THE other night one of the deranged creeps got out of his car at the emergency room, swinging a Magnum in his hand. He had already swatted his granddaughter in the head with it, plus shot his regular daughter in the tit.

I had been shooting the.30/30 with my boy Barry that day.

I asked him to ride into the back lot with me, because I was a doctor who understood him. Something about my stern eyes that calms even wild men down. He gave me the gun. We got way out there where nobody could hear. I played some country music for him while I pulled a towel over the barrel of the.30/30 and rested it into his ribs.

“What was you going to say?”

“Light up a cigarette for me,” I said.

While he did, I let one go through him.

“What’d you do?”

“Let out some of your spleen and piss,” I said. He fainted, of course.

I took him back to the main entrance and kicked him out.

Now he’ll live but be warned. I’ve still got his Magnum.
