Tanner answered his satellite phone to hear Casey’s energized voice.

"We got the pictures. They're kicking over a few anthills here in D.C. We have a SEAL team in the air, heading your way— ETA is thirty-five minutes. Call sign is Javelin, pass code is Alpha-3."


Without introduction, a new voice, male, came on the line. "Mr. Wilson, we've taken a look at those pictures."

"And you are?"

"That's Admiral Landers, ONI," Casey said. "He's part of the team shadowing the warheads."

"As I said," Landers continued, "my people are staring holes into those photos. Not the best shots in the world."

Tanner made a spitting sound. "To the contrary, Admiral. Right now I’d wager that they are in fact the best shots in the world of those missiles. Unless you have some better?”

An uncomfortable silence ensued during which Tanner could hear Casey and Landers exchanging muted words.

Then Landers’ voice was back on the line. “I’m just saying, those images aren’t a lot to work with—“

“And I’m just saying that our team almost got our asses blown to shit taking them, so how about you stop complaining and do what you can from your air-conditioned office, okay?” Behind him, Stephen grinned and gave him a thumbs-up sign.

Landers recovered quickly. "Touché. From the enhancement work we did with the photos, it does look like the warheads are on the missiles. My people also say those missiles have a range of maybe eight hundred miles, probably less. Have you shed any more light on the possible targets from your end?"

"We're thinking it’s either something in the UAE or Oman."

"These people want to strike back against the West," Landers said, his tone distracted.

"There are a lot of expats in the UAE," Tanner said, "but I think they want an obvious western target…"

He stopped, an idea clicking into place. "A warship."

"My God," Landers said. "The Harry S. Truman is in Dubai."

"For how long?"

"Another seven days," Landers replied. “Son of a bitch!”


“The president is going to be visiting the Truman the end of the week, along with leaders from the surrounding countries!”

“That would be one hell of a target,” Tanner said. “Any others?”

"The Amphibious Assault Ship, the USS Essex is in port in Salalah, Oman."

"Makes sense," Liam said. "These missiles are set up to fire at a target off to port."

"I think the Truman's the primary target," Tanner said. "But they might target the Essex if they can't get close enough to Dubai."

"But both the Truman's and the UAE's radar systems would pick up those missiles before they got close," Casey said in a clipped tone.

"Not if they were planning to launch the missiles only ten or twenty miles off the coast of Dubai," Tanner hypothesized. "The Northstar’s next port of call is Doha, and its course would take it right past Dubai."

Landers’ voice was quiet and slow. "You are right…At that range, the Truman would have only a couple of minutes’ warning. Two nuclear missiles would, at the very least, cripple the carrier, and if it hits in the wrong place—"

"A major disaster," Casey finished.

"Excuse me," Landers said hurriedly, "I need to alert NAVCENT and the White House."

Tanner could hear movement and a door opening and closing.

"I haven't seen Al move that fast in years," Casey muttered. Then in a louder voice, he said, "Tanner, you have command authority from the president himself, and your orders are to stop that ship at all costs, before those missiles are launched."


"I have to go," Casey said, fatigue creeping into his voice. "I need to activate a few contingency plans, and a lot of people are going to be getting unpleasant late-night phone calls, no time to sugar-coat anything."

"I do have one favor I need to ask.”

After Tanner told him, Casey said, "They're yours and will be in the air in fifteen minutes. Talk to you later."

* * *

The radio crackled. "OUTCAST, OUTCAST, this is Javelin."

Tanner picked up the transmitter. "Javelin, this is OUTCAST. Password is SUNDOWN SEVEN."


Tanner exhaled. Casey’s promised SEALs had made contact. "What is your status, Javelin?"

"Twenty minutes out. Can we get a sit-rep?"

"Tangos are in full control of the ship. Intel indicates original crew is KIA. Tangos have anti-aircraft capability. The sun eggs have wings. There is a second ship, suspected tango asset, fifty clicks southwest of primary target."

"Copy, OUTCAST. What's the plan? Not sure exactly who you guys are, but somebody way up high sure as hell likes you, because I’m told you have lead on this op."

"Who we are is a long story, Javelin, and right now we have something ongoing. I need to check on a few things."

"Fill us in at a bar back stateside when this is all over, then. Better hurry. Wind is picking up and the weather wonks think a storm is brewing."

"Copy that. Back in ten. OUTCAST out."

Axiam, who had listened to the radio conversation, tapped his fuel gauge. "We're down to about half. We've got another hour or so in the air before I have to turn back to shore — unless you like swimming."

"How close can you get to the ship now without getting blasted out of the sky?"

Axiam raised his eyebrows. "Those SA-7s have a range of about four klicks. I can get a little closer than that, but I’d rather not."

"We have to wait for the last player in the game."

Tanner stared down at the angry sea below, where he saw actual breaking waves beginning to form, their crests whipped into frothy foam. The conditions were worsening rapidly. He was glad for the interruption of the radio call when it came in.

"OUTCAST, OUTCAST," a new voice said over the radio. "This is Victory. We are at Angels forty and moving fast."

"Copy, Victory," Tanner replied. "ETA?"

"Forty-two minutes. We don't know how much help we can be. We didn't bring a lot of party favors because of the long trip. Orders were to get out here ASAP and contact you."

"Don't sweat it, Victory. You're going to dazzle them with the strength of your personality. Hold on while I bring Javelin into this. We have a plan, and it's going to take all three of us to pull it off."
