That night, a little after ten-thirty, Wilson McDonald was shaking his hand in James T. Bones face, sputtering, Vicechairman. Thats nothing! Nothing! Youre treating me like a piece of shit.

Bone said, Look, Wilsonyoure not gonna get the top spot. Youre just not. I can commit to leaving you as top guy in the mortgage company. I can get you the vice chairmans job with the merged bank. But I cant say whatll happen after the merger.

Not gonna be any fuckin merger, McDonald said. Hed never taken off his coat. He headed for the door, turned when he got there, and said, And youre never gonna run the goddamned bank. Maybe I cant get it myself, but I can fuck you up.

And he was gone.

Kerin Baki said, If they go to ODell, we may have a problem.

Bone shook his head. Not necessarily. ODell needs ten. I cant see more than seven or eight. And frankly, I dont think McDonald can swing votes. Why should people swing on his say-so? Hes gone.

Its not all power and money equations, Baki said. Some of its family and friendship. And all he has to do is swing maybe two votes. ..

I dont think he can do it, Bone said.

Youre underestimating ODell, Baki said.

No. I just know what Im willing to do, and what Im not. If she gets itso be it. But I dont think she will.
