Chapter 23

At first I hadn’t intended to tell Prim about my exciting weekend, but I have this belief that the first secret in a relationship can be the seed of a disease which can destroy it in time. So I blurted it all out as she drove me home from Glasgow Airport in the Freelander.

She was far more worried about the two hooligans than about Ronnie. I was pleased at first, until she told me why. ‘She’s a man-eater, dear; I knew that the moment I saw her. She’s a predator, and you’re insecure when it comes to aggressive women.’

I felt myself pouting. ‘I’d prefer to say that I like to make my own choices rather than being chosen. I chose to think of you and showed her the door.’

‘I’ll express my gratitude later,’ she promised. ‘Now about these thugs. Were you hurt at all?’

‘I’ve got a bruise on my shoulder, that’s all.’ I laughed. ‘When Liam told Everett about it, he wanted to put me in a match.’


‘Don’t worry, I told him to forget it.’

‘We won’t see those men again, will we?’

‘No danger. They were hospital cases; I’m pretty sure they’ll be retiring from the thugging business. Now, tell me about Mira Donn. Did she give you a photograph of her boy?’

Primavera grinned. ‘Now that’s an interesting story too. I went to see her on Friday evening, as we agreed; I didn’t tell her about the firebomb, just that we still needed to speak with him. I told her it would help us if we knew what he looked like. She told me that as she was sure he had done nothing, she was quite happy to give me a photo.

‘Then, just like Uncle Joseph, she went to look for one, and came back a few minutes later looking puzzled. She said that she couldn’t find any, that all the pictures with Stephen in them had disappeared. I asked if she could lend me a negative so I could make a print; she had another look through her box, but the negs were all missing too.’

‘Do you think she was just kidding you along?’ I asked. ‘Trying to get out of giving you one?’

‘No, the woman was genuinely surprised, embarrassed and a bit rattled too, I think. I got the impression that she was beginning to believe that her Stephen might have had something to do with Susie’s letters. So at that point, I asked her straight out if she had heard from him. She said that she hadn’t — but of course we know from Mike that he called her last week. She was covering up for him.’

‘Was she indeed? Did you tell her that we’d been to Joe’s looking for a picture?’


‘In that case, I reckon she’s figured out that Stephen knows we’re on to him and that he’s been back to her place, and to his uncle’s, to make life a bit more difficult for us.’

‘If she wasn’t covering up for him before, she is now. Let’s see what else she’s been up to.’

As Prim swung the car on to the Kingston Bridge, I could see our flat. But I was buzzing; I couldn’t wait until we got there. I took my mobile from my pocket and dialled Susie’s number. I was pleased when Mike answered, for I didn’t know how much he’d told her of his operation.

‘Hello mate,’ he said cheerily. ‘You back from London?’

‘Nearly. I’m on my way in from the airport. Listen sunshine, we’ve drawn a blank on photos of young Mr Donn.’ Quickly I told him of the missing family snapshots.

‘Jeez,’ he whispered. ‘If there was ever any doubt that he’s our man, that seals it.’

‘Sure, but there’s something else I’m wondering about him. A couple of guys tried to do me over in London on Saturday night.’

‘They what?! You all right?’

‘Sure, Liam and I sorted them, no problem.’ I laughed. ‘You don’t mess with the GWA, mate. I thought I knew who sent them, but now I’m not so sure. I don’t want to say too much on this thing, but did you pick up any traffic from Barassie on Friday evening?’

There was a short silence. ‘No one’s reported anything to me, but I’ll check up, and let you know.’

‘Thanks. While you’re doing it, bear this in mind: it occurred to me on the plane. The lady in question’s a lecturer in communications, and she has a computer. I wonder if she uses e-mail?’

‘Good thinking, Oz. I’ll let you know. I’ll try to get back to you tonight.’
