Kim had called a late briefing. The intensity of this case was getting to them all. The least she could do was offer her team an extra hour or two of sleep.
By the time she’d finished updating Woody on current events, Bryant, Stacey and Dawson were at their desks.
‘Morning folks, I'm sure you're all aware, but media interest in our case has escalated. The erection of a third tent has provoked a frenzy. It's now front page on every newspaper and there was a talking heads segment on Sky News last night.’
‘Yeah, saw it, Guv,’ Bryant groaned.
‘I'm sure I don't need to remind you that there is no talking to any members of the press, however persuasive. This case is way too volatile to be derailed by a misquoted comment from any of us.’
Kim included herself in that statement. She knew her own limitations when being goaded by the press, which was why she'd wisely been kept away from them.
‘And if any of you need a reminder of how shit we're doing, feel free to pop to Woody's office and read any one of the articles.’
Her boss's desk was like a newsagents and during their earlier meeting he'd talked her through every piece.
‘Seriously, Guv?’ Dawson asked.
Kim nodded. It was best they knew they were under attack. ‘Come on, Kev, you know how this works. By day three it's always our fault and we've managed to get to the fifth day since discovering the first set of bones, so I'd say we're doing pretty well.’
Kim felt the wave of negativity breeze through the room.
Kim sighed. ‘If media attention is that important to you all you should have chosen a career in showbiz. We're police officers. Nobody likes us.’
‘It's a bit soul destroying, though, Guv. Knocks your enthusiasm a bit,’ Stacey said.
Kim realised that pep talks were not her forte.
‘All of you, look at that wall and I mean look at it hard.’
The whiteboard was much easier on her eye now her girls had names. The board had been divided into three columns:
Victim 1 - Melanie Harris
Age - 15
Taller than average, undernourished, tooth defect, butterfly sock
Victim 2 - Tracy Morgan
Age - 15
Pregnant, Pyjama bottoms missing
Buried alive
Victim 3 - Louise Dunston - ?
Age - 15
Denture for top three teeth
‘Those three girls lost their lives to a monster. Between them they were raped, beaten, suffocated and buried. This was not a story in a newspaper to them. It was their lives; their reality. We get out of bed every day to find the person who thought they could get away with this crime.
‘A few days ago these kids were anonymous, forgotten and silent. But not anymore. Melanie, Tracy and Louise will now have a voice because of us. And make no mistake, we will catch the bastard that did this.’ Kim paused and looked around the room. ‘And if you need any more motivation than that, then you're in the wrong job.’
‘Thanks, Guv,’ Bryant said, with a nod.
‘On board,’ Stacey added with a smile.
‘Oh yeah,’ Dawson chimed.
She took her usual position on the edge of the spare desk. ‘Okay, Kev, site progress?’
‘Doctor Dan removed the body about two this morning. Cerys did an initial inspection of the grave but they’re gonna do the sieving this morning.’
‘Did the Doc say anything about a denture?’
‘Didn’t say much about anything. He’s a very strange character, Guv.’
‘Mention it to Cerys. Might still be in the grave.’
‘Stace, anything?’
‘I’ve now got the mobile phone of Tom Curtis. He ‘ad more than fifty missed calls in the two hours before ‘is death.’
Kim leaned forward. ‘Go on.’
‘All came from Croft's mobile.’
‘Jesus Christ,’ Kim seethed. ‘Anything else.’
‘The tape from the old folks’ home is useless so we ain’t got nothing incriminating on the death of Mary Andrews.’
‘Anything from SOCO on Arthur Connop?’
‘Paint chip analysis says it came from an Audi TT on a five nine plate.’
‘Anything else?’
‘Yeah, the actual records of Crestwood from the council are shite. I’m still monitoring Facebook unofficially and ringing round ex-residents officially. Some of the registered runaways were actually there that night and some on the list had left weeks before.’
Hmm ... Kim thought. Either gross inefficiency on the side of the council or a deliberate attempt to confuse the final record of occupancy. At this point, either option was a possibility.
Although Kim wasn’t totally comfortable with Stacey’s presence in the Facebook group it appeared to be bearing more useful information than official records.
‘Stace, ask some questions about Tom Curtis. Find out how close he was to the girls. I’d like to know if there were any rumours about inappropriate behaviour.’
‘Will do, Guv.’
‘Okay, Kev, get back to site and Bryant, I think you and I should pay Councillor Croft another visit.’
‘Umm ... Guv, there’s one more thing,’ Stacey said.
‘Go on,’ Kim said, reaching for her jacket.
‘I got three addresses. Last knowns for each of our girls.’
Kim exchanged a look with Bryant. It was the least favourite job of any detective. Whatever the circumstances of them being placed into care, Kim felt sure there were existing family members who would be deeply affected by the discoveries of their deaths.
Bryant took the list as he walked past Stacey’s desk.
First they would check on the living and then do the work of the dead.