Chapter 14

Though I had done it before in different, and probably much more demanding, circumstances, walking into the home room class the first day was terrible. I didn't know where I was going but, I quickly found, few other people did either, even if they had attended the year before and knew the school.

My flared blue skirt and blouse with the moderate white heels seemed to fit right in with the other girls' clothes. I was still embarrassed by the attention I got from both the girls (a mixture of interest and jealousy) and the boys (unrestrained youthful lust).

We listened to announcements on the intercom system almost the first thing, the principal announcing an assembly for the next day and welcoming everyone to the school with wishes for a "great" year.

The class hushed as the teacher gave us an outline of the English class and told us about the heavy writing load expected. The book was over 500 pages long and, he said, would consume much of our time for the year. Discussion was graded high priority.

He assigned lockers in the hallway outside the room and dismissed us.

The bell rang and I asked one of the girls where the biology rooms were. Becky led me to the hallway, turning into a chemistry room as I went down the hallway to the right number. This was a repeat of the English class with another book and demands for a great deal of work.

History was next with a pile of small books instead of one extremely large one. I was surprised when a hand touched my shoulder.

"Hi," Will said from beside me. "Are you a senior?"

"Yeah. Hi."

"You looked younger."

I held up my finger in front of my lips. "Don't tell." He grinned.

The teacher was very gruff and businesslike. Again he told of multiple major papers and weekly tests including current affairs.

Will walked with me to my locker to deposit the books I'd collected and barely balanced now. Then he led me to the lunchroom. The food wasn't anything special but it was filling. We sat in the sunlight in the courtyard nearby after we finished.

"Where are you going next?" he asked.

"Psychology. Room 220."

"Really? Me too. When the bell rings, I'll walk with you." I smiled. It was nice to have a friend to help you in a new place.

We compared schedules then and found that he had zoology instead of biology. He had English the second period. He and I were together again for Calculus after psychology. And he had Latin instead of French.

"Did you finish the book?" I asked.

"Yeah, last night."

"What did you think?" I knew what I thought. It was overly romanticized, it dealt only with humans leaving out the rest of the world, and it gave the characters almost no credit for learning anything in all their past lives. It also demanded there would be several of them instead of just a single unique individual like me.

"It was a little limited, I thought."


"Sure. If you could change into anybody, you should be able to change into anything as well. Why not? You'd learn a lot more from being another animal than from just being another person. Right?"

"That's what I thought, too," I said with a smile. He was good. Smart.

"Not only that, but it seemed like the characters couldn't do anything with all eight of them being together. Like they were all stupid." He sputtered to a stop. "Like I know," he said, looking at his hands in his lap a little nervously.

I was suddenly very glad he hadn't asked me first. I had a suspicion he was not just what he appeared to be. It sent a strange shiver up my back.

Our psychology teacher was an old friend, Miss Taylor, the counselor who was also one of the psychology teachers. I said hello as I passed her and she smiled hugely.

Another large book and promises of more heavy assignments. Will walked with me to Calculus. This course, since I didn't seem to have a head for mathematics, was going to be difficult. Still another large book and promises of daily assignments, weekly quizzes, and a tough midterm and final. It was all getting a little numbing.

The teacher seemed nice enough but looked like a bookish man who would really enjoy Calculus. That wasn't a compliment.

I split with Will then as he went to his Latin class and I went to French. The French class provided two pleasant surprises – Becky came and sat next to me, and the French teacher was a petite 23-year-old with a heavy French accent who started out the class by saying, "Bon Jour". She smiled wonderfully and her tiny body was perfectly fitted to the smallwaisted dress she wore.

I silently bet that she was high on the interest list for every male teacher in the building.

The day ended with two reading assignments, a set of math problems, and a simple writing assignment. I had a feeling I was lucky and was sure of it as Will joined me at my locker, two away from Becky, and we all walked in the same direction home.

Becky's house was nearest the school and she asked if I'd study with her sometimes. I readily agreed if for nothing but to share in what she was learning as well as my own classes. Will walked me to my door, his home somewhere beyond.

"I'd like to walk you home every night," he said. "But football practices start tomorrow and I'll be busy."

"You play football?" I asked.

"Uh huh. I got tabbed for quarterback this year," he said modestly.

"I'll watch sometimes," I said. "Games. You know."

"I hope so," he said. "They're mostly Friday nights and I'm going to need somebody to cheer for me."

"I will." I smiled and thanked him for carrying my books before he started back down the sidewalk with a big smile.

"Sue?" Minni said as we lay in each other's arms that night.

"Uh huh," I responded tiredly. All this new was tiring and I was exhausted from the day and the two hours of homework after dinner.

"You told me all the things you've been," she said. I nodded against the pillow. "You've been almost everything." I nodded again. "Would you

…" she stopped, nervous against my neck. "You were a man, right?"

"Yes, Minni. Several times."

"Were you a very wonderful man?"

"I have a choice of how I will appear to others. I've chosen to be many kinds of man."

