"LEONARD'S IN NEW YORK for ten days," Helene said as soon as Maria had hung up the telephone. "Did I tell you?"
"Three times," Maria said. Leonard was Helene's hairdresser.
"I don't mind if I'm out of town, but if I'm in town and Leonard's not—who was that on the telephone?"
"Somebody's leg man."
"What do you mean, somebody's? Whose?"
"Some columnist in the trades. I don't know."
"What did he want?"
"He wanted to know if I was dating anyone in particular. He also wanted to know what I thought of Carter's dating Susannah Wood."
Helene shrugged. "You knew that."
"I mean the word dating? Doesn't it strike you funny?"
“Not particularly." Helene was studying her hair line in a small mirror. "If I'm in town, and Leonard's not, I feel almost. . frightened."
Maria said nothing.
"I don't suppose you understand that."
Maria watched the tears welling in Helene's eyes.
"Don't, Helene," she said finally. "Don't be depressed."
"lt’s shit," Helene said. "It's all shit.'