Five miles off the stern, Tanner Wilson listened to the commander of the incoming fighter jets explain to him what was going to happen.

"Copy, Victory," he said once the pilot finished. "We'll stay out of your way."

He met Axiam’s gaze. "Drop back another five miles and gain some altitude."

"Copy." The Somali pilot adjusted the Hip's controls.

"Javelin, back off and give Victory room."

"Already on it," the SEAL Team leader replied.

"Victory to OUTCAST. Beginning missile run now."

“Ship is changing course again," Axiam said. "It’s swinging northeast."

Tanner saw the ship below and to his forward right begin to turn. The ship was large, with powerful engines, but it wasn't armored and was not designed to be nimble.

"Missiles away!" Victory called out.

* * *

The two AGM-84G Harpoon anti-ship missiles traveled at Mach point nine, twenty feet above the undulating ocean waves. GPS and radar kept them on target as they closed the thirty miles between them and their target in less than five minutes. The ICA soldiers on the stern caught only a streak of metal and heat as both fourteen — foot long missiles slammed into the Northstar Venture's port-side stern and exploded.

The ship shuddered from the twin explosions hard enough to knock Narsai off his feet. Lights flickered, some dying out while others came back on, leaving everything in a dim red light. Ignoring his pain, Narsai pushed himself up.

"Damage report!" he shouted.

Musa yelled back. "Helm's not responding…Speed dropping!"

Narsai pivoted and glanced toward the stern. Most of the stern lights had been shattered or darkened, but enough remained to see the thick black smoke and twisted red-hot metal. He raised his radio.

"Jibril!" he snapped, putting iron in his tone to cover his own shock. "Uzair! Report!"

"Th-they're gone!" a shaky voice replied.

"Engine room to bridge!" Faisal's voice held barely restrained fury. "We've got flooding in the propeller shaft and surrounding compartments!"

Narsai grabbed the bridge radio mike. "Can we still move?"

"No!" Faisal snarled. "The propeller's been destroyed and the shaft's been twisted so badly, I have to shut it down! We're dead in the water!"

Narsai felt nothing but impotent fury. "Secure the engine room and get your crew up here. We must defend those missiles!"