She breathed heavily. "Were you ever a gladiator?"

"No. Not a gladiator," I said with a smile, seeing where the conversation was going. "But I was a warrior."

"A very handsome, strong warrior, I'll bet."

"Yes." I knew what she wanted now.

She let the silence of the bedroom, bathed in the waning light of the almost full moon, drag on for a long time.

"Minni? Would you like me to be a warrior for you?"

"Can you?"

I felt my body change then to Vasili's features. Leaning toward her, I watched her tiny hand come to my massive chest. Vasili had been a tribal chief in what would one day be the Ukraine – a chief who had won his leadership by force of heavy weapons and an ability to tell exactly what the rangy Cossack ponies were going to do even before they did them.

I'd worn my long straight blond hair in broad braids originally but now that wasn't possible. Vasili's women had found him irresistible and had borne him more children than any of the other chieftains, a source of tribal pride. That had been a combination of kindness (very unusual) and understanding mixed with a good measure of satisfying sex.

The muscles of my broad chest rippled with power that flowed into the biceps almost as big as Sue's waist. The muscles of legs that held the swift ponies to his purposes had also spread many women's legs. The hard cock that sprung from between them was moderately thick but not overly long. Vasili's copper colored skin shimmered with power.

Minni sighed, her hand fluttering near my powerful chest.

"Yes, Minni. I can," I said in that familiar voice. Vasili had taken over his tribe at 19 by sword right. Then he and his men had taken over seven evilly governed neighboring tribes, combining them into a powerful force for good that, he knew from history, outlasted him.

"Oh, God!" she sighed. "You're magnificent."

"Yes, I am," I said, my voice rumbling from deep within my breast. I had never had need for modesty. The hand that had held a five foot scimitar covered her breast, almost squeezing it too hard. The hard full lips on the square jawed face lowered to hers gently and spread them to allow my tongue deep into her opened mouth.

My long thick finger found the opening between her legs, spreading her open around it. It found her maidenhead before it could be stopped at the knuckle. It brought her an orgasm almost as my palm covered her mound from hip to hip. I pushed the covers to the floor.

"Oh God!" she sighed. "Oh God!"

"You have an obstruction we must deal with first," I said. I'd known she was a virgin since I had been a dog. One of those things a dog senses. Neither the boys' stumbling probes of her or Einstein's had broken it.

"Yes," she hissed. "I want you to. I want you to make me a woman."

"Then touch me, woman," I almost growled. Her hand tentatively came to my cock as it stood out from my powerful thighs. I'd almost forgotten what a wonderful body this was. The uncircumcised head was so sensitive I shuddered with her slight touch. "I'll fill you full of me," I promised.

"Oh, yes," she sighed.

I turned to my back, removing my finger from her and almost spanned her ribcage with my hands before I picked her up from the bed, rigid with a kind of fear and anticipation. I lifted her above me, only her hands staying on my rippling biceps and spread her legs before lowering her over me.

My cock slid gently into her body until we touched only at my hands around her still and at her maidenhead. In a motion, I pressed her irresistibly down onto it, eliciting a squeal of pain. I poised her there on me until the pain had passed and her knees finally contacted the bed at the sides of my thighs.

I edged one then the other hand up until her breasts were in the palms of my hands as her upper body hung above me supported on them. I moved my hands, crushing her breasts again and again until she began responding again. I could feel her cunt pulsing around me.

Moving slowly, I began moving her up and down my length from my tip to my mound, pressing her hard onto it to stimulate her clit. As her legs began moving incoherently, I plunged her onto me over and over and over again at that same slow pace until she was gurgling with her need to cross over. Then, in a dozen swift, hard strokes, I brought her to her climax.

I lowered her body to my chest then, wrapping my arms all the way around her until my hands were almost at her breasts again. I knew I could easily crush her chest because this body had done that to more than one man in mortal combat. One hand trailed down to her waist, rubbing her almost roughly, and to her prominent buttocks. I kneaded each one repeatedly until her middle was moving up and down on my length again, her breathing heavy on my neck.

I pressed a finger into her asshole and felt her orgasm again and again before I had moved it or allowed her to begin pumping up and down my length again. She was grunting like a pig as she spasmed around me.

Then I started the long slow strokes again, aided this time by my finger's friction in her rectum as it pulled out and pressed back in.

I speeded my movements until she was panting for breath and both our climaxes neared. Then I speeded again and we both tumbled over the edge, my cock filling her body with its pulsing hot contents. Her entire body convulsed around me from calves to cock to finger to her hands and arms at my biceps. Her teeth cut into my shoulder as she screamed. It was magnificent.

As she came back to herself, she tasted my blood and licked me clean of it before moving back. I lifted her bodily free of me and laid her down beside me again. I don't know whether she slept or lost consciousness but I know she didn't feel Sue's body back beside her.

My soft shoulder was unharmed as I fell asleep. I smiled to myself. I'd forgotten how I enjoyed the barbarian's body.
