
As the ship swam through the insplit, the argument went on and on, taken up and dropped, taken up again.


Shadith stalked restlessly about the bridge; she stopped beside Ginny, fists on hips. “Why’d you bother coming for me? You don’t need what I do. You don’t listen to me. Why?”

“You are the one who will not listen. I have told you again and again, I do not know why I need you. That will only become apparent when you do something.”

“Do what?”

“You see? You do not listen. Is it too simple for you? I have no idea what. I will not know until you do it. I do know this. You will destroy either Mimishay or me. Because I am no threat to you at present, I can hope it will be Mimishay that will receive the force of your… aah… presence.”

“So I’m some goddam primal force?”


“You’re crazy. I suspected that and now I know. Primal force? Gah!”

He smiled at her, that characteristic small tight twitch of his pale lips; he was undisturbed by her skepticism and felt no need to defend himself.

Shadith went stomping off the bridge before she drowned in her own futility.
