Chapter Thirty-Four

Jordan leaned on her elbow, watching Annie sleep. Once again, the lamp had been forgotten and the bedroom was still bathed in a soft glow. Her hand was resting against Annie’s belly…against the baby. She kept still, hoping to feel the baby move, even though it was probably too early. Annie said her doctor told her it would be another few weeks before she felt movement. That thought made her sad. In a few weeks she would be leaving, heading back to her life in Chicago. She knew it would be hard to leave, but now that they were lovers, it would be doubly so.

Annie stirred and Jordan watched as her eyes fluttered open, then closed again. A smile on Annie’s lips told her she was awake.

“I guess we fell asleep,” Annie mumbled. She turned her head, her eyes opening again. “Or I did.”

“Me too.”

Annie rolled over, facing her. Under the covers, her hand moved to Jordan’s breasts, stroking one lightly.

“What are you thinking about?”

Jordan met her gaze. “Nothing, really,” she lied. “I was hoping to feel the baby move.”

Annie took Jordan’s hand and pressed it against her belly. “The doctor said that since it’s my first baby, I probably wouldn’t feel it until about twenty weeks or more. I’m at seventeen now.”

Jordan sank lower under the covers and pulled Annie flush against her. “So…what do you want? Boy or girl?”

Annie smiled. “I don’t know. I think a little boy would be fun. I’m not really into dress-up. Suzanne and Macy both have girls. Macy has two. All the bows and crap they make them wear…I can’t see me doing that.”

Jordan laughed quietly. “So jeans and a Fat Larry T-shirt on the little man and you’re good to go?”

“Wouldn’t that be cute?”

“Yeah, that would be adorable.” Her smile faltered somewhat. She wondered if she’d be around to see it.


Jordan raised her eyebrows.

Annie pulled her hand from under the covers and cupped Jordan’s face, her fingers playing gently against her skin. “Do we need to talk?”

Jordan sighed. “I’ll be leaving soon.”

Annie’s hand stilled. “I don’t like to think about you leaving.”

“The time…well, it kinda got away from me. I was supposed to hire someone to run the store when I leave. And you’ll be starting school again pretty soon.”

“I’m going to still work part-time,” Annie said. “And if Brandon could take some more hours, I think we can manage it.”

“I know the winters aren’t that busy, but maybe Molly would work Saturdays.” She rolled over onto her back and folded one arm behind her head. “I’m not ready to leave, Annie.”

Annie rested her head on Jordan’s shoulder, snuggling closer. “I don’t want you to leave either.”

Jordan sighed again, wondering why she was trying so hard to convince herself leaving was the right thing to do. “I have to. I own a condo. My job…I worked so hard to get where I am. Peter is expecting me by September. I don’t think he’ll hold my job after that.”

Annie curled her arm around Jordan’s waist. “You’re going to come back though, right? You’re not going to disappear, are you? Because I kinda need you here.”

Jordan could hear the panic in Annie’s voice. She rolled to her side again, facing Annie. She kissed her slowly, her lips fitting between Annie’s. “I’m not going to disappear,” she whispered. “I promise.”
