My dearest Ethel!

I promised in tidy last letter to give yotk in account of the me live here, so to begin with, I had better explain that we elder girls do no real "lessons"; the object of our education beiing simply to fit us, as farthes possible, for taking a position in society as fashionable young ladies. This being the case, our only studies are the french language, musk, dancing and gymnastics, and-in Madame's eyes the most important point of all — the care and development ot our personal charms.

We are called in the morning at 8.30 by maids, who bring us cups of steaming coffee or chocolate with delicate sandwiched and bread-and-butter which we consume luxuriously in bed. After this we get up and go in pairs to the bathroom, where there is an immense bath, surrounded with mirrors on every side, and large enough to allow of two of us being in it at the same time comfortably. At first I felt very shy of finding myself naked in a bath with another girl in the same condition, especially as the mirrors gave the effect of a perfect crowd of nude figures; but since my initiation as a " Lesbian " I enjoy it immensely, and, as we intertwine our naked limbs and bodies in the hot water, it is delightful to watch the reflection of our lascivious postures in the glasses on the walls. The eldest girl-Bertha-whom I mentioned ki my last letter, is generally my Gompanioin in the bath-room; and, when the luxury feeling of the scalding water, aided by the contact of our moist bodies, has- made us begin to feet "hot" and wicked, she tells me the most delightfully improper stories, one of which I will reproduce here, for your benefit. One very hot summer afternoon a young man of about twenty five went up to his bedroom, took his coat and trousers off, and flung himself down on his bed, where, being very tired, he very soon fell sound asleep. Presently his little five year-old niece found her way into the room, and, coming close to her uncle, caught sight of his "prick," with its head hanging down between his legs. Not knowing what it was, she touched it and began to play with it, and was immensely astonished to find it immediately begin to grow big ‹and stiff, as she fondled it with her little hands, Vsry soon, by some inherent instinct of vice, she found that by playing with the hairy." balls " with one hand, and briskly rubbing the point of the u ram-rod1' with the other, it stood up so tall and thick, that she could hardly meet her baby fingers round it.

Meanwhile the man was dreaming that he was on top of a lovely girl, enjoying the most exquisite "poke" that he had ever had in his life. Child as she was, perceiv- ing that the more she rubbed and tickled his instrument, the more her uncle's sleeping body writhed about in a perfect ecstasy of pleasure, she worked it so with her little hands that in due time the hot flow of manly sperm, spirted from the end witri extra randy force, and the mighty prick sank down exhausted with the violence of its sensuality.

Frightened at this, tbe little girl ran out of the room, shutting the door behintf her and thereby making a noise which woke up her uncle, who came to the conclusion that he had just had the most delicious " wetdream "that he had ever experienced.

The little girl, however, ran downstairs fo her mother, when the following conversation took place:

" Mummy?"

" Yes, dear/*

" Uncle Harry has got a dolly".

" Has he, dear? "

"Yes, such a dear little dolly; he keeps it between his legs." …

" Nonsense, dear, what do you mean? "

"Well, 1 found it lying asleep, but wherl 1 began to play with it, it jumped up and began to play with me."

" Did it, dear?"

" Yes, but Mummy, when I had played with it a good time, I don't know how it w, but (confidentially) Dolly was sick."

Since we heard that story, we always call a man's instrument " Dolly" which is ever' so much nicer than its real names-tool, of cock, or prick, don't you think so?

Alter the bath we put on a few clothes and our dressing-gowns, as we do not make our toilette for the day till after the twelve o'clock dejeuner. When we are ready, we go downstairs to Madame's sitting room, Where we find her also en peignoir, and we then have our french lesson, which consists of reading aloud some french novel, and as we are allowed to choose what book we like, you can imagine that we pick out something pretty spicy-not of course the extra-smutty " suppressed " books that the girls read to one another in their bedrooms, but still books which would be considered awfully wicked in England-all about married women who spend half the day in bed with their lovers, and men who spend all their time with mistresses or cocvUes as the French call them, whose refinements of luxurious vice and voluptuousness are described in a marvellously outspoken manner. To give you some idea of the sort of thing I will tell you at the end of this letter about the book we are reading this week, but first I will finish the account of our day.

Whe we have finished the reading, and have discussed the words we don't know (we always pretend not to know the naughtiest words, so as to embarrass Madame by making her explain them I) we. have dejeuner, which is a sort of lunch and breakfast in one, and after that the most serious business of the day-the making of our toilette-begins, and generally occupies from about one till nearly three. When we are duly arrayed we go out with either Madame or one of the governesses, and we care so well-known for our smart get-up, that we often find some of the smartest and most fashionable of the Parisian " mashers'* standing about on the look out for us and throwing us the most audacious glances of lustful admiration from their wicked eyes as we go by..When we have admired the shops and been admired by the men sufficiently, we go back to afternoon tea, and from then till dinner at 7.30 we practise our music, or have drilling and gymnastics in awfully fetching knickerbocker-costumes.

