AUGUST 17, 9:58 P.M. MSK

Yuri Mikhailov rose from the chair behind his desk and arched his back. Sitting for long periods of time occasionally produced lower-back spasms, a consequence of a weight-training injury during his days as an athlete. His physician had recommended surgery, but Mikhailov considered the pain a mere nuisance he could live with.

There was a short rap at the door and Vasiliev entered.

“Piotr Egorshin is dead.”

Mikhailov showed no reaction. His face was impassive. Vasiliev had seen the look many times before. It wasn’t indifference. It was cold, shrewd calculation. The ultimate poker face. Mikhailov’s mind was assessing the implications and formulating a strategy. Several questions and commands would be forthcoming.

Vasiliev said, “He was found in Palinieva’s apartment a short time ago. He’d been shot in the head.”

“Stetchkin,” Mikhailov said.


“I want to know who Stetchkin commissioned to kill Egorshin and where that person is within the next thirty minutes. Direct FSB to send me transcripts of all of Stetchkin’s communications—whether by landlines, cell phones, laptop—for the last twenty-four hours. I want transcripts for the communications of all of his principal assistants also. Tell FSB Stetchkin is not to leave their sight. And then tell Stetchkin to be here at precisely 7:00 A.M.”

“Anything else?”

“Does Egorshin’s death affect our plans in any way?”

“Stetchkin was right. Everything is in place. Egorshin’s death is immaterial to the success of the event.”

“I told him he could take no action against Egorshin. I was clear about that.” Mikhailov paused. “Where is Palinieva?”

“She was the one who found Egorshin’s body in her apartment upon returning from a meeting. She placed the call to Moscow police. I assume she is still at the apartment.”

“Make sure there is sufficient security with her at all times. She is to be kept perfectly safe. And Stetchkin must not be permitted anywhere near her.”

Vasiliev nodded and began to leave.


Vasiliev stopped, turned, and nodded deferentially.

“Who will execute the event now that Egorshin is dead?”

“It is my understanding it is a Major Volkov, Egorshin’s second.”

“I assume he is highly competent; otherwise, he would not have been in such a position.”

“All reports indicate he should be more than capable of handling the task. He is not in Egorshin’s class, but Egorshin trained Volkov well. It is my understanding that Egorshin planned for such a contingency—not necessarily his death, of course, but some form of incapacity or circumstance preventing him from personally handling the matter. He was very thorough. In fact, Volkov is only one of three individuals Egorshin trained to act in case of an emergency.”

“Very good. Have Volkov and the other two individuals Egorshin trained—what are their names?”

“Major Gennady Tokarsky and Major Igor Starpov.”

“Have all three of them report here no later than 7:00 A.M.”

“Very well, sir.”

“Where is Bor at this moment?”

“I believe he is at the embassy in Washington.”

“Contact him. If he is not at the embassy, find him—and have him contact me. No one, either here or at the embassy, must know. Alpha protocol.”


“To whom do you think Stetchkin assigned the task of killing Egorshin?”

“Unknown. Stetchkin has used a variety of individuals in the past. On occasion, depending on the situation, he has used vory.

“He would never do so in this case. He knows very well vory would never undertake an assignment such as that. Who did he consider his best?”

Vasiliev’s eyes narrowed in thought. “It is rumored that his favorite person is Eva Kuznetsova.”

“She is former SVR?”

“Retired, but not so retired. She has a unique ability to get close to her targets. She favors small-caliber handguns.”

“I want her located also. Have her watched. Tell FSB to put enough personnel on her that she could not possibly disappear. Inform them to be prepared to eliminate her if I so choose.”

“Of course.”

Mikhailov shook his head. “Reckless and unnecessary. Unconscionable. When the event is passed, we will purge all of the undisciplined fools who put themselves before Russia. They cannot be tolerated. We will need leaders who act only for the greater good of what will be the most dominant power in the world.”
