False to his art and to the high command

God laid upon him, Markham's rebel hand

Beats all in vain the harp he touched before:

It yields a jingle and it yields no more.

No more the strings beneath his finger-tips

Sing harmonies divine. No more his lips,

Touched with a living coal from sacred fires,

Lead the sweet chorus of the golden wires.

The voice is raucous and the phrases squeak;

They labor, they complain, they sweat, they reek!

The more the wayward, disobedient song

Errs from the right to celebrate the wrong,

More diligently still the singer strums,

To drown the horrid sound, with all his thumbs.

Gods, what a spectacle! The angels lean

Out of high Heaven to view the sorry scene,

And Israfel, "whose heart-strings are a lute,"

Though now compassion makes their music mute,

Among the weeping company appears,

Pearls in his eyes and cotton in his ears.