It is only we elder girls who have the privilege of late dinner with Madame, and we have to wear low dresses for it every night, so as to accustom our constitutions to the displaying of naked busts and shoulders in the evening.

After dinner we generally dance for a little while, and about a quarter-to-ten we begin going to bed. I say " begin" because our toilette for the night takes almost as long to make as that for the day.

When this is completed, and we have made our sacrifices to the " pomps and vanities of this wicked world," we are expected to say our prayers, as Madame considers that it is " good style to be religious*" As, however, kneeling is considered bad for our knees, we say our prayers in bed, where they get rather mixed up with the naughty stories we have heard during the day. And this reminds me that I promised to tell you something about the book we are at present reading aloud to Madame.

It is by Victor Joze, and is called " Le Demi Monde des Jeunes Fittest".I need not tell you that demi-monde is the name given to the cocottes or "tarts " as a class, and the name of the book therefore implies that young girls of good society are rapidly beginning to ressemble the" tarts" in their knowledge and practice of vice.

The last chapter which we read this morning contains an account of a rendezvous between Cesar Blond, a writer of erotic and lustful poems, about forty years of age, and Bianca-a very hot society girl, half Italian and half French, who has just turned eighteen: He met Jaer first at a small dinner party, where he sat next to her at dinner and soon found out, by slily touching her foot with his, to begin with, and afterwards by bolder squeezings of her leg between his own, etc., that she was fully alive to the pleasures of sensuality, in spite of her presumed innocence and piety.

Later, in conversation, he found that she had read all the smuttiest of his own poems, as well as number of other books of a similar character. He was immensely struck with the beauty both of her face and figure, the latter being displayed by an evening corsage cut so generously low, that as she leaned forward over her plate, he could clearly see the points of her breasts trusting themselves out erect and stiff in answer to the contact of is leg against hers, while, from the sensuous smile she gave him, as she caught him looking at them, he realized that her motion forwards had been made with the deliberate intention of showing him the. voluptuous fulness of her splendid bust.

Before the end of the evening she gave him a rendez-vons for the following afternoon, and the chapter I speak of describes what happened when they met.

She arrived at the meeting-place exquisitely dressed, though, knowing what was likely to happen, she had displayed even more care and taste over the selection of her under-clothing than upon her outdoor toilette.

He came in his brougham, into which he at once handed her, telling his coachman to drive slowly and by a round-about route to his own house.

Drawing down the blinds of the carriage, he placed one arm round her waist, and, having raised her veil, began to kiss her passionately upon the lips. She pretended to resist, but showed by the ardent way in which she returned his kisses that she was really longing for him to further.

Murmuring words of the most lawless and lustful passion in her ear, and still clasping her waist with one hand, he began with the other to feel his way slowly but deliberately up her leg, under her skirt, delicately fondling the open-work silk stocking, until he reached the satin garter above the knee.

The gentle action of his practised fingers only caused her to thrill with pleasure-a thrill which was accentuated a moment later, when she noticed the triumphant smile upon his face, as the naked flesh of her tighs, with which his fingers came in contact above the stocking, told him that, evidently out of compliment to him, she had omitted to put on any drawers. In another moment he had reached her nest of Venus, where, without actually entering it, his experience enabled him, by judicious touchings and ticklings in its neighbourhood, to excite her to the highest pitch of sensual expectation. As a proof of this he felt her daintily-gloved hand involuntarily placing itself between his own legs, where his " dolly," in a violent state of erection, was making itself clearly visible beneath his trousers.

A younger and less experience man would probably have unbuttoned his trousers and engaged the poking of her then and there, but he was far too experienced to risk losing any of the enjoyment, owing to the cramped position of the carriage, while at the same time he knew how much a sensual pleasure of this kind is prolonged and increased by anticipation.

Somewhat therefore to her disappointment they reached his house without her ardent desires having been in any satisfactory way assuaged.

Conducting her to his sitting-room, they found an exquisite repast of champagne and the most delicate sandwiches; and while they were partaking freely of these he called her attention to the paintings on the walls, which were beautiful executed by first-rate artists, but were all of the most improper mythological subjects.

One represented Leda, yielding to the amorous embraces of the Swan, while another showed Jupiter in the form of a Bull inserting his immense prick into the blushing nest of Europa. Many of them were scenes from Rabelais, in which groups of naked girls in the most lascivious postures were mingled with naked men. whose " dollies " in the highest state of erection testified to the effect which these feminine charms were exercising upon them.

