Chapter 4

"Sue," Phil said. "Could I talk to you for a few minutes?" I nodded and followed him to the kitchen, letting him hold a chair for me. He sat down at the chair next to mine and looked at me.

"You seem to have impressed my family," he said. "Perhaps I'm a little overly careful. But I need to learn a little more about you than I know now. Do you mind?"

"No, sir," I said quickly, following it with a nervous smile in character with what I believed him to expect.

"Okay then. Would you tell me a little about your life? I mean, I know what you told Molly. But I need a little more before I feel comfortable with you in my home with my children."

"Yes, sir," I said. "What can I tell you?"

"What about your parents?"

"They were killed, sir," I said quickly. "A car accident." That had been the real Sue Love's tale. I thought it was true though she only told me as her dog friend and not another soul.

"And you have no other family?"

"No, sir."

"When were your parents killed?"

"About two years ago. Spring. It's spring now."

"Yes. So how have you been living since then?"

"Well, first they put me in an orphanage," I answered. Sue had been in an inner city orphanage for almost a year before her escape.

"Why aren't you still there?"

"They were mean, sir. And there was one man who was supposed to take care of us at night." I turned my face away. The anguish I felt was real though it was only secondhand.

"He was a bad man?"

"Yes, sir. Very bad. At night, he used to make some of the girls go to his office." I'd heard Sue talk about this with another girl and it still made me mad that I didn't know the man. That I'd never heard.

"Did you go to the office?"

"No, sir. I knew about when it was going to be my turn and I left." Sue hadn't been so lucky but I thought this better than secondhand information. I could say to myself that I hadn't personally experienced what she had those awful nights that so changed her life and the way she looked at the world.

"So you got out before anything happened?"

"Uh huh."

"How did you live then?"

"There are lots of kids on the streets now," I said. That was the truth. Thousands of youngsters. Most warped by their experiences forever. "I lived with some of them. You know. A few days or a few weeks. Then I'd move on." Sue didn't have that luxury or the intelligence to do it. She'd fallen into a cycle of misbegotten love or, at least, a feeling of protection that had been torn apart by boys who had taken advantage of her love before throwing her out or trying to exploit her for money.

"You told Molly that a lot of the people who looked after you were men – boys."

"Yes, sir."

"Did they – do anything?"

"Yes, sir. Sometimes. They wanted me to earn my keep. I tried but I couldn't do it."

"I see. So you were, ah, never…"

"A hooker? I don't know. I never did it regularly or anything. But a couple of times, I didn't have a choice." I looked, embarrassed, at my hands. I knew this had to get to him with a daughter my age. "There were times when I was very hungry. And the people, the men, weren't really terrible. There was only a couple of guys and they were nice to me. Mostly, they wanted to take pictures and that was okay."

"Pictures," he hissed. He was seething with hatred for these men as I had been when I first heard Sue talk of it. With her, it was pictures and much worse. They'd hurt her very badly and, even before her encounter with the three men who killed her, she might not have survived long. I sought them out but never was in a position to find them. Perhaps I'd have another chance.

"When you haven't eaten for three or four days…" He stopped me with a raised hand.

"I understand." He looked embarrassed with himself before he asked the next question. I thought I knew what it might be. "Sue. Are you still a virgin? I mean I understand…"

"Oh, yes sir," I said without hesitation. Of course, in this new body, I was. I also knew it would make a difference in how he looked at me. I wanted his respect and, for a teen, this was one measure of that. It would assuage many of his fears.

"Would you mind too much if I asked Molly to make sure of that?"

"No, sir. If you think that's necessary."

"I'll talk to her about it. I'm not sure. Maybe tomorrow or something." He look up into my eyes again. "Of course you'll stay with us tonight, Sue. Okay?"

"Oh, yes sir. Thank you. It's still pretty cold outside."

"I can imagine. Tomorrow though, I want to make some discrete inquiries. After all, if you're with us for very long, we'll need to get you into school. And we'll have to clear up your background formally." I smiled.

"I'd love to be able to go to school again. I haven't been for about a year."

"Well, probably it's too late for this year. There's only a couple of weeks until summer vacation. But maybe in the fall." I was ecstatic and let it show. He was talking about letting me stay, just as I hoped he would. I jumped to my feet and threw my arms around his neck.

"Okay then. We have to get one thing straight, okay?" I looked into his eyes waiting for what he said. "I'm Phil. Not 'sir'. Okay?"

"Yes, sir. I mean, Phil," I said with my bright smile.

"Okay then. Let's join the rest of the family." He put his arm around my back and led me back into the family room where everyone was now watching a TV program. It was very comfortable. *** "If it's all right with you, Minni, Sue can sleep with you tonight," Molly said after the TV program was over and everyone was ready for bed.

"She could have my bed, mommy, and I'd sleep on the floor," Marshall said brightly. She laughed.

"No, that's okay. I think the girls will get along better together and you're better off in a bed." He shrugged but I appreciated his offer and ruffled his hair with a smile of thanks. He just looked embarrassed by my attention.

