Chapter 48

We spent a hellish day, Prim and I, waiting for the doorbell or the telephone to ring, and watching Miles struggle to keep himself under control. At one point in the early afternoon, I really did think that the world’s fourth most famous person was going to come apart before my eyes.

I took him for a walk around the garden. ‘We’re all different animals,’ I told him, ‘and we all feel different things. But maybe this will help you. When I had my big crisis, two years ago, I got through it by finding something to focus on. I was angry, just like you are now, and in despair, but I built a mental shell out of my rage, and I used it to keep me on track, while I did the things I had to do.

‘So if I were you, I’d do my best to concentrate on Stephen Donn. Don’t think about anything else; most of all, don’t think about Dawn. What’s happened to her has happened. We don’t know what the outcome will be, but we’re doing everything we can to ensure that it works out okay. Pretty soon we’ll be told what to do, and when we are we’ll have some decisions to make.

‘When we do make them, we’ll have two objectives in mind. First and foremost, getting Dawn back safe, and, eventually if not at the same time, getting our hands on Stephen Donn.’

Miles stared at the ground in front of him as we walked. ‘I don’t know if I want to get my hands on Stephen Donn, Oz. I wouldn’t trust myself not to kill him.’

‘Well I’m going to catch up with him, sunshine. That’s the only picture I have in my mind at the moment. The bastard has chosen me as the focal point of all this mayhem, and I’m going to find out why. At the very least, I owe him a real doing for a wee hurt boy up in Fife, and he’s going to get it. You can hold my jacket if you like.’

‘Hey,’ my future in-law looked at me with a strange, sad grin on his lined face. ‘What happened to the harmless, amiable clown I met up in Oban those years back?’

‘The amiable clown’s still there, I hope. But he isn’t harmless any more. When Fate stamps on your toes there’s usually nothing to do save learning to live with the pain. But when it’s people who do it to you, then if it’s in your power, you hunt them down and do it right back.’

‘What about turning the other cheek?’

‘Do that, and you get your arse well kicked.’

In spite of himself, Miles laughed. ‘I promise you this,’ I told him. ‘I don’t know why but I’m certain of it. This time next week, we’re going to be finishing that movie. And think of the publicity it’s going to get when the telly and the tabloids get hold of the story.’

‘In that case we’d better catch Donn,’ he said, grim once more. ‘Otherwise before long folks’ll be saying I set the whole thing up myself.’

He punched me lightly on the shoulder. ‘Thanks pal. I know I was wobbling back there; I’m back on track now. I’m even thinking positive. You remember that guy Pep Newton?’

‘The sound man? Sure.’

‘He seemed to me to be buddies with Stu Queen. How would you and Prim like to go talk to him? I’ll stay here to man the phones.’

‘If he calls.’

‘Or wait for the mailman.’

‘If he writes.’

‘Ah, what the hell. If Donn has read the script, he’ll think it takes a couple of days to get serious money together.’

I nodded. ‘Okay. We’ll go and see Pep if you want. How should we play it, though?’

‘Tell him there’s some sound-editing needs doing and we have to find him?’

‘Do feature players usually go looking for staff?’ I asked, innocently.

‘They do if Miles Grayson sends them. Tell him that Geraldine’s gone off for a few days too. I’ll call her now and get Pep’s address.’
