My dearest Ethel,

I am afraid it is a long time since I written you one of my long letters, which is all the more disgraceful of me, as I know there are several jolly letters of yours unanswered.

In a very little while now, however, I shall be back for the holidays, and then we can have a really good time together.

I was very much interested in your account; of your first attempts to " tickle " yourself, and I am not at all surprised that you describe your sensations as " perfectly lovely" as you say that you had no difficulty in finding the " little button " in your pussie, the fondling of which causes such exquisite pleasure, and that it stood up firm and stiff under the touch of your fingers, almost like the point of one of your " tities." That is good news, dearest, for it means that you have a disposition specially inclined to all the pleasures of sensuality, and I am certain that, when I am there to teach you all about it, you will get the same heavenly enjoyment that I have been experiencing ever since my first "initiation".

Do you remember my telling you of the little thirteen-year-old girl, who was so delighted at my promise to let her sleep with me one night? Her name is Suzette, and she is the dearest little girl imaginable.

When she is in bed with one, her soft kisses and tiny tickling fingers go all over ones body in the most delicious way, and when her dear little right hand at last finds the centra of delight, the effect is perfectly indescribable, for she has such a baby hand, that all four fingers go in at once, and she knows how to cause a separate and special pleasure with each one of them. Her own little nest is so small, that I have to return the compliment with my little finger, and even that is rather a tight fit. I am hoping that I shall be allowed by her parents to bring her to England to spend part, at any rate, of the holiday with me.

It is a funny thing how different girls are!

Suzette is as naughty as ever she can be in act, and yet in word, she is the most perfectly modest and innocent child imaginable! Edith-the Countess's niece-on the other hand, is just the opposite, and at the last " Lesbian " meeting, she kept us all in fits of laughter with some of her droll stories, which are not exactly smutty, but are generally awfully suggestive, which for my part I think much nicer. I can only remember one or two of them, but these I may as well try and tell you.

Some people were trying table-turning, but were only able to find a rather heavy, clumsy table, with several drawers in it, which is not of course a very suitable one for the purpose.

One of the party, who was a spiritualist, stood by, interpreting the meaning of the table's movements.

At last one of the table-turners put the question to the table: " What is my wife doing at the present moment? "

At this the table gave a tremendous heave and finally tumbled right over on the floor, dragging some of the party with it,

" And what is the interpretation of that?" asked the husband, picking himself up from the floor, The spiritualist looked very embarrassed, and said nothing. The question was repeated, and then he said, pointing to the table: " I really must leave you to judge of the meaning for yourself."

The table was lying on its back, with its drawers open, and one ot the men was lying right on top of it, in between its legs, As this fact dawned upon the company, it can easily be imagined that they were soon in fits of laughter, with the exception of the husband, who seemed to fail to see the joke.

Another story of hers is of a pretty girl, who, for the sake of a very good-looking curate, was won't to fulfil the office of Sunday-school teacher, in spite of the risk of damage to her beautiful Sunday clothes.

One day she found herself in the middle of the story Joseph and Putiphar's wife.

Taking for granted that the children did not understand it, she rashly asked one of the boys what he would have done, if he had been in Joseph's place?

" Please, Teacher, I'd have been hup'er like a knife " was the unexpected reply; whereupon the whole class rose, and began to sing the following hymn;

" Father's got the cricket-ball

And mother's got the wicket;

And when they go to bed at night

They play a game of cricket."

Since then she has attended Sundayschool no more, but prefers to spoon the curate at afternoon tea.

And now I want to tell you about rather a curious thing that has happened, only you are so delightfully innocent that 1 — 100 — scarcely know how to explain it to you.

You know that it is quite a common tiling for a man to "keep " a girl as a the mistress'* or "cocotte," on whom he lavishes money and presents, while she in return ministers in every possible way to his sensual desires!

Even in pious. London this goes on, and in St. John's Wood, and at Richmond many a dainty little house with an exquisitely dressed mistress bears witness to the genuine piety of the London County Councillors! In Paris, on the other hand, every man without exception, who can afford it, keeps one or more " cocottes " and these are to be seen driving every day in the most splendid carriages, or displaying their beautiful busts and shoulders in the most gorgeous costumes at the Theatre or Opera, Their photos are in every shop-window, their doings are freely discussed in the papers, some of which make a speciality of giving lull accounts of their midnight supper-parties, which start with all the guests most correctly and beautifully dressed, and end with their all being still beautifully undressed. Ladies of fashion discuss them quite freely pointing out to one another the frail beauties kept by their respective husbands, and imitating them not only in dress and manner, but as far as they know how, in their lascivious behaviour in the privacy of their bedroom, And now, I suppose, you will exclaim " What is the girl driving at? "

