‘Bryant, you've gotta find the Guv,’ Stacey barked into the mouthpiece. ‘It's the Pastor. It's Wilks. He killed the girls and I can't get the Guv on the phone.’
‘Slow down, Stace,’ Bryant said. The sound of the television in the background was receding. She guessed he was taking the phone to another room. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘Them emails I sent out just for a punt. There was a hoohar in Bristol twelve years ago when a family got a metal pin in the ashes of their relative. The crematorium was accused of mixing up funerals but after the incident Wilks left in haste.’
‘Stace, no offence but that doesn't mean he's guilty of ...’
Stacey held her frustration. She didn't have the time. ‘I've checked the archives and two weeks before a kid named Rebecca Shaw ran away from Clifton children's home ...’
‘Why would that make the papers?’ Bryant asked.
‘Because she'd already been in the news when she got run over. Really bad damage to her knees ...’
‘That would have required pinning,’ Bryant finished.
Stacey could hear the slotting of pieces into place.
‘That's how he disposed of ‘em before,’ Stacey said. ‘But he couldn't risk it again.’
She heard Bryant sigh heavily. ‘Jesus, Stace, how many are we ...’
‘Bryant, you gotta find the Guv. Her phone died when I spoke to her earlier and she didn't sound right.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Dunno, she was distracted, agitated. I don't think she was going home. I'm worried that ...’
‘Stace, get it circulated that she's missing. It's a bollocking I'm happy to take if she's safe and sound.’
‘I will, but Bryant ...’
‘Just find her.’
The word alive went unspoken between them.
‘I will, Stace, I promise.’
Stacey replaced the receiver. She believed him. Bryant would find Kim.
She just hoped that he wasn't too late.