
‘Here, you carry the puppies and I’ll grab the mother.’

Bryant thrust the box into her arms. The four puppies started moving around and Kim could see that their eyes were open. Just.

‘How the hell ...’

‘Told him I’d be prepared to overlook the level of criminal activity in his residence on this occasion if he gave me the dogs.’ Bryant followed her down the staircase. ‘But I never said anything about social services.’

Kim hurried down the rest of the stairs and paused at the car. ‘Erm ... what now Doctor Doolittle?’

He placed the bitch onto the back seat of the car and the box right beside her. ‘You drive.’

‘To where?’ she asked, getting in the car.

‘Come on, Guv, you know where I live.’

‘Jesus,’ she exclaimed, putting the car into gear. She negotiated her way out of the estate and then managed to take a quick look behind. The bitch was peering over the top of the box. One of the puppies was straining to reach her nose.

‘Don’t you ever call me impulsive again, Bryant. What is your missus gonna say about this?’

He shrugged. ‘Tell me what choice I had.’

Kim said nothing. Much as they wished to, they knew they were incapable of saving the whole world – but sometimes you just had to deal with what was right in front of you.

Kim paused at a set of lights.

‘Guv, look,’ Bryant said.

Kim took another look behind. The bitch was licking at the puppy it could reach. The others were trying to claw at the side of the box.

Five minutes later, she pulled up outside his three-bed semi in Romsley.

He stepped out of the car. ‘Okay, if you get hold of ...’

‘No chance,’ Kim said. ‘You’re on your own with this one.’

‘Chicken,’ he said.

‘Damn right.’

Bryant grabbed the lead of the adult dog. She jumped out of the car of her own accord and stood still. Bryant put the box under his left arm and headed to his front door.

Kim said a silent prayer. Having seen Bryant’s missus in a bad mood she feared she might never see her colleague again. She’d give him ten minutes and then she'd be on her way.

She took out her mobile and placed a call to social services. She spoke for a few moments and ended the conversation. An ‘at risk’ call from a police officer galvanised an immediate response. A case worker would be knocking on the door within the hour. Kim suspected Tina was lost but Rhianna and the baby had a chance.

Bryant’s front door opened and he exited. She couldn’t be totally sure, but his limbs appeared to be intact.

‘Still married?’ she asked, moving over to the passenger seat.

‘Mum and pups are reunited on a blanket by the kitchen radiator. Chicken and rice is on the stove and the missus is on the internet looking up puppy care.’

‘You gonna keep them?’

He nodded. ‘For now, until they’re old enough.’

‘How’d you swing that