Why just at this, my dear Ethel, which I could not very well explain without leading up to it rather gently. In Paris it is getting almost as common for a beautiful girl to be "kept" by some leading society woman as by a man! Does that take your breath away, dearest? Because if so, prepare for another gasp. The fact is that the Countess has fallen completely in love with me; and though she cannot have me altogether to live with her, as she would like, Madame allows me to spend a day and a night with her every week, during which she lavishes on me the "economies of love " that she has been saving up all the week. She has had a lovely bedroom fitted up in her house especially for me, the walls and ceiling of which are covered with mirrors, interspersed with the most suggestive and voluptuous pictures. The floor is so thickly carpeted that one might sleep on it without discomfort, and is strewn everywhere with the softest and most luxurious satin cushions. The bed itself is a triumph of voluptuous elegance, and the room is filled continually with the most delicious and intoxicating perfumes. The large hanging cupboards and chest of drawers are filled with the most lovely improper costumes,transparent chemises, openwork tights, lace drawers, satin corsets, etc., in which we array ourselves when we retire there for an evening's pleasure. When I tell you that she has taken into her service the two naughty children whose performance I described in my last letter, and that their special duty is to wait on me when I am there, you can imagine that we have a most delightfully naughty time, when we are together.

I generally go to her on friday evening, and stay with her till Saturday night; When 1 arrive I find the two children waiting for me dressed as pages in " tights," and low satin bodices, with their long hair hanging almost to the waist.

They conduct me to my bedroom and dress me-a task which pleases them both immensely, but especially the boy, whose tights instantly betray the movements of his precociously developed " flute."

When I am quite undressed, they conduct me to the splendid bathroom that opens out of the bedroom, and there the Countess's own maid helps me to enjoy the delicious sensations of a hot and heavily perfumed bath. After this I am dried and massaged, by the clever maid, and my hair is carefully done up in the latest fashionable style;

I then select the costume that I am going to wear, and to give you some idea of the way we dress at these select little dinners, I will describe to you what I wore the last time I went there.

The colours I decided on were pink and black, and accordingly a chemise of the thinnest black chiffon was brought me, with big bows of pink ribbon to act as shoulderstraps, and with a trimming of the same found the " decolletage "of the neck, Black openwork silk stockings, with pink and black satin garters were finished off With very pointed shoes of pink kid with immense Louis XV heels. A pair of pink kid gloves sewn with black and reaching to the elbow completed a costume, which sounds perhaps rather gloomy, because, there seems to be a good deal more black than pink in it; but, if you ever try wearing a thin black chiffon chemise, you will find that your body supplies the pink, which the faint black of the chiffon only serves to heighten.

When I was thus arrayed the pages ran off to fetch their mistress, who was impatiently waiting in her own room. She arrived in similar costume, only the colours she wore were light-blue and a very pale shade of caf-au-lait.

In a moment we are clasped in one another's arms, the contact of our naked bodies-for chiffon is as good as nothingcausing the most delightful shivers of pleasure to run all over us as we imprint long and lascivious kisses on one another's lips, We do not however take any further liberties with each other, as the dinner is served almost immediately, at which we are waited on by the two pages, though the boy finds the sight of our beauties so entrancing that he can scarcely walk owing to the pressure of his "dolly " against the tights.

Meanwhile we excite ourselves with the highly-seasoned viands, washed down with liberal draughts of champagne, in which the pages share, until we are all in such a state of lire that we rush into each others arms in an absolute fury of sexual desire.

Then follow a series of the most voluptuous scenes that can possibly be imagined, the Countess continually discovering some new means of heightening the pleasure.

On the Saturday morning the Countess generally drives me out in her carriage, and we make a tour of the shops, in the course of which she is only too delighted to buy me anything and everything that I may take a fancy to. The result is that I have now a large collection of the loveliest hats, stockings, handkerchiefs, gloves, etc., that you can possibly imagine, and I am sure you will be perfectly enraptured when you see them. The other girls in the Lesbian Club were at first quite mad with envy of me on account of my good fortune, but as I often pass on some of the Countess's presents to them, they are beginning to get reconciled to my intimacy with her.

Thanks to her various introductions, I have been going into Society a good deal and I am gradually learning what an immense amount of sensuality there is.

