On the thirteenth day, as Hadluk counted out her winnings, he murmured. “The High Vaar called Jao this afternoon, wanted to know about you, if the Luck was real or you were pulling something.”
“That’s good?”
“Yup. You’re in.”
“Got the date?”
“Not yet. Can you keep this up?”
“Long as the play’s straight.”
“It will be.”
On the fifteenth playnight, there were only three marks waiting for her. By the second Chapter she knew what she faced. They were combined against her. She almost giggled with relief. She’d been expecting this for days.
Jao came in looking grim. She caught his eye, shook her head. He thought it over a moment, then left.
She cleaned them.
They yelled foul.
The Beza Prezao came himself and took them away.