Having thus waked up the heat of his fair partner's body and also her imagination to such a pitch that she could scarcely contain herself, he opened the door leading into his sumptuous bedroom, and having rapidly divested her of all her clothing except her absolutely transparent chemise of pink chiffon, her long kid gloves, her long openwork silk stockings and high-heeled shoes, for to an experienced sensualist, a girl in this costume excites his lust far more than if she were absolutely naked, the stockings and shoes being in particular an added charms as the legs intertwine in the amorous struggle! — he laid her on the bed, her large dark eyes gleaming at the prospect of the pleasure she was about to experience.

In another moment he had undressed himself, and, with his " dolly," which was of an unusually large size, standing so erect and stiff that it evidently required no further stimulating, he approached the bed, Bianca opening her legs in amorous invitation as he did so.

Kneeling between them he endeavoured to thrust his "dolly " into her palpitating cunnie, but the latter was so small and the former so large that his first attempts were quite unsuccessful. Moreover when she tried to guide it to its destination, the touch of her kid-gloved fingers upon his excited prick only caused it to grow stiffer and thicker than ever.

Finding his efforts fruitless, he withdrew from her embraces for a moment, and proceeded to anoint his ramrod's point with a liberal allowance of vaseline. Then, twining his legs round hers, and clasping his hands beneath her back, while she did the same to him, they both pushed with all their force, until to their mutual delight, his organ of sex slid gently forward into hers, and in spite of its great size, pressed pnward further and further in, until its passage was stopped by the pressure of his swelling balls against the mouth of her cunt. So tight was the fit that at first he could scarcely move it up and down at all, but the intense pleasure caused by this friction soon made her organ expand, and then the amorous contest began with a series of contorsions and struggles, which would have offered a most alluring picture to a spectator, had any been present. That practised sensualist Napoleon III is reported to have said that, in making love, he much preferred the knowing side-stroke of the professional, to the ineffectual wriggle of the amateur. But though Bianca was an amateur, she had the instinct of sensuality, and owing partly to the tightness of her pussie and partly to her adroit movements, Cesar Blond was of opinion that he had never before enjoyed a more delicious " poke." His skill, on the other hand, enabled him to prolong the pleasure in such a way as fully to repay her for her efforts on his behalf. Long before he was ready "to come," the muscles of her organ contracting for the spasm of ecstatic delight, and his quickened workings brought her not only to the swoon of pleasure, but beyond it, and, to the delight of them both, it was not until " she came " for the fourth time, that his own gush of sperm, shooting out with immense force through having been witheid so long, joined with her own flow to water her very entrails, thereby at last deliciously assuaging the fire of her burning lust.

You can easily imagine, my dear Ethel, what an effect the reading aloud of such a chapter as this had upon us, and, in spite of Madame's presence, it was all we could do to prevent our hands from stealing down to tickle one another's pussies, as the description of the " poke" grew hotter and hotter. Madame herself laid down her embroidery and listened as intently as any of us, and, though, when the chapter was ended she said. she did not think it was at all a proper book for us to read, it was easy to see from her gleaming eyes how much she had enjoyed the voluptuous scene. Moreover when the girl who was reading it said that the book had been recommended her by her aunt, the Countess de B***, she at once said that, in that case, she was perfectly satisfied with it, as the countess de B*** is one of the leaders of fashion in gay Paris.

It will be my turn to read tomorrow, and I mean to try reading that chapter over again, just to see what Madame will say.

Of course it sounds a good deal coarser in English than it does in French, which seems to have an endless supply of naughty words that are quite pretty and poetical, whereas ours are nearly all ugly and dirty!

From the extract I have given you of this French novel you will think it a most awful book, but the books which the girls have locked up in their bedrooms are even worse, because they deal not merely with women being " poked " by men, but also with men poking boys, which, is called Sodomy or buggary, and women making love together, which, as you have gathered, is called Lesbianism or Sapphism. These books also have illustrations showing not only rrien but boys with their " pricks " in erection, and small girls ten years old, in the most wanton and lascivious positions,revelling in the delights of '' poking " and tickling quite as much as older women. One of the books I have seen contains most realistic pictures of a great many ways of " making love," but Bertha, who has a young man-cousin, who often " pokes " her in the holidays, says that the best way of all is to make the man stand up by the bed, while the girl is on her back, in such a way as to bring her " cunt" just to the' edge of the bed. She; opens her legs and clasps them behind his back, while he thrusts in his " dolly," the fact that he is standing firmly on the floor enabling him to " poke " with far greater force, than when he is lying on top of her in the ordinary way.

I have rambled on so long that I have no time left to tell you of the second meeting of our Lesbian Society, which was so delicious and exciting that I must reserve it for another letter. I will send you a copy of " Le Demi Monde " when I have time to get one, as I am sure it will be a perfect revelation of naughtiness to you, and yet it is said to be a very fair picture of the fast society girls here in Paris.

Ever your loving Blanche.
