The sound came after the lightning flasha long time after, it seemed, though he was suspended in air when he thought that. Then he was on the floor, groping for his pistol, dragging it out of the holster, rolling along beside the Lexus, and the shotgun lit up the garage again, blowing glass out over his head. Hed lost track of Sherrill, lost track of everything: the thunder of the shotgun was magnified in the enclosed space, and the lightning of the shots was now the only illumination, aside from the feeble dome light from McDonalds car.

AUDREY HAD BEEN BLINDED BY THE MUZZLE FLASH; she hadnt expected that, but she expected Davenport to be falling, so she dropped the muzzle of the weapon as she pumped it, and convulsively jerked the trigger again. Glass shattered and she registered a voice, screaming; and a surge of confidence ran through her. Got him. Now to finish him.

LIGHT. LUCAS HEARD SOMEBODY SCREAMING; HIS mind processed it as Sherrill, but he couldnt tell what she was saying. Top.
