Daughter of God! Audacity divine—

Of clowns the terror and of brains the sign—

Not thou the inspirer of the rushing fool,

Not thine of idiots the vocal drool:

Thy bastard sister of the brow of brass,

Presumption, actuates the charging ass.

Sky-born Audacity! of thee who sings

Should strike with freer hand than mine the strings;

The notes should mount on pinions true and strong,

For thou, the subject shouldst sustain the song,

Till angels lean from Heaven, a breathless throng!

Alas! with reeling heads and wavering tails,

They (notes, not angels) drop and the hymn fails;

The minstrel's tender fingers and his thumbs

Are torn to rags upon the lyre he strums.

Have done! the lofty thesis makes demand

For stronger voices and a harder hand:

Night-howling apes to make the notes aspire,

And Poet Riley's fist to slug the rebel wire!