Underlying almost every Society function. At a ball, for instance, everything that can possibly excite the passions is carefully provided. The soft, but brilliant lights, the heavy perfume of the flowers and the slow languorous strains of the waltz music, all tend to arouse the sexual portion of the brain. The costly dresses of the women leaving the bust and shoulders naked, so that the maddening perfume of her very body rises to the nostrils of her partner tend to excite the men to the utmost pitch; while the soft touch of their delicate kid gloves and the thrill of the warm body inside the tightly-laced corset, as his arm encircles her waist, still further heightens the lascivious effect.

One lovely evening gown which the Countess gave me is really shockingly low cut and so thin that when 1 waltz the movement of the air holds it against my body in such a way that the outline of the legs and " ventre " show as plainly as if they were in tights. The Countess's favourite amusement is to watch me dancing in this dress with some young and susceptible partner. whose trousers soon begin to assume a more and more distorted appearance, until by a slight turn of the body I let him see the rosy points of my " tiddies," erect and firm at the thought of the effect I am producing. This generally fetches out his "dolly " so far that I can feel its head against my leg, and at that stage I generally think it safer to let him conduct me into a quiet corner, where his conversation, as a rule, soon betrays the hot and passionate lust that is consuming him.

All this is great fun, both in exciting the men oneself and also in watching the intrigues and flirtations of other naughty touples. One thing, by the way, that I have learnt from the Countess is that, when you sit out with a man on the stairs, you should always sit a step or two below him for then a dexterous bend or two will open your corsage in such a way that he can see not only your tiddies, but far down below them-a sight which is certain to cause him keen enjoyment. On the other hand, if you are entertaining a man in your boudoir, you should lie on a sopha or on a long chair, and let him sit in a low chair at your feet, when by a little thoughtless lifting of the knees, etc., you will give him a view of quite a different, but no less enchanting, portion of your person. Another thing the Countess has taught me is, in dressing for a ball, to wear plenty of soft frothy petticoats, but no drawers; for when a man's hands begin to wander gently up your leg towards the garters and higher-as often happens to me when 1 am at a ball and am sitting out a dance with some nice fellow in quiet corner-he loves to come in contact with the delicate texture of luxurious petticoats, but is sadly disappointed if his fingers cannot at last find the cave of delight for which they are seeking.

If he does this when you are lying on a sofa or long chair I need not warn you that you must protest most vigorously, and entreat him to desist, while at the same time a few cunning movements will serve to lift your petticoats higher and higher, so has to give him a better view of the treasures concealed within, thereby inflaming him to a more vigorous attack upon your "virtuous" scruples.

In fact, as you may imagine, I am now doing every thing to induce, men to take, improper liberties, with me and try to be — I "poked " by as many different pricks as possible, and I must now describe to you a delightful scene which took place one day when I reached the Countess's house a good deal earlier in the afternoon than I was expected. The pages conducted me to my bedroom, and there I lay down upon a most luxurious couch, to read the " Don Juan " a very wicked paper, until the Countess came in from her drive. Presently the door was opened by the wicked pages to admit a very pretty boy between fifteen and sixteen years old, who I learned was a cousin of the Countess, paying her a brief visit from school. The pages shut the door and left him all alone with me, blushing very charmingly with embarrassment at his unexpected situation.

I had only thrown off my hat, which lay on a chair, and was otherwise dressed just as I had come in from the street. My tiny arched shoes with their sharp points and tall slender heels were thrust negligently out a frou-frou pf white petticoats, which were pulled up high enough to disclose the skin of a dainty pink ankle, peeping through the windows of a black open-work stocking.

I saw his gaze wander gradually up from there to my very tightly corseted waist, above which my bust stood out most voluptuously, being lifted up by one qf the cushions on which I lay, in such a manner that not only the big round globes but also the sturdy little "' pricks " showed plainly and attractively beneath the thin wellfitting corsage. My hands were gloved to the elbow in spotless lavender kid that fitted without a wrinkle, and the slight disorder of my hair dit not, I fancy, serve to make it look any fess attractive.

From his increasing blushes I saw that he was somewhat troubled in the seat of his emotions, and so I asked him to sit down, and chatted with* him on various topics, leading them gradually round to the paper I held in my hand, the illustrations of which, being mainly of pretty girls, all in attractive forms of undress or no dress at all, were, calculated to increase rather that diminish the vague desires with which he was beginning to burn. When I could see from the flash in his lovely eyes that he was beginning to feel really naughty, a fact which my sly glances at his trousers fully confirmed. I suggested that he should help me to take off my gloves, as it was rather hot.

