She could hear sirens: the nearest fire station was no more than three quarters of a mile away. She started back inside one last time, unaware that she was panting, that her hair was frizzing and uncurling with the heat, that shed taken spark burns on her hands and arms, that shed walked on broken glass and cut her feet. She felt it all as discomfort, but she wanted to save the last things, some dishes her mother gave her…

She couldnt reach them. The rug in the living room hadignited, and thick gray smoke was rolling through the house. She staggered back through the door just as the first of the fire engines arrived. She ran around the house as the firemen hopped off the truck, and yelled, The front room…


Weather sat on the curb and watched the fireman knock down the front door.

And after a minute, she began to cry.


TEN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING WAS AN EARLY HOUR for a man to be recalcitrant, Lucas thought, especially if he wasnt a cop, but Stephen Jones was recalcitrant.

Of course Id like to help, but I have the damnedest feeling that if I talk to you, its going to find its way into a gossip column.

Not from me it wont, Lucas said.

A piece of art hung from the wall behind Joness desk. The print was colorful and maybe even beautiful, though it resembled a woman hacked up with a pizza cutter. Lucas, who knew almost nothing about fine art, suspected it was a Picasso.

And the thing is, if it does, Id be severely damaged…

I can assure you it wont happen, Lucas said patiently.

Jones rubbed the back of his neck and said, All right. If somebody absolutely pushed T-Bone up against the wall, when the only option was kill or be killed, hed kill. But this situation isnt like that. Hes already got a lot of money, and hes good enough that he could go somewhere else in a top job. So I dont see it.

Assume that somehow, we dont know how, he waspushed to the wall. Emotionally, psychologically, or maybe he gambles and we dont know it.

Jones shook his head. Even then… hes the kind of guy whod always figure he could recover. Always get back. The thing is, he grew up poor. Did you know that?


Yeah, some cracker family down south somewhere, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama. He made it all on his own. Hes a guy who figures he can always do it again. I dont think hed…

His voice died away.

What? Lucas asked.

You know… If you come at this from another angle… Were talking about whether hed cold-bloodedly kill someone because hed lose money or his job; and I dont think he would. But I can see him killing somebody if the other person had something on him, Jones said. Blackmail, for instance. If Kresge had something really serious on him, and threatened to use it, for some reason, I can see Bone killing him for that reason. Not to keep it from being used, but because the threat, or the extortion, would… besmirch his honor. He mused over the thought, then jerked his head in a nod: Yep. That would do it. Thats the only way I see Bone deliberately killing somebody. But it would have to be deadly serious, and it would have to be deadly personal.

What about Terrance Robles?

I dont know him well enough to answer. I really dont.

Susan ODell?

Susan couldnt do it. Shes crusty and calculating and all that, but shes got a soft interior.

Ive seen a deer that would disagree with you, Lucas said.

You mean the hunting? Thats cultural, Jones said. People from out there, out on the prairie, farmers, have a whole different attitude toward the life and death of animals than they do the life and death of people. I really dontthink she could kill anyone. Im not even sure she could do it in self-defense, to be honest with you. Nope. Youre barking up the wrong tree with Susan.

Wilson McDonald.

Jones frowned. I can see him killing somebody, but itd be in hot blood, not cold blood. If he was drunk and angry, he might strike out. Hes got a violent streak, and he can be sneaky about it. But as for pulling off a calculated killing… I dont think so. Actually, I think hed be chicken. Hed start imagining all the things that could go wrong, and, you know, being thrown in prison with a bunch of sodomites. I dont think so.

What about the moral equationwould it be…

Oh, it wouldnt be a moral problem for him. Hed just be chicken. Wilson McDonalds a classic bully, with all the classic characteristics of a bully: hes a coward at heart.

LUCAS MET SHERRILL IN THE SKYWAY OFF CITY CENTER, and she was shaking her head as she came up. Theyre all innocent, she said. What happened with Louise Freeman?

Louise Freeman was the gossip mentioned by Bones attorney friend Sandra Ollsen. She and her old man went to New York, Lucas said. Shes back on Friday. I talked to Jones instead.

How about Black? Did he get anything?

Havent talked to him yet. Hes supposed to call when hes done talking with Markham. So: Youll take Bennett, and Ill take Kerr.

Why dont we go over to Saks first, she suggested. You can buy me something expensive.

Ive got about twenty dollars on me, Lucas said.

So lets go to the bank and you can take out a bunch of money.

Give me a break, huh? I dont The phone in Sherrills purse buzzed, and Lucas said, Probably Black.

Sherrill fished the phone out of her purse, said, Hello, listened, and passed the phone to Lucas. Dispatch, looking for you.

Lucas took the phone: Yeah?

THE DISPATCHER SAID, LUCAS, A WOMAN NAMED Andi Manette is trying to get you. She says its about a personal friend of yours and its extremely urgent. You want the number?

Oh, Jesus, Lucas said. Andi Manette was Weathers shrink. Hang on. He patted his pockets, found a pen and a slip of paper, and said, What is it?

He copied the number, punched the power button, punched it again, and dialed.

Manette picked it up on the first ring: Yes?

Andi? This is Lucas.