I knew Minni and I would fit nicely in her four poster double bed so wasn't worried. As long as Minni didn't feel like I was imposing. She didn't make any sign before she grabbed my arm to lead me to the bedroom

"We'll do fine," she said.

"Okay then, kids," Phil said. "Off to bed. It's a school night." The boys were unusually well behaved kids with a regular bedtime. They moved off with us, ducking into their room and saying goodnight before closing their door. I could hear their normal clamor behind the closed door.

I also heard Phil and Molly begin discussing the situation behind us as we went into Minni's room and closed our door as well.

"This'll be fun," Minni said to me. "Just like having a sister." She went to her drawers and pulled out what I recognized as her favorite shortie nightgown and gave it to me. Then she pulled out another and started taking her clothes off.

"I better go to the bathroom before I get undressed," I said. She pointed it out though I knew that it was between the two kids' bedrooms.

"Be sure and lock the other door or you'll have the boys in there with you."

"Okay," I said and ducked into the room and used it quickly before unlocking the other side and shutting our side before I returned to the bedside. She was already in bed with the covers pulled up almost to her chin though she turned sideways and watched as I took off my clothes and got into the nightgown.

"Wow," she said. "You really have big titties, huh?"

"Yeah," I said. "I guess so." I blushed at her inspection.

I turned the lights off and crawled under the covers next to her. The sheets were cold and I was shivering. I guess she could feel it because she moved over against my side.

"Here, I'll help warm you up," she said.

"You're nice and warm," I said. "Boy, this is sure better than sleeping outside."

"Is that what you did last night?"

"Uh huh. Downtown." I lied. That was enough of that. Sooner or later I knew I was going to tell her the truth, strange as it was. But I hoped to remain somewhat normal in her eyes for a little longer.

I turned toward her, interlacing my arms and legs with hers and holding her close until my shivering stopped. By then, I was feeling much more than the coolness of the sheets which were actually quite warm now.

One of her legs was between mine, her thigh pressing into the little panties the nightgown included. Her other leg was wrapped around the back of my other leg. My thigh was pressed between her legs as well and I could feel a strange heat from their conjunction. She had one arm under my side and the other around my other side. Mine were around her neck.

There was a knock on the door and we rolled quickly apart, though our legs were still crossed and one of our arms still around each other. The door opened then and Molly peered into the darkness.

"Goodnight, girls," she said. "We're glad to have you, Sue."

"Thank you, ma'am," I said.

"Night, mom," Minni said. The door closed again and we heard Phil say, "They all settled in?" There was only a murmured reply I didn't understand but I thought I knew what it was anyway. We heard their door close and silence fall over the house.

Both Minni and I knew we weren't really cold anymore but, as Phil and Molly's door closed, we turned back toward each other, putting our arms and legs around each other as we had before. It felt very nice.

We just lay that way, talking very softly for a long time about life in general and about her days. I spoke as little as possible about my life since I didn't want to lie to her any more than necessary. I could say a few things from my own experiences.

"Have you ever messed around with a guy?" she asked. "I haven't."

"Yeah, sort of," I said. "I guess so."

"Did he put his thing in you?"

"Huh uh."

"What did he do then?"

"Can I show you?" I asked. I felt her nod against my shoulder.

I moved down slightly and kissed her lips. She smiled when I did that. While I kissed her, I let my hand find her breast. When I pressed my tongue past her lips, I found her nipple with my fingers and rolled and played with it. I could feel her breathing heavily through her nose and her body reacting naturally to my kisses and touches. I broke the kiss and stopped moving my hand for a minute to give her a chance to catch her breath. She smiled and, after a minute, opened her eyes.

"Did you like that?"

"Uh huh!" she whispered.

"Good." I returned my lips to hers and began moving my fingers again on her nipple. "You can touch me too if you want to," I said quickly between kisses. Her fingers tentatively went to my breast. It felt good. Then for a minute, she fought my tongue and pressed hers into my mouth. I liked the feel of that a lot.

We kissed and touched each others' breasts and nipples for a very long time until both our middles were pressing into the other girl's leg harder and harder until we both had orgasms.

"Okay," I whispered. "Now I'm going to do something different. You can do it to me later if you want."

I lowered myself down her body until I could pull up her nightgown and start licking her nipples, one after the other. She moaned and rolled from side to side as I licked and sucked until she had another orgasm against me, hissing between her teeth to keep from crying out.

She didn't move as I pulled her panties off and pushed her knees apart so I could touch her inner thighs and then her pussy. She had another orgasm before I put my finger into her and that sent her into another one right away. I felt her maidenhead with the tip of my finger as I stuck it in and out of her, rubbing her clit with my thumb at the same time and licking her nipples.

I let her relax for a minute as I got myself ready and then plunged my tongue between her legs. Just as she did when I was a dog, she had orgasm after orgasm for a long time. The difference was that now, instead of just licking, I could suck her juices and suck on her clitoris as she had more and stronger orgasms.

