Chapter 6

As if Billy's demand had set an internal alarm, I was the first up the next morning, moving away from Minni's sleeping form easily. She didn't even move. Wearing my shortie nightgown and panties, my hair mussed from sleep, I tiptoed into the bathroom, locked the door behind me, and turned the light on.

I moved quietly into the boys' room and shook Billy gently. He groggily came out of sleep, as he usually did in the mornings when I woke him, but his eyes quickly opened all the way.

"Wow! You did it!" he said. I looked over at the other twin bed and saw Marshall turn in his sleep. I held my finger up in front of my mouth for silence and then turned to the bathroom. He edged his way out of bed wearing only his shorts and white tee-shirt and followed me.

I went all the way into the bathroom and turned at the door to our room before I lifted my nightgown over my head. His eyes were huge as he watched. I put my thumbs into the sides of my panties and pushed them down my thighs and let them fall to the floor. His hand again immediately came toward me – this time to my front below the waist.

"Careful now," I whispered, blocking his first advance.

"Yeah, okay. I will." He looked as his fingers went into my pubic hair, brushing across it and triggering little nerve explosions. "Wow! You're beautiful, aren't you?" I just smiled.

"I've got to see closer," he said as he got down on his knees in front of me. I could see his hard little penis straining at his underpants. "Put your foot up on the edge of the bathtub so I can see," he directed. I did it and he leaned closer.

His fingers went between my legs, tracing my labia as my wetness began to open them to him.

"You don't have any dick, do you?" he noted.

"Sort of," I said. "It's a girl one. Little tiny. But it's there."

"Really?" he said, looking for it now. He wasn't disappointed as my clitoris hardened with his searches. "Yeah. There. I see it." His thumb and finger found it then as they had my nipple the last night.

"But I've got more," I said. "Look down a little ways and you'll see my pussy."

"None of the pictures I have show that part. Just the hair and stuff. And the titties, you know?"

"Well, it's there." I spread my labia for him until he could see it.

"Yeah. I see." His finger found my hole then and delved into it. "It's all wet. Did you wet yourself?"

"Huh uh. That's supposed to be there. To make it easier for you to put your finger in."

"Oh," he said as he probed into me. "It smells funny, too."

"Uh huh. But good, huh? It tastes good, too." I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Really?" He took his finger to his mouth and tasted. He shrugged.

"It tastes better directly," I said. "Like if you lick it."

"Really?" He tried it by licking rather crudely at my pussy. "Yeah. It's okay."

"It really feels good," I said.


"Uh huh. And you can put more than one finger inside me, too, if you want to." This time he didn't say anything. He just put two fingers in my pussy and, finding they fit okay, put three in. That stretched me a little. Pleasantly. He moved them around inside me as he lapped at my oozing come. "Lick there and on my little penis and I'll have an orgasm," I whispered. He mumbled against me and started licking harder. It took only a minute before my climax washed through me.

I stopped his moving head and pushed his hand out of me when it had passed.

"Thanks," I said. "That was neat." He stood up then, returning his fingers to my nipples as he had the night before. He rolled and played with them as he talked.

"You have really neat stuff to play with," he said. "And lots of different stuff, too. All I've got is my dick. That feels okay when I beat off but I don't think it's the same."

"Sort of," I said. "But maybe you don't have as many sensitive places as I do. My turn now, okay?"

I got down on my knees and pulled his underpants down. He blushed wildly but he didn't move away. I ran my fingernails over the skin of his penis until it was bounding up and down with each movement and he was moaning lightly.

Then I held his testicles in one hand and moved them around as I put my other arm around his thigh. My mouth just naturally went over his hard little dick. He groaned with the feeling of it. It wasn't full grown yet, I knew, but it was fairly good sized.

"Oh, wow!" he said as I sucked on it. Then I started moving it in and out of my mouth, letting it contact the back of my mouth with each forward thrust. It only took a minute before his body clenched and I tasted his young come in my throat. Finally, after about a quart had been pumped into my mouth, he stopped and it got tender. I just kissed it as it softened.

"Wow, sis," he said. That was the first time he'd ever called me that. "That felt great. Was that how it felt when I did it to you?"

"Sort of," I said. I knew exactly since I had been a male human and knew the female feelings were much more intense and long lasting.

