Chapter 40Liana

I’d been on this fucking island for a goddamned week.

And the only conclusion I’d come to was that Kingston Ashford was a pain in my ass. The only reason he’d given me the stupid operating manual was to shut me up.

It was my fault, really—I didn’t specify how the machinery was delivered to me. As in, the fucker sabotaged the engines.

“Grady White top of the line, my ass,” I muttered as I shut the deck floorboard with enough force to make the boat rock.

“You seem cheerful today.” I’d recognize that smooth-as-silk voice anywhere. My limbs ached from all the climbing up and down this stupid boat and I wasn’t in the mood. Despite the winter months, the temperatures during the day were warm enough to strip down into a bathing suit—or get a sunburn—which led me to believe we had to be somewhere in the far south of Europe. The Mediterranean climate was one indication; the numerous fruit trees, olives, and shrubs of lavender were others.

I slowly straightened up and found Kingston lounging in the shade in bermuda shorts and a white T-shirt, his ink somewhat visible beneath the stretchy material. He tossed me a bottle of water, and my traitorous eyes locked on his flexing bicep.

In my distraction, I barely ducked in time for it to miss me and hit the captain’s chair.

“Drink.” I glared at him, but before I could complain, he added, “And don’t bring up the whole gentleman thing. It’s getting old.”

“You almost hit me with it,” I fumed.

“Drink,” he repeated. “I can’t have you fainting.”

I snatched the bottle off the deck, gulped down half of it, then pointed my finger at him.

“You did this on purpose,” I accused.

“Did what?” Amusement flickered in his eyes, his voice dark with humor. “You’re going to have to be a bit more specific. I do many things every day.”

Nerves vibrated through me. I really disliked my body’s reaction to him. I’d give my left tit to get rid of it. It was so fucking wrong. First, it was clear he was in love with my twin. Second, his morals were questionable. There couldn’t be two of us with questionable morals—it’d be like feeding a serial killer more victims to murder. And lastly, if I didn’t capture his attention before, when he apparently spent ten years as my bodyguard, it was clear he only saw my twin in me now.

“You let me have the manual because you knew it was no use. Damn you.”

A quirk in his cheek. “I did.”

“You fucking⁠—”

“Better think twice about what you say next.” He drew out each word, causing my nostrils to flare. He thought he could threaten me and I’d cower? He was dead wrong. I’d learned from my dear mother that nobody was to be trusted.

Everyone was out to hurt you, and this man was no exception. My goal was to hurt him first.

“It’s not right to give me hope and then take it away.” I breathed heavily, sweat dampening my temples as I wiped my palms against my tiny denim shorts. “It’s cruel actually.”

He watched me for a beat, his eyebrows pulling tight.

Dinners this past week had been frustrating but… somewhat amicable. Of course, that didn’t keep us from lashing out at the first opportunity. Like now.

“You’re right,” he rasped. “I’m sorry.”

My eyes widened. I tilted my head, studying his expression, but found nothing except sincerity in his eyes.

I dove off the side of the boat into the cool, crystal blue water that only came up to my knees, I waded through and made my way to the shore. The sand felt warm underneath my feet as I made my way to Kingston.

I stopped ten feet in front of him, the air crackling as we stared at each other. I often wondered what he saw when he looked at me. Just a broken woman? My twin? His enemy’s daughter? Or maybe I was his enemy?

Whatever it was, it set me on edge.

“I have a surprise for you.” His dark eyes cut through me. Something fluttered whenever he so much as glanced at me. I had to pull myself together.

“You’re going to fix this boat and get me off this island?” I asked, squeezing the excess water from my ponytail.

He cleared his throat as he followed the movement of my hands. “You’re smart enough, you don’t need me to answer that.” He stood up, towering over me, and then turned. “Are you coming?”

“Do I have a choice?” I couldn’t help defying him. It was like my mouth moved independently from my mind.


My thoughts came to a halt when Kingston stopped, glancing at me over his shoulder. His lips slowly tugged in a smirk, and I hated how it frazzled me.

“I could throw you over my shoulder and carry you,” he said, his tone goading. Was he… Was he flirting with me?

“Fine. I’m coming,” I whispered, shaking my head and averting my eyes.

The rest of the way back to the estate, I followed in silence, careful not to step on sharp stones or branches. To my surprise, he led the way toward the library. The second I entered, a gasp left my lips.

“What—” I shook my head, at a loss for words. “How?”

Barefoot, I padded toward the south wall. Sometime over the last week, Kingston had rearranged one entire wall with floor-to-ceiling shelves. A ladder in front of it, carved ornately from solid wood. And the best part? It was stocked with a wide variety of romance authors—Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Barbara Cartland, Eliza Haywood, Maria Edgeworth.

I turned to find Kingston watching me, propped against the wall with his hands shoved in his pockets. His stare was edged with something heated and dark—something that battled with my resolve.

“I found them stored away in the attic.” He pushed off the wall and made his way over to me. It felt as if I’d forgotten how to breathe with each step. His long, graceful fingertips brushed over the frayed spines. “There are traditional titles, and some more…”

He cleared his throat, drawing my attention to his face. Was Kingston blushing?

“More what?” I pressed.

“More scandalous.”

“Where?” I blurted. Heat rushed to my cheeks, and every inch of me grew hot, realizing I just admitted my love for dirty romance novels.

His eyes fell to my cheeks, and then he laughed. It was an easy sound, one that I didn’t think he was accustomed to making.

Warmth curled low in my stomach.

He ran a hand through his dark hair, and before I knew what was happening, he closed the distance between us. His hand wrapped around my nape, and I waited with bated breath. I didn’t know what I was waiting for, but something told me I was about to find out.

Kingston’s mouth found mine, and I shivered. His kiss was intense, stealing my oxygen and emptying my mind from rational thought. My curves molded to his hard body, burning everywhere he touched me.

He angled my head back, ravishing my mouth with an intensity and hunger that matched my own. It was as if he couldn’t stop, and with every heartbeat, we lost ourselves to the sheer insanity of it.

Until he pulled away, leaving me unsteady on my shaky knees. His dark gaze clashed with mine as a storm brewed around us, and I knew he’d just altered the course of our lives.

“Enjoy your books,” was all he said as he walked backward away from me, away from the puddle he’d just reduced me to.
