“Nelly wants to know who’s calling,” the voice on the other end of the line said.

Jesse was sitting in his office with the door closed.

“Is this Fat Boy Nelly,” he said.

“Maybe you don’t hear so good. I said, Nelly wants to know who’s calling.”

“Jesse Stone.”

“Who in the fuck is Jesse Stone?”

“Thomas Walker gave me your number.”

“Thomas Walker give you my number? He say for you to call Fat Boy Nelly?”

“He did.”

“Why he do that?”

“You’re Fat Boy Nelly?”

“Who the fuck else I be?”

“I wasn’t certain.”

“Are you certain now, motherfucker?”

“I’d like to talk with you.”

“You are talking with me.”

“In person.”

“What in person. You best start making some sense here, Jesse Stone, or Nelly gonna hang the fuck up.”

“I’m the police chief of Paradise,” Jesse said.

“You the what?”

Jesse didn’t say anything.

“What in the fuck do the police chief of Paradise want with Fat Boy Nelly?”

“I’m investigating the murder of a young girl.”

“The murder? You think I murdered some young girl?”

“No, I don’t. But I think you might know who she is.”

Nelly didn’t say anything.

“You still with me,” Jesse said.

“Why you think Nelly might know her?”

“Thomas Walker.”

“That bullshit motherfucker.”

“I don’t really care about the politics between you and Thomas Walker. I’m looking for help in solving a murder. Girl didn’t deserve to die the way she did. You know what I’m talking about?”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Why you need to see me?”

“Better for our relationship,” Jesse said.

“Relationship? What relationship? We ain’t got no relationship.”

“Listen to me, Nelly. You already know you can help me. Name the time and place. I’ll come alone. I want to look in your eyes so I can determine for myself whether or not you’re full of shit.”

“Say what?”

“You heard me. Think about it. Ask around. I’m not out to fuck with you. I want justice for this girl who’s currently lying on a refrigerated slab with a tag tied to her foot that says ‘Jane Doe.’ Whoever she was, whatever she did, she had a name. I want to know that name. I’m what’s standing between her dignity and an unmarked grave. You understand me, Nelly?”

“I’ll call you back,” he said, and ended the call.

Jesse put the phone down. He sat back in his chair for a while. Then he picked up his mug and went out to the coffeemaker. He had just finished pouring himself a fresh cup when Molly shouted out to him.

“Call for you on line three,” she said.

“Who is it?”

“He wouldn’t say.”

Jesse returned to his office with the coffee.

“Jesse Stone,” he said, picking up the call.

“You know the gazebo in Paradise Cove?”

“I do.”

“Nelly be there in half an hour,” he said, and hung up the phone.