Lucas, I need to tell you something, but I dont want you running off to help. Nobody needs help.

What? What?

Weather was… Somebody firebombed Weathers house last night. She was singed a little, and has some small cuts, but shes not badly hurt. Shes going to be staying with us for a while, until this is straightened out.

Firebombed! What do you mean, firebombed? Where is she?

The thing is, it would be best if you didnt go looking for her. Shes pretty freaked out, and having you around, with all the associations, wont help.

Well, Jesus Christ, Andi, what happened? Do I get to know that?

Nobody knows what happened. Its being handled by the Edina police.

You dont mean just an explosion or something, you mean somebody threw a firebomb through her window.

Thats exactly what happened, Manette said. Somebody threw a firebomb through her picture window.

Andi, I swear to God I wont come after her, but where is she? Tell me that. Just tell me.

Shes at my house, taking a nap right now. Shes hada couple of sedatives, shes feeling better. But we figured that people would let you know, and that Id better talk to you.

Let me know? My God, Andi, Im probably a suspect. And even… I gotta call those guys.

Dont call…

Not Weather. Ive got to call Edina.

Okay. But please dont come out, okay?


Thanks. You know Im trying to bail this out for the two of you, and Im bailing as hard as I can.

Hey listen, Lucas said. Thanks for calling me.

He punched off and Sherrill said, Weather? Firebombed? She looked perplexed.

Yeah. Last night. Listen, you go after these other guys. Im running out to Edina.


Dont have much to show you, Hafman said. Somebody walked up last night and pitched a gallon jug of gasoline through the front window. Weve got bits of the wick, looks like a piece of ordinary cotton cloth, Im told. There is one odd thing…


The bottle was scored so itd break easier. Scored with a glass cutter. The guys out here say that sounds like a pro.

I never heard of that, Lucas said. Look, could I come out and talk to your guys?

Come on ahead.

He rang off and handed the phone back to Sherrill, and it immediately beeped again. She answered and handed it back: Dispatch again.


Put it through.

There was a click, and a woman said, Chief Davenport? She had a purring voice, a little smoky.

Yes, this is Davenport. Who is this?

Did you know that Jim Bone was sleeping with Dan Kresges wife? For a long time? And now shell get all those options that used to be worthless?

And the phone went dead. Lucas looked at it, looked at Sherrill.

Now what?

That was our woman, I think.

Really? Whatd she say?

She said Jim Bone is sleeping with Kresges wife. And that shes gonna get a pile of stock options now that hes dead.

Sherrills eyebrows went up: Any more goddamn clues and well have to get a secretary to keep track of them.

Jim Bone, Lucas said. Huh.

WHEN WEATHER LEFT LUCAS, SHED STAYED WITH THE Manettes for a couple of weeks, then had taken over the lease on a small house being vacated by a University Hospitals surgical resident. Lucas had cruised it in city cars a half-dozen times, hoping to get a glimpse of her. He never had, but he knew the house.

Now he cruised it again, a ranch-style house of stone and clapboard that reminded him of his own house. It looked much the same as it always had, except that the front picture window, which looked out across the flagstone walk, was covered by a piece of unpainted plywood; and the eaves over the window were stained with soot.

He pulled into the driveway, got out, walked up to the front of the house, and peered through the small windows that flanked the center window. He was looking in at the front room: the place was a jumble of scorched furniture and carpeting, with burned drywall panels hanging down from the ceiling, books scattered across the floor in sodden clumps. He could smell the smoke and the water and the burned fiberglass insulation. No gasoline.

He stepped back, and as he turned to leave, noticed a woman watching from next door: she wasnt hiding, and didnt pretend to be doing anything else. Shed come outside to watch him. He headed toward her, dug out his identification.

Hello. Im Deputy Chief of Police Lucas Davenport from Minneapolis; Im a friend of Weathers.

The frown on her face eased a bit, and she tried on a smile. Oh, good. Ive been trying to keep an eye on the place since last night.

Thanks. I, uh, Im on my way to talk to your police chief out here, and I thought Id take a look… Listen, do you know if anybody saw anything last night? Or heard anything?

Nobody in my house heard anything until the fire engines, but Jane Yarrow across the street heard the window break. She said she didnt know it was a window breaking until later. She just heardsomething. And then she heard a car door slam, but she didnt get up until she heard the sirens. And that was about itnothing like this ever happened here before.

THE CHIEF WAS OUT WHEN LUCAS ARRIVED AT EDINA, but he was routed to a Detective James Brown. Brown was a tall, shambling man with a shock of white hair; he wore a rough tweed sportcoat with suede elbow patches, a blue oxford cloth shirt, and khakis with boat shoes. He looked like a professor of ancient languages.

NottheJames Brown? Lucas asked.

Why yes, I am, Brown said modestly. This is my disguise: keeps the groupies off.

Excellent strategy, Lucas said. He dropped into a chair beside Browns desk.

Brown looked down at a file open on his desk, sighed, and said, I understand you have a personal relationship with Weather Karkinnen.

Had one; she broke it off, Lucas said. I cant prove to you where I was at three oclock this morning, cause Iwas home in bed, alone. But. .. He shrugged. I didnt do it.

