
The rain came down, pounding against the windows, banquette, and bayou of the Crescent City where the Mississippi River curved around the city of New Orleans, and the slogan “laissez les bon temps rouler”—let the good times roll—was a motto for life.

It had been my motto since I was granted Lou back. She and our babies were mine, and I’d never let anyone take that away from me.

My heart thumped so loud I feared the whole city would hear it as I looked down to my daughters in my arms. They slept peacefully, their heads full of curls more beautiful than anything I had ever seen. My wife’s left hand was outstretched over the bed as if she was reaching for me even in her sleep, the bracelet I had given her a long time ago still there. Her soft snores filled the silence, her blonde halo hiding her profile but telling me she was at peace.

My chest shifted as it always did when I watched my family. The world felt so fucking right with them in it. I still collected the teeth of my victims—a reminder not to fuck with me and those I loved.

I was so fucking besotted with my family that I’d burn the entire world for them so we’d have a light in hell. As long as we were together.

“Kingston…” her sleepy voice croaked. I found my wife’s eyes on me, shimmering with endless emotion, putting another hook into my chest. “Everything okay?”

Everything was so fucking perfect it terrified me.

As if she could read my mind, she shifted and nuzzled her nose against mine.

“None of us are going anywhere, my ghost.” I looked down at the golden, bright eyes I loved so much. As long as she looked at me like that, I’d follow her to the ends of the earth. She changed my life, gave me a purpose to hold on to and a reason to live. “I promise.”

And my sunshine always kept her promises.

The twins let out soft mewling sounds, their lips curving and their eyes fluttering behind their eyelids. They were safe. They were happy. And I’d ensure it remained that way, even if I had to fight their nightmares.

Everything inside me vowed to shield them from anything ugly.

Thunder rumbled across the sky. The rain came down harder, the raindrops pounding on the windows.

I leaned forward, pressing my forehead to hers. “I love you, sunshine.”

She held on to me, and I felt loved. Everything I needed and wanted right here in my arms.