Each time she was having a harder time stifling her moans or crying out. Several fairly loud sounds came from her as her back arched and her body bucked on the bed. She'd had her fingers wrapped in my hair for some time now, holding my mouth to her. Now she pulled me away and up her body, letting me kiss her nipples on my way past but forcing me back to her mouth.

I lay on top of her for a long time as she kissed me, her legs wrapping around the back of my knees and pressing our middles and breasts tightly together. I loved the new feelings that were mixed with the memories of the old feelings of making love to a woman. She came again under me.

Then she let me go, collapsing in exhaustion. I curled up next to her, as I had so many times as a dog in the last two years, and soon was asleep holding her.

The alarm woke us both up the next morning before Minni turned it off and rolled to me.

"I really liked that last night," she grinned. "I'm sorry. I meant to do it to you before I fell asleep but I just couldn't move any more."

"I know. It's okay. Maybe another time."

"Yeah," she said. "We'll have lots of other times, huh?" It was as if she needed reassurance.

"Sure." Then she bounded out of bed toward the bathroom.

"I've got to get in and out of the shower so the boys can get ready for school," she said breathlessly.

"Okay," I said. "Leave it on and maybe I can get one really quick, too."

"Sure," she said and disappeared into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, she stuck her head back out and said I could get in and asked if it was okay if she brushed her teeth. When I pulled my nightgown over my head and pushed my panties to the floor, I felt her eyes on me in the mirror as she watched. It made me grin to myself.

I washed fast so I didn't break the normal routine and just as I was getting out of the shower, she left the room saying, "When you get dried, would you wake up the boys?" I said I would and proceeded to dry myself off. Then I wrapped the big towel around my breasts, the bottom just covering my pelvic region.

I opened the door to the boys' room and walked to the side of Marshall's bed, shaking him lightly. "Marshall. Wake up. It's time to get ready for school," I said. He rolled over and looked at me through bleary eyes. I smiled and he kind of smiled back.

I moved to Billy's bed and shook him with the same words. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. His smile spread to fill his face, his eyes wide.

"Wow. That's something to wake up to," he said. "A beautiful girl wearing just a towel." My little Billy was growing up, I thought as I ducked out of the room.

As I got dressed in the tee-shirt and jeans Molly had given me the day before, I listened to the boys hassling over space to wash their faces, brush their teeth, and comb their hair. Minni found a pair of white sneakers that fit me okay and we went down to breakfast.

"Good morning, ladies," Molly said when we got to the kitchen. Minni said, "Morning mom," while I said "Good morning, ma'am." She turned to me with a pancake turner in her hand and pointed it at me.

"I heard Phil tell you not to call him sir last night. The same goes for me. I'm Molly. Okay?"

"Yes, Molly," I said brightly. She grinned at me.

"So how many pancakes can you ladies eat. Before the boys get here."

"I don't know," I said while Molly said, "Two please." I decided that was enough and said so. She'd just put them on our plates as the boys blasted into the room, pushing and shoving each other.

"Oh, boy," Billy said. "Pancakes. I want about ten."

"Me too," Marshall said.

"Well, you'll start with two." She took them off the hot griddle and I watched them disappear as I more delicately ate mine. They were wonderful. I hadn't had them before.

"Good morning everyone," Phil said as he walked into the room and found his chair beside me. "How did you sleep, Sue? All right I hope."

"Fine. Thank you."

"Good. What are you and Molly going to do today?" I shrugged. I didn't know.

"We've got some shopping to do after the mall opens," Molly said. "This young lady doesn't have anything of her own to wear."

"That's okay," Billy said. "Then she'll wake me up like she did this morning."

Both Phil and Molly looked at me.

"Oh, it's okay," Minni said. "She just woke him up wearing her bath towel like I usually do in the morning. It never did anything for you before," she said to Billy.

"You don't look like Sue, dog breath," he said.

"Yeah, well," Minni said with a grin.

"Maybe you should wake the boys in the mornings, Minni. We don't want their young minds to be too active this early in the day," Phil said.

"Okay," she said. "The baseball bat like usual?"

"That sounds like it's indicated," Molly said with a laugh.

"I gotta go," Phil said. "Meeting right off the top." He held his tie and kissed Minni on the cheek and then, surprisingly, turned his head and kissed my cheek as well. I blushed. He kissed his wife on the lips and the boys made noises until he stopped. "You guys have fun on your shopping trip," he said as he went out the door.

"Time for school, kids," Molly said and they all finished the last of their pancakes and picked up their school books to leave.

"Bye, Sue," the boys said before they pushed and shoved their way out the front door.

"You guys have fun," Minni said before she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek with a knowing grin. "Bye, mom." She kissed her cheek too and sedately walked out to follow the boys.

I stood and gathered the plates.

"You sit down and eat now, Molly," I said. "I'll do the dishes. Okay?"

"Sure!" she said with a big smile. "I feel like the lady of the manor and I didn't even have to ask."

"I want to do what I can," I said.
