grit from his eyes, he walked onto the bridge and asked what was going on.

"The colonel's back," said the helmsman on duty. He motioned to the coastline. "He's just landing."

Narsai squinted at the coast in time to see the blocky shape of an MIL MI-2 helicopter landing on the cliffs overlooking the beach. He inhaled deeply.

"I'm going to get something to eat. Notify me when the colonel's boat is approaching the ship."

"Will do, sir."

Narsai went down into the galley and piled some food on a plate. He took a mug of coffee and found a place to sit. While he ate, he mentally reviewed the current state of the operation. The first launcher was nearly ready, while the second was a few hours behind schedule. As for the missiles and the warheads, Dr. Masood had assured him that both would be ready by the time the launchers were completed.

Narsai was finishing his meal when the intercom rattled with the helmsman’s voice. "Captain requested to the deck, boat arriving."

By the time Narsai got topside, Colonel Riyad had climbed onboard with his bodyguard and a couple of Yabaal's men.

Narsai saluted the Colonel. "Welcome back sir.”

"Thank you Saleh. Any problems?"

"No sir, we are ready—"

He cut himself short when Yabaal climbed aboard. The Somali leader glared at Narsai before addressing Rezael. "We shall continue our discussion," he demanded, his tone hostile.

Riyad shot Yabaal a cold look. "The job is not finished.”

"I need those weapons now," Yabaal pressed. "A third of my army lacks sufficient firepower, and there are reports that Abada's men are on the move."

"Abada?" Narsai asked.

"Another warlord," Riyad said. "One that doesn't like the General here. When will Abada's force be here?"

"Two, three days," Yabaal replied.

Riyad studied his ally for a few seconds. "Done. I will talk to Captain Kashgari about unloading the weapons. Bring your men here in a couple of hours."

Yabaal smiled at Riyad, then turned and shouted at his bodyguards. They started back down the down the ladder to their boat. Narsai leaned over the side and watched the Somalis and their leader head for shore.

Once they were away from the ship, Narsai looked at his colonel with a troubled expression.

"Is something wrong?" Riyad asked.

"Sir, is it wise to give those weapons to a man like that?"

"In the long run? No. But after we leave, he'll be someone else's problem. Right now, we still need his men for cover."

Narsai remained unconvinced. "What's going to stop him from trying to take over this ship? You know he's greedy."

"Why would he do that?" Riyad motioned around him. "This ship is no good to him. It’s just a big fat target that he can't use. You allowed him to plunder all the containers in the central hold, correct?"

"Yes sir. He got a king's ransom out of those containers."

"And he'll try to negotiate with whoever is now in charge of SeaStar for those hostages the company thinks they have."

Riyad looked toward shore. "Besides, I'm going to give Yabaal the weapons here, and at the same time, send the ammo ashore. I will keep my end of the bargain." He glanced at his watch. "How close is Dr. Masood to completing his work?"

"The launchers will be finished by this evening. The launch panel is set up in the Second Mate's cabin and is being tested by Masood's team. He assures me that will also be ready this evening. He says once we're underway, he can have both missiles ready for launch in two to three hours."

Riyad smiled. "If everything stays on schedule, I want you underway within thirty-six hours."

"Of course, sir."

Riyad headed for the bridge door. "I need to see Captain Kashgari and have him start unloading the weapons. I'll be back before Yabaal shows up again."

"Sir? What about the Americans Ilshu reported in South Africa?"

Riyad scowled. "They are of no concern to us. Hassan is watching them, assuming he hasn't killed them already."
