Chapter 18

The three of us were strolling along Main Street and I have to confess I was feeling out of sorts. This whole tree experience had rattled me. Until this morning Brutus and I had been sworn enemies, but up there, locked away from the world, we’d developed some kind of bond. The same thing happens to people shipwrecked on some desert island. I think it’s called Stockholm syndrome. Though as far as I know Stockholm isn’t an island. Oh, well.

We arrived at Wilbur Vickery’s store, and took a seat on the pavement right outside, where Wilbur keeps his fruit and veg display. The General Store attracts a lot of cats, and Wilbur’s cat Kingman is a real chatty tabby. So it’s a great place to find out what’s going on in town. I have to admit my heart wasn’t in it today, and neither were Dooley’s or Harriet’s for that matter.

We’d just found ourselves a great spot in the shade, when Brutus ambled up. I looked at him. He looked at me. We looked away. This was awkward.

“So, what are you guys doing here?” he asked.

“Just hanging out,” I said. “Collecting some gossip for Odelia’s articles.”

He shook his head. “You know? The weirdest thing happened this morning.”

“I know. I was there, remember?”

“No, after that. Chase began to pet me and he hasn’t stopped. Picking me up all the time, tickling my chin, fluffing up my ears. He even put me on his lap while he was doing research on the computer… about cat grooming! Says he’s going to buy a brush and start working on my coat. Can you believe it?”

“I thought that’s what you wanted?” I asked. “More TLC?”

“I did, but now I’m wondering if it isn’t too much of a good thing. I mean, I’m not used to this, let me tell you. It kinda freaks me out, to be honest.”

“You can’t have too much cuddling,” Dooley said, giving Brutus a frown.

“At least Chase is acknowledging you,” Harriet said frostily.

Brutus gave her a sheepish look. "Yeah, Harriet, I, um, I'm sorry about last night, all right? I acted like a complete and total jerk. I don't know what came over me but I guess I was under the spell of that female or something."

Harriet stuck her nose in the air and snapped, “You were a jerk.”

“I know,” he said contritely. “And I’m sorry.” He gave Dooley a glare when the latter started humming the Justin Bieber song. “Look, you know you’re the only one for me, sugar plum. There’s no one I love more.”

Harriet’s nose rose a little higher still. “You really hurt me, Brutus.”

“I know, I know. And I’ll make it up to you. What about I take you out to dinner tonight? I know this great little place where they serve the best veal in town. And there will be music, too. They’ve got a fantastic live band.”

Her curiosity was piqued. “The best veal in town? And a live band?”

“Sure. The owner’s cat owes me. I removed a splinter from his butt once, but that’s not important. It’s called The Hungry Pipe, near the marina. We can enjoy a nice private dinner on the roof, and listen to that band swinging up a storm in the garden below. Best seats in the house. You’ll love it, babe.”

It was obvious Harriet was melting. She still had her nose in the air, but her tail was vibrating, which in her case usually meant she was excited.

“What do you say, sweet pea? You and me? Back in the saddle?”

Harriet smiled and streaked over to Brutus, rubbing her tail against him. “Oh, Brutus, you always had a way with words. You’ve got four yesses from the jury. So what do we do in the meantime? Still a long time before tonight.”

“We’ve got the whole day to ourselves, honey pie. A whole day to get to know each other all over again, and forget all about that nasty Princess.”

"Go on," she purred. "I'm liking what I hear so far."

“We can canoodle under a park bench, chase some ducks…”

She giggled. “You had me at canoodle, boyfriend. Let’s go.”

“Hey, what about the investigation?” Dooley asked.

“What investigation?” Harriet said. “They caught the killer.”

“See you,” said Brutus, and the couple strode off, giggling and cooing.

Dooley and I stared after them, Dooley looking pretty dumbfounded.

“What just happened?” he asked.

“Brutus and Harriet made up.”

“But why? I was just about to make my move.”

“Can I let you in on a little secret, Dooley?”

He blinked and I thought he was going to cry. “I suppose so.”

“Harriet doesn’t feel that way about you, buddy. She never will.”

“But she can learn to love me, can’t she? Given enough time, she might…” His voice trailed off, and now he was snuffling.

“Cats like Harriet are tough babies, Dooley. And tough babies don’t fall for sweet cats like you. They need a tough guy like Brutus.”

“I’m a tough guy.”

“No, you’re not. You’re a sweetheart, and some cats don’t dig sweethearts. One day you’ll find the right cat, but that cat won’t be Harriet, I’m afraid.”

“I’m afraid you might be right,” he said in a choked voice.

I patted him on the back. “You’ll get over it. Lots of cats in the world.”

He sniffled some more. "So what did you and Brutus talk about up there?"

“Oh, you know. This and that.”

He gave me a sad look. “So you two are friends now, huh? Besties?”

I laughed. “I don’t know what we are, but I’m pretty sure we’ll never be besties.” I gave him a light shove. “You’re my bestie, Dooley. You know that.”

He nodded and licked his nose. “At least there’s that.”

“Oh, and by the way, thanks for saving me from that tree. If not for you I would probably still be up there.”

“Serious question, Max. And I want you to be honest with me.”

I frowned, prepared for Dooley’s deepest thoughts. “Shoot.”

“Were you ever tempted to take a bite out of Brutus?”

I stared at him. “What? Of course not. Why would I want to bite Brutus?”

“Let me rephrase that. Did he try to take a bite out of you?”

“Of course not! Brutus may be a lot of things but he’s not a cannibal.”

He nodded seriously. “Oh, I see. So you ate bark, then?”

“No, I didn’t eat bark. I was too nervous to eat. I was stuck in a tree.”

“How can you be too worried to eat? I’m never too worried to eat.”

That was true. Dooley loves to eat. Even now, when he was down over Harriet and Brutus getting back together, he was sniffing at an apple someone had dropped. And I’m pretty sure Dooley doesn’t even like apples.

Just then, a car skidded to a stop at the curb. The door opened and Odelia stepped out. “Hop in, you two. We’re going back to the Kenspeckles.”

Dooley and I did as we were told. I saw that Chase was behind the wheel.

“Is this really necessary?” the burly cop asked.

“Cats love to ride around in cars,” Odelia said, slamming the door shut.

“They do?” Chase put the car in gear. “I thought that was dogs.”

“Nope. Cats love cars. They like to stick their heads out the window and flap their tongues in the breeze.”

“Pretty sure that’s dogs.”

She cocked her head. “Look, who are you going to believe, Chase? Crazy cat lady or some stupid internet site?”

He shrugged. “If you say so. Buckle up, you guys. It’s Kenspeckle time.”

“Again?” I asked. “I thought we were through with that place.”

“Dion Dread didn’t do it,” Odelia said, and she did not look happy.

“So who did?” I asked.

She shrugged. “That’s for us to find out.”

Chase glanced over. “Are you talking to your cats now? Is that what you’re doing?”

“Uh-huh. I told you, Chase. They’re intelligent creatures.”

He shook his head. “You are a crazy cat lady, lady.”

He didn’t know the half of it.