And even if you did, thats a pretty goddamn unbreakable alibi, Brown said.

Lucas said, Hey… I didnt do it.

Brown sighed again and asked, The chief told you about the scoring on the bottle?

Yeah. He said it looked like a pro job.

Thats what the fire guys say. You get a regular bottle, it might bounce, it might not even break. But with the scoring, it explodes when it hits the floor. Very fast, very efficient. What we think is, the bomber came in from the north, idled to a stop in front of the house, got out, leaving the car door open, walked up to the front of the house with the jug, flashed the wick with a cigarette lighter, and heaved it through the window. The whole thing, I timed it, would be ten to fifteen seconds, walking, from the time he got out of the car to the time he got back in. Then he rolled off down the street, around the corner, four blocks down to the highway, and back to Minneapolis. He was on the highway before Ms. Karkinnen even called 911.

Who owns the place?

A couple named Bartletttheyre down in Florida. Theyd rented it to a doctor for the past eight years, and then to your friend. Strictly an income property for them.

Any reason they might want to torch it?

Nothing obviousits a good neighborhood, they could probably sell it for a lot more than theyd ever get from insurance. And theyre pretty reputable people.

Shit, Lucas said.

All that stuff that was in the paper last winter… The LaChaises…

Yeah. Thats what Im afraid of, Lucas said.

Brown tapped his desk: But one thing doesnt fit with that. Whoever did this wasnt trying real hard to kill her. I mean, if it was a pro job. They didnt even come close. She was in the back bedroom, ran out when she heard the window break, saw the fire, called 911, and if she hadnttried to save her pictures, she wouldnt have been hurt at all.

She was hurt? Lucas sat up, angry now. I was told she wasnt…

Not bad, not bad, Brown said. She got a couple of small cuts on her feet from broken glass, and her hair was singed, and she got some small spark burns on one hand. But she told us she has some operations tomorrow and she expects to do them.

LUCAS TOOK IT SLOW DRIVING BACK TO MINNEAPOLIS, pulling threads together. Black checked in on Lucass car phone: I had to do some psychotherapy on this Markham asshole, but the bottom line is, he thinks ODell couldnt do it.

All right. You got another one yet?

L. Z. Drake, Black said. Went to school with McDonald.

Call when you get done.

Yeah. Hey, you know about Weather?

Yeah. Howd you hear?

They had some pictures of the house in a news brief… Markham had his TV on the whole time I was talking to him. They said she was okay.

Yeah, yeah…

You think theres any chance its another comeback from LaChaise?

I dont know what to think.

All right, said Black. Ill call you after I talk to Drake.

SLOAN AND FRANKLIN WERE WAITING OUTSIDE LUCAS'S office when Lucas got back. Both of them had been involved in the shoot-out that killed the two LaChaise women the winter before, though Sloan hadnt fired his weapon and hadnt been a direct target of the reprisal attacks. Franklin, on the other hand, had been shot in his own driveway.

Weve been talking, man, Franklin said in his booming voice. Lucas was large; Franklin dwarfed him. We gotta look into this, unless theres some motive for somebody hittin Weather.

Howd you hear about it?

Its all over the department, its been on TV, Sloan said.

You think I oughta call my folks, get them out of the house? Franklin asked.

I dont know, Lucas said. They were milling in the hall, and he saw Sherrill starting down toward them. I dont know whats going on. Nobodys got a motive that I can figure, and theres a possibility that it was a pro job.

Why a pro job? Sloan asked. As Sherrill came up, Franklin said to her, Couldve been a pro job.

Youre sure? Sherrill asked.

Lucas told them about the scored bottle. Thats it, Franklin said. Im putting the old lady in a motel.

Black arrived as they were talking about it, stood on the edge of the discussion: he hadnt been in the shoot-out, hadnt been a target.

I think what we need to do before we panic, is we need to get everybody we got out on the street, Lucas said. Ill talk to Intelligence and Narcotics and the gang people, Ill talk to St. Paul, and every one of us has got people… Lets get out there and dig for a few hours. If this is a group, somebodyll know.

Lorings got the good biker contacts, Franklin said. Hes been working nights, hes probably home asleep. You want me to roust him?

Get him moving, Lucas said.

Ill find Del, get him started, Sloan said.

Im outa here, said Franklin.

As the group started to break up, Black said, Lucas, I talked to this guy Drake about McDonald.

Oh, yeah. Old news; he wasnt thinking about McDonald anymore.

Black continued: I had to push him, but he says heknew McDonald all the way through school, and he has a real violent streak. Bottom line was, Drake thinks he could kill somebody if he decided it was necessary. He said McDonald was a big guy, played a little high school football, and he and a couple of other guys stalked another kid for a couple of years, a little wimpy guy, beat him up a half-dozen times just because they knew they could make him cry in front of the girls. ..

Yeah, yeah, Lucas said impatiently. We can pick that up later.

And as Black left, Sherrill, whod been drifting away, said from down the hall, You were gonna talk to ODell today…

No time now, Lucas said. He remembered the phone call about Bone sleeping with Kresge, but pushed the memory away. Lets get out on the street.
