Chapter 28Liana, 18 Years Old

My mother’s screams rippled through the air, but I could barely hear them. It was like I was underwater, drowning.

I opened my eyes, the blurry outline of my mother swimming above me, and I realized I was drowning. I tried to resist, flailing my arms and kicking my legs, fighting against her hold.

My eyes widened, staring at her through ripples of water. I opened my mouth to ask why, but only bubbles came out. Gurgles. Burning my lungs. Seeping into my muscles.

Somehow, someway, even through the fog of pain, my brain was urging me to fight, but my arms were getting weaker. My lungs were failing.

And then I was yanked out.

Screams rang in the air. Not my own. Not my mother’s.

A video played in the background. “You killed her,” Mother hissed. “Your actions led to your sister’s death.” Water dripped off my eyelashes. I blinked desperately, trying to understand. What was happening? “You might as well have been the one to end your sister.”

“Why?” I whispered to the woman who gave me birth.

It hurt to breathe. It hurt to move.

“This is why,” she screamed, pointing to the screen behind her.

My teeth clattering, I found the strength to sit up. The burning in my lungs flared, but I ignored it. I had to see what she was talking about. It was then that my eyes zeroed in on the screen, the scene sending horror through me. Every fiber of my being shredded into atoms that would never be the same.

“You’re too weak.” My mother’s voice was breaking my heart. “Too soft. You cannot survive like that in this world.” Tears ran down my cheeks, not understanding. “The strong daughter can survive this underworld. The stronger daughter will take it over when I’m gone.”

I panted, confusion wading with my terror.

Another scream tore through the air, and she looked away. My gaze followed and locked on the source.

The sharp inhale of breath. A tortured scream. Deafening silence.
