Chapter Thirty

The store was full of customers and Jordan was able to slip through it without anyone seeing her. She opened the back door and glanced toward the office. Annie was behind the desk, and she looked up when the door opened. The look of surprise—happy surprise—on Annie’s face made the very early flight worthwhile.

“You’re early!”

Jordan smiled. How could she not? “Yeah. Caught an early flight at dawn. Had a layover in Dallas, though.”

Annie stood but didn’t come any closer. Jordan closed the door and locked it. When her eyes met Annie’s, she was suddenly very afraid.

“Does this mean we’re going to stop pretending nothing is happening between us?”

Jordan tilted her head, watching Annie. “Have we been pretending?”

Annie walked closer to her, and Jordan felt her heart beat nervously. “I think we’re past pretending, don’t you?” Annie took another step toward her. “I think I would really like it if you kissed me.”

Jordan felt her heart jump into her throat. She took a step back. “Here? In the office?” she asked anxiously. Yes, she was definitely in over her head.

Annie smiled at her. “Well, you did lock the door.”

Jordan swallowed with difficulty. She never expected that Annie would be the one to push this along. Of course, she was the one who had locked the door.

Annie’s smile softened. “Don’t be scared of this, Jordan.”

Jordan let out her breath. “I’m terrified,” she admitted.

Annie took another step closer, so close that they were almost touching. “You do remember that I’m the inexperienced one here, right?”

Jordan laughed. A nervous laugh but still a laugh. “Trust me, I have zero experience in this situation, Annie.”

Annie took her hand and Jordan let their fingers entwine. She tightened her grip, the touch calming her nerves a little.

“Let’s just take it…a day at a time,” Annie said. “That’s all we have to do. Take it slow, a day at a time, and see what happens.”

“That simple, huh?”

Annie nodded. “That simple.” She moved closer and this time, their bodies were touching. “But would you please kiss me already?”

Jordan’s resolve broke and she pulled Annie impossibly close. She had no time to think, no time to decide if this was the right thing to do or not. Annie didn’t give her the chance. Their lips met, and Jordan was shocked that she actually felt faint. She held on to Annie, her mouth opening slightly, taking as much as Annie would give. Annie wasn’t shy and when Annie’s tongue brushed hers, Jordan felt a jolt travel through her body. Her hands brought Annie’s hips closer to hers, and Annie moaned in her mouth. Annie’s slightly protruding belly hit Jordan’s, and she realized the intimacy of their embrace. Annie’s fists were grasping Jordan’s shirt as their kiss deepened. She wanted so much more, but not here, not in the office.

She pulled back, both of them gasping for breath.

“My God, Jordan,” Annie whispered between breaths. “Is that what a kiss is supposed to feel like?”

Jordan rested her forehead against Annie’s as they tried to catch their breath. “We really can’t do this here.”

Annie nodded. “I know. Someone could need us.”

Jordan laughed lightly and glanced at the sofa. “That’s not really what I was thinking about.”

Annie laughed too. “Really? Really, Jordan? You’re going to go there?”

They pulled apart completely, both still smiling as they disengaged. Jordan noticed Annie’s flushed face and wondered if hers looked the same.

Annie ran her fingers through her hair. “Okay, so what just happened here?”

“I’m not sure. I think we kissed.”

Annie took a deep breath, then blew it out. “Yeah, that was some kiss.” She cleared her throat. “Well, I’m certainly happy you’re back.”

Jordan smiled, then unlocked the door and opened it. She was glad no one was in the back room. “Yeah, me too.” She shoved her hands in her pockets. “So…you get the ordering done?”

Annie moved behind the desk and sat down. “Yep. All done. No problems.”


Jordan sat on the sofa, trying to relax. So they kissed? That had been inevitable, right? The fact that she wanted to rip Annie’s clothes off and make love to her wasn’t really surprising either. She tapped her foot nervously, searching for a topic of conversation.

“So…lunch with Mom. You didn’t say what all you talked about.”

“Oh…well, we talked about you some,” Annie said.

Jordan raised her eyebrows. “Why?”

Annie shrugged. “I’m not sure how it came up. We talked about when they found out you were gay.”

“Oh, my God. You talked about that?”

Annie smiled. “You should really talk to your mom about it, Jordan. She said you have never really talked about it at all.”

“What good would it do? I was twenty at the time.”

Annie leaned back in her chair. “I know. We talked about Matt some too. And your mother gave me some money.”


“I don’t feel comfortable taking money from them.”

“Annie, come on. You’re carrying their grandkid. Of course they want to help.”

“But still…”

“Annie, you can protest all you want, but you know they’re going to help. Matt’s not here to do it.”

“But it’s not their deal. They shouldn’t have to feel obligated.”


“I just don’t want them to think I’m taking advantage of the situation. I can provide for myself.”

Jordan knew Annie treasured her independence, having had to live with her parents for so long, and she was sensitive to that.

“I know you can. But you’re going to go back to school…you won’t be working full time then.” She met Annie’s gaze. “They don’t want you to struggle. I don’t want you to struggle.”

“Jordan, I’m living for free at your house. That’s hardly struggling.”

Jordan held her hand up. “You can argue all you want, Annie. It won’t change the outcome.”

“But I don’t want—”

Annie stopped when the outer door opened. Brandon headed for the fridge, then stopped when he saw Jordan.

“Hey, boss. I didn’t see you come in,” he said.

“I snuck in a little while ago,” she said.

“Good trip?”

She nodded. “Short and sweet. The best kind.”

“Well, glad you’re back. Annie’s been a slave driver,” he said with a laugh.

“Yeah, right,” Annie said.

He got a water bottle from the fridge and went back inside the store. Jordan leaned back, then stifled a yawn. She’d been up since three that morning.

Annie looked at her questioningly. “Tired?”

“Yeah. I was up early. At the airport, you know.”

“Well…maybe you should go home…take a nap.”

Jordan raised her eyebrows.

Annie smiled. “Just sayin’.”

Jordan met her gaze. “Should I be…scared?”

Annie winked at her. “Very scared.” Then the smile left her face. “Because I’m terrified.”

“Annie, you know…I would never—”

Annie held up her hand. “Jordan, I’m not terrified of you. I’m terrified of…it.”

Jordan frowned. “It?”

“Yeah. It.”

As their eyes held, Jordan finally understood what Annie was saying. “You know, it doesn’t have to happen. Not tonight.”

Annie’s smile was slow and definitely sexy. “Oh, yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s going to happen and soon.” Annie turned in her chair, leaning closer to the sofa and Jordan. Her voice was not much more than a whisper. “You make me absolutely crazy when I’m near you. Crazy. And that’s never, ever happened to me before.”

Jordan felt her pulse spring to life as she recognized the look in Annie’s eyes. Yes…right then, right there…she was a little afraid of it, too.