The voluptuous feeling of the soft kid, warm with the glow of the femine hand it had so tightly clasped, caused him such exquisite thrills of pleasure and desire, that he lingered a long time over this evidently delightful task.

I laughingly complimented him on being so excellent a lady's maid, and suggested that perhaps he would like to take off my shoes as well. His sensuality was now so thoroughly aroused that he took the tiny slipper in his hand, and having gently and caressingly drawn it off, he imprinted a Jong lascivious kiss upon the rosy instep, which stood arched up beneath its flimsy covering.

In doing this to the second foot, he lifted it so high to his lips that he caught a glimpse of the pink and black satin garters clasping my leg above the knee. May I not take off those as well? " he asked with a still more violent blush; to which I of course replied: " Certainly not, you dreads fully naughty boy." But as I smiled at him while I said it, and at the same time gently pulled up my skirts so as to give him a full view of these dainty circlets, being a youth of sense, in spite of his innocence and shyness, he took this as being the permis^ sion it was meant to be, and in a few minutes the garters were off, and, having kissed them, he placed one upon his head as a sort of crown, while he continued from time to time to caress the legs from which he had taken them.

Now, it is a whim of my protectress that I should always wear very long opera stockings, reaching right up to my ahem (as I have become a shameless "Society whore," I was going to say my "arse," but remembering yqu are so delightfully innocent yet, I have been afraid to shock you, dear!) So, when I had tantalized my pretty boy a little longer I said: " Weil, aren't you going to finish the job and take off the stockings too? "

He looked about quite bewildered as to how to begin, so at last I said: " Well, flon't you know how to take off a pair of stockings yet? "

" 1-I know how to take off my own " he stammered, u How do you do it? " I enquired,

" Peel them downwards from the top " he answered in a very low voice.

" Quite right," I said, " Why don't you do it? "

His look of puzzled modesty at this was most amusing, and I don't think that I ever in my life felt anything so delicious as my sensations during those next few minutes.

Very slowly and cautiously his hands stole up my thighs, expecting every moment to find the stockings come to an end, and going slower and slower, the nearer they got to my love-nest, which was by this time getting so hot that the scent of Rhine violets, with which I always perfume it in accordance with the Countess's wishes-and by no means against my own, was wafted so strongly in his face as to almost overpower him with voluptuous and lustful feelings, which it excited in his innocent and inexperienced mind. For my part, his modesty and blushing awkwardness made the pleasure caused by the soft tickling of his fingers, as they gradually approached my burning grotto, a thousand times greater than if he had been the most knowing expert of vice in existence.

At last, just at the warm spot wJhere the body meets the thighs, his fingers touched the top of the stocking, while at the same moment his hand came in contact with the curves of my over-hanging "ventre," and brushed against the soft tufts of down that fringe the entrance to my "tpussie." The start which he gave at this quite unexpected discovery showed clearly enough that this was his first introduction to the mysteries of the mechanism of the feminine person, while the shivers ot pleasure that ran all over his body showed how strongly they affected him.

As he pulled gently at the rim of the stocking I pressed my thighs close together to prevent his being able to draw the stocking downwards, and in so doing I imprisoned his little finger, thereby obliging his hand to remain in its soft warm resting place, his faint struggles to get free causing me the most exquisite tickling that can possibly be imagined.

Glancing coquettishly at him, I said: " Why don't you pull my stockings down."

"Because I can't " he answered, blushing more than ever.

"Perhaps something has caught them and you better look and see what it is " I said and, gently lifting up the skirt and petticoats and releasing at the same time his naughty hand, I opened my legs wide apart and gave him a full view of the beauty spot where it had been imprisoned.

I remained like that with my clothes up for a few minutes, fully exposing myself, and noticed with delight the sudden bound given by his boyish " ramrod " inside the trousers, which now stood out in so frank and undisguised a fashion, that I could not refrain from putting out my hand and feeling its sturdy head, the throbbing of which was plainly felt through his trousers. Then, with a hasty movement of assumed modesty, I pulled down my skirt, and said: " I am afraid you are a dreadfully naughty boy! I hope you did not look right up under my petticoats!"

For a moment he did not know what to do, but at last, seeing my smiling face and outstretched arms, he embraced me, returning with all the ardour of which he was capable the burning kiss that I imprinted, with all the lascivious sensuality that the scene had aroused in my breast, on his panting lips. tfc And now you must go, Baby " I said to him for I am really going to undress in earnest." And saying this, I rose from the couch and began unbuttoning my corsage.