I stood up again, letting him put his hands on my hips and hold me to his body. I was a couple of inches taller than he was still and felt his bony little shoulders on my breasts. I held him tight for quite a while before he let me go.

"Just in case, I better go to the bathroom and then I'll go back to bed so you can take your shower." I nodded, hugging him again.

"Thanks for what you did to me. And Billy?" He looked at me then. "Thanks for calling me sis. I like that."

"No problem, sis," he said with a grin.

The next Friday, Minni went to her eighth grade prom and Phil and Molly went out to dinner and a movie, leaving the boys and me alone. It was really a little uncomfortable since we just watched TV but every time Marshall went to the bathroom or went for a glass of milk or anything, Billy put his hand between my legs and started rubbing me.

I was scared to death Marshall was going to catch us. And then it happened.

Marshall was laying on the floor watching the show and Billy secretly reached up and tweaked my nipple. I gasped and Marshall turned around and looked at us.

"Hey, you guys," he said. "You know I watched you two last weekend. I saw what you did." It sounded like he didn't approve.

"So what?" Billy said. I just wondered what the little boy had thought of that sight and exactly what he'd seen.

"So unless I get to do stuff too, I'm telling."

"What stuff?" Billy said sarcastically.

"Stuff like you were doing. Kissing each other and looking at everything with your clothes off. You know."

Billy looked at me for guidance but I didn't know what to do.

"What do you mean, Marshall?" I asked.

"I want you to kiss my peepee, too," he said. "And let me kiss yours, too. Like Billy did." He was jealous.

"You're too little," Billy said dismissively.

"Am not!" Marshall protested. "I can do anything you can!"

"Okay, okay," I said then to stop the dissent. "What do you want?"

"I told you," he said. "I want to see you like Billy did. With no clothes." I squirmed nervously. I didn't really like the fact that Billy had looked at me and that, now, he kept touching me at totally inappropriate times and in inappropriate locations. How much worse would it be if Marshall joined in?

"I don't think you should, Marshall," I said. "It's not good. Really."

"Well, I think it would be," he said with a frown. "Anything Billy gets to do, I get to do too." He was adamant.

"It's only fair," Billy said beside me. "So what do you want?" he said to his brother.

I could see that he didn't know what he wanted in practical terms. Then he seemed to make a decision.

"Come down here on the floor with me." Billy stood up and reached for my hand, almost pulling me to my feet. He led me to a spot near Marshall and then sat down cross- legged on the floor next to his smiling brother. With a sigh, I sat down beside them.

"First, take your shirt off, like you did for Billy." I hadn't really done that but I knew what he meant. I crossed my arms in front of me, grabbed the hem of my tanktop, and pulled it off over my head. I wore nothing under it. His eyes got big as he looked at my naked chest. "Neat!"

Immediately, his hands went to my breasts, touching the soft mounds and pressing against them.

"They're different than my chest," he said. "Softer. And those things," he was pointing to my nipples, "are a bunch bigger than mine." They were getting hard from the cooler room air and the close scrutiny of the two boys.

"So what are you going to do?" Billy said, disgruntled.

"Just hang on. I'm getting there," the younger boy said. "Is it okay if I touch you?" he asked me softly. I nodded. I leaned back on my arms, crossing my legs in front of me and hoping this was all the further he wanted to go.

He moved one hand to my nipple as he scrunched closer to me, the TV ignored now. He inspected and turned and twisted it, smiling when I would let out a little noise in reaction to his manipulations.

"Does it feel good?" he asked.

"Of course it does, silly," Billy said. He seemed as rapt as Marshall.

"I wasn't asking you," he said to his brother with a frown.

Chastised, Billy added, "If you do that enough, she has a orgasm." Marshall's fingers never stopped their manipulation and his eyes never wavered from my chest but he still spoke.

"What's a orgasm?"

"That's when it feels really good for her and she sort of gets real wild and excited."

"Yeah?" Marshall said. He looked into my eyes.

"You like that?" he asked. I nodded, biting my lower lip. "I still want to see the rest." I drew in my breath. I was hoping this wouldn't happen. "Take off your pants, too, Sue." I saw from his look and the removal of his hand from my nipple that I had little choice.

