AUGUST 14, 3:35 P.M. EDT
A lone figure with a patrician bearing stood on the second-floor balcony of the large beach house, smoking a Winston and watching the gulls skim across the surface of the ocean searching for prey. It was a hot day, but the northerly breeze skirting along the coast made it bearable. Comfortable, almost.
His cell phone rang as expected, the ringtone reserved for a specific caller. He transferred the cigarette to his left hand, reached into his pocket with his right, and spoke without any salutations or pleasantries. “Status?”
“Double-blind staging is almost complete,” the assassin replied.
“Forty-eight hours.”
The patrician paused for a moment, drew the cigarette to his lips, and then expelled the smoke slowly. “Begin to execute.”
“The impediment, however, remains.”
“The impediment is not operational.”
“The impediment remains formidable,” the assassin insisted.
The patrician was unused to the assassin expressing concern about obstacles to mission success. He brought the cigarette to his lips again, inhaled deeply, and scanned the horizon for several seconds before speaking. “Where is the impediment?”
“How much time is needed to address the impediment?”
Silence for two beats. It also was unusual for the assassin to hesitate. “Unknown.”
The patrician was neither surprised nor perturbed by the response. Their previous experience with the impediment demonstrated it was the most truthful answer.
“We have ninety-six hours to execute. Use whatever assets are necessary to eliminate the impediment.”
Ending the call, the patrician turned around and walked casually to the picture window facing westward to gaze upon a mainland that soon would be changed forever.