"May I help you?" he asked wistfully, as he perceived that a few moments would serve set free the two great globes, which were already straining to get free from the restraint of the corset. "Certainly not " I answered, throwing open the bodice, so that the beginning of the bust showed plainly under the lace of the chemise. On this he greedily fixed his eyes, and another moment or two served to unfasten the skirt, so that I stood before him in corset and petticoats-both peing of the most exquisite and voluptuous kind that Paris can produce.

"What? Still there?" I said, as I noticed that he showed no signs of departing. "Very well; then you must sit down and turn your head the other way, because it would never do for a boy like you to know what a girl looks like when she is undressed." Saying this I turned him round and, after giving him a voluptuous kiss on his rosy lips, sat him down in a chair straight opposite a mirror in which I had been all the time contemplating myself. — Unfastening now the petticoats, I held them up with my hands for a few moments, telling him that he must not look in the glass., as I could not allow him to see me in my drawers. As I intended, this had the effect of making him glue his eyes to my reflection in the glass and as 1 let the dainty underwear sink to the ground: "Oh dear!"

I exclaimed."I quite forgot that I had no drawers on! " but he had, I fancy, discovered the fact in his previous explorations.

I was now clad in a pink satin corset, clasping my tiny waist over a perfectly transparent chemise of black gauze, through which my long stockings were perfectly visible, while the tinted marble of my ventre showed up in voluptuous contrast to the curly home of Venus between my thighs.

Feasting his eyes on the reflection of this in the mirror, he remained absolutely entranced by the sight of this to him quiie novel spectacle of female nudity.

My efforts to unlace my very tight corset were of course quite fruitless, and so I had to ask my youthlul companion whether he — 120 — Was good at Untying knots. At this he turned round, and positively staggered when he came near enough to perceive the intoxicating perfume, half natural, half artificial that exhaled from my warm body.

Presenting my back to him, I could see in the glass his eyes fall lovingly upon my two plump cheeks, while his hands fumbled, not so clumsily as I expected, at the stay lace. Presently it was really undone, and as the pressure on my body slowly relaxed, I unfastened the front hooks, and was left in the most naked of all states of nudity- a transparent chemise.

Luckily for me I knew I had nothing to fear from the loss of the corset, for my breasts stand up as high and firm, and my waist is almost as slender without them, as with them. And as I looked in the mirror I could not help thinking that this lucky school boy was decidedly to be envied in making his first discoveries of sexual mysteries under such unusually voluptuous circumstances. At every movement my plump nudities stood out in such a way as almost to brush against him, while the feelings which his modesty excited in me brought it about that I looked far prettier" at that moment than I had ever looked before.

I an ecstasy of excited passion, he flung himself at my feet, and began once more to kiss them through the stockings with hot burning kisses. Lifting him up and seeing the pitiable state of his "staff of mandhood," I-yes, dear, with my own hands! — gently began to unfasten his trousers, which soon fell off, and were quickly followed by everything else except a coquettish little " jersey " scarcely reaching to his hips, below which, his pretty instrument stood up very shy and embarrassed, and yet apparently bent upon doing its duty manfully, whenever it should be called upon.

Standing hand in hand before the mirror, I bade him notice the difference between us though I observed that his eyes were so busy looking at my private domain, that he had no eyes for his own sturdy little " trunk " with its sprouting undergrowth. In a short time both our eyes were so flashing with amorous desire that it seemed a shame to make him wait any longer.

" Get into bed, Baby*" I said, and I will join you in a minute."

He did not require much pressing, and in another moment he was nestling in the luxurious down cushions of the most voluptuous bed that money could buy.

Without delay I crept in beside him, and lifting up the chemise to the height of my loins, I clasped him in my arms, so that the point of his " dolly " was gently kissing my thighs close to the pussie.

In this position we kissed and cuddled for some time, until I plainly perceived that he did not know how to fulfil his share of the task. Thereupon I slid my hand down and gently clasping his " dolly," I tickled and caressed it, until it was nearly double its former size. Then, guiding it to the lips of my glowing nest, I clasped my arms round him, very gently drawing him towards me, thereby causing his bow-sprit to slide very slowly onwards into its haven. Never shall I forget the look of pleasure which now began to overspread his pretty face, when he at last found his manly spade digging in its proper soil. To prolong his pleasure as much as possible, I made him work very slowly at first, softly tickling his spine, and kissing his lips in the most lascivious manner possible. Soon however the frenzy of love began to overtake him, and his movements quickened, as my eager pussie sucked him further and further in, our bodies twisting and writhing in our exquisite, and to him hitherto unsuspected, contest of delight.

