OH, help me! I am losing myself in two centuries and two wars.

The SAM missile came up, the heat-seeker. It stood up in front of me like a dick at twenty thousand feet, and the squadron captain told me what the hell was going on. He was a nigger from Louisiana. I think that was the first time a nigger saved my life. Flight Captain Louis Diamond saved my life and I shot the SAM missile out of the air.

Fuck you, heat-seeker! Take some cold steel!

Then when Quisenberry was down on the beach and the gooks were running out to capture my friend from Mississippi, I slowed it down and turned the nose of that Phantom almost perpendicular to the ground. I used the cannons and missiles to clean them away. I saw their heads fly off and their chests.

Tough shit, gooks! You ain’t going to get Quisenberry.

He lives now, handsome and a credit to his race, a lawyer in Los Angeles.

I am very proud of the things I did for my country. I fought for the trees, the women, who, when they quit talking, will let you, etc.

Westy, Westy. It’s a miracle.

When we get rid of the carbon monoxide, this will be a hell of a country again. Start with Ohio.