I undid the button and unzipped my shorts. I lifted myself to push them down off my hips. Rolling and squirming, I got them down onto my thighs before Billy grabbed them and pulled them the rest of the way down.

"This is neat," Billy sighed. "She's got interesting stuff different than us." He couldn't help leading his brother.

"Yeah? Okay. Well, let me see." Reluctantly, I spread my legs, still holding myself up on my arms. "No. Lay down so I can see better." I did, spreading my legs a little as he lowered his face to my middle.

"Look," Billy said as the guide. "She's got this sort of loose skin stuff but it opens up. See?" He was holding me open.

"I'm looking," Marshall said, brushing his hands away.

"Okay," Billy said. "But you'll never find her little penis thing if you don't know where to look."

"Okay, so show me where it is then. But I get to do the touching and stuff."

"Whatever." Billy spread my labia again and pointed out the little nubbin of my clitoris.

"That's nothing," Marshall said. "Just some skin or something."

"Yeah? Well, try rubbing it for a second. Then it gets a bunch bigger and she really likes that." Upset that he was being led again by his more knowledgeable brother, he still put his finger on my clit and started rubbing. He was surprised when I reacted to the manipulation. "That's the part she really likes you to lick," Billy added. Marshall just continued to rub it until I was starting to go crazy. Then he stopped.

"No!" I said. "You can't stop now! Please!"

"See?" Billy said.

"You really like to have it licked?" Marshall asked. I nodded breathlessly. "Okay then."

His mouth dropped to my middle, his tongue wildly, unreserved, started lapping at my clit. I dropped my head back to intensify the feeling of it until I felt my orgasm overwhelm me.

"Hey, neat!" Marshall said then, leaving me just before I was finished. It left a needful itch. "What else?" he asked his brother, now apparently resolved to follow his big brother's advice as he hadn't before.

"Do here," Billy pointed out. "She's got a hole and you can put your whole finger in it. Or even more than one finger."

"Yeah?" Marshall said, looking closely. "It looks like a butt hole."

"Sort of but different. It's not smelly or anything. I mean the same way anyway. It smells but it smells sort of good. And not only that but wet stuff comes out of it."

"Really?" Marshall put a finger tentatively into my pussy and I spread my legs to give him access without hurting me.

"It tastes pretty good, too," Billy added. Marshall had added a finger and then another. His smaller fingers didn't hurt or spread me like Billy's larger ones. "Jeez," Billy said as he watched Marshall bunch all four fingers and push into me.

"How big is it?" Marshall asked and pushed inward. That was quite a lot to take. Again I threw my head back and moaned. "She likes that too, huh?"

"Yeah," Billy said, distracted watching Marshall's hand in me. He seemed determined now to get it all inside me as he twisted and turned it.

"Careful! Careful, don't hurt me," I moaned as he pushed his hand into me.

"Jeez!" Billy moaned. "You can get your whole hand inside her. I didn't know it was that big!" I could feel his fingers exploring my insides as I reacted by raising and lowering my leg to the feelings he was imparting.

"Go in and out, Marsh," Billy urged and the younger boy began doing it. My middle was pumping up and down with the feelings he was building in me as he pushed into me and pulled back. "Wow! Neat!"

"Does that hurt, Sue?" Marshall asked, awe in his voice.

"No!" I hissed. "Don't stop!" He did it some more, a little faster and my orgasm – one like I'd never felt – took over my entire body. This time I climaxed completely and for a long time before it finally passed and my body relaxed again. He pulled his hand out of me.

"Was that good?" he asked from over me. I smiled up at him. "Yes," I said. "That was really good."

"Better than when Billy did it?"

"Different," I said. "Really good."

"Does that mean that you'll kiss my peepee like you did Billy's?"

"Uh huh," I moaned.

Before I'd gotten my eyes to properly focus, I knew that he was laying beside me on the floor with his pants down around his ankles. I turned over on top of him, lowered my mouth to his tiny hairless cock, and sucked him until he had a climax. He didn't produce any semen yet but he still had all the right feelings and I was happy that he'd enjoyed it.

When I'd finished and Marshall was laying there trying to get his breath back, I saw that Billy was beside him with his bigger cock out in his hand. I moved to him and in four long, sucking strokes, he came in my mouth.

I was dressed and sitting on the couch before either one of them moved much.