You cannot imagine how delicious it was to feel his firm white boyish limbs pressing against mine, while the plumpness of my breasts, thighs and ventre evidently caused him the most voluptuous'sensations.

Just as we were reaching the supreme moment, the door opened, and in walked the Countess, much to my horror, for I knew that she was very jealous of my allowing anyone to have the enjoyment of my charms except herself. Our look of ecstasy at the delightful sensations we were experiencing, however caused her sensuality to get the better of her jealousy, and tearing the bed-clothes off us, she was just in time to see us in the full transports of "corning" together-an experience so novel for the boy that he could at first hardly realise the full rapture of it.

She was so delighted with this spectacle, and her sensuality was so much aroused,that she quite forgive us, and after kissing us both and ordering the pages to bring in several bottles of champagne, she got her maid to undress her and soon joined us in bed, my young lover being placed between her and myself, so that we might both cuddle him.

Meanwhile the pages had brought the champagne, so, kissing and caressing the pretty boy, we began to prime him with it, while the Countess and myself took good care to have our full share of the wine, and soon we became most lively and in the proper mood to enjoy anything most licentious. We now began to initiate the boy to all the mysteries and most refined practices of love. But soon the wine made us mad with lust and I will not relate to you, dear, all that took place, for it would shock you too much! Suffice it to say that we took a sensual delight,in corrupting this boy-only a child yet!-and that we both showed ourselves as expert in all the forms of vice as if we had been professional "prostitutes " instead of being only "Society whores."

As for our lover, he was called upon to perform prodigies of lustful valour, of which, considering he was only a beginner, he acquitted himself most nobly; but at last he was quite done up and, as the Countess was "gammerouging " him for the third time, while I was " frigging " his bottomhole with two of my fingers, which I had inserted as far as they would go, he fainted right off.

And now, dear, I must really bring this letter to an end, as I shall be seeing you. soon and shall be able to give you some practical illustrations, which are far feeder than any amount of description, And as among other lovely presents which the Countess has given me is a marocco case containing a set of four beautiful dildoes

the most perfect that Paris can produce and varying in size-with the smallest one I am intending, if you are willing, to initiate you into the mysteries of " poking," while the largest, which I have not yet dared to use, I am saving up. in the hope that you will help me to summon up the courage to allow you to put it into me. Besides this she has given me a whole box of beautifully-bound books on the most erotic and voluptuous subjects, which you will certainly read with interest and the lecture of which is sure to increase your sensuality; and as to naughty clothes, I have got simply dozens of openwork tights, stockings and transparent chemises, and some of these, I hope, you will condescend to wear.

In fact I intend to make you as lascivious as I am myself and hope that we shall soon find some nice boys to " poke" us both.

And don't be afraid, dear, that, by showing yourself rather loose and by allowing men to take the fullest liberties with your person,

You might compromise your future and will, not be able later to find a husband, for on the contrary a girl who is very fast attracts, men like honey draws flies, and by becoming a little " Society whore " like me, you are sure to have all the more men to propose, to you. For my part I have had, since I got into Society here in Paris, lots of proposals, and some of them came from men. who had " had " me and who knew that other men had "poked " me as well; some men went even so far as to tell me that if married them they would leave' me the fullest liberty to enjoy myself and " poke " with whoever I should take a fancy to.

This, I know, will seem quae incredible to you, but I assure you it is the perfect truth, and there are many such husbands in Paris, who not only wink at their wives open misconduct, but even do everything to induce them to go for the greatest excesses and to give way altogether to their sexual passions; and this, which of course seems a very extraordinary way for a husband to act towards his wife, is done in the hope of depraving the wife completely and of makirtg her better "fit" to satisfy her husband's vices! And by the way, after you have read all the other books given to me by the Countess, I shall lend you a one called "My married Life," in which you will read the history of a woman whose husband takes a delight in depraving: The more shameless, the more wicked and the more cruel she becomes, the more attached he gets to her!

It is a most awfull book, even more abominable than de Sades's works in French, and some parts I find rather disgusting, but for all that it is most interesting, first because it is not like any other English erotic book, but principally on account of the strange philosophy pervading the work.

And now, dearest, I hope you do not leave my letters lying about, as I fancy they are scarcely the style of correspondence that young ladies of my age are supposed to indulge in, though I believe lots of other girls are just as bad, only they are afraid of being found out.

Ever your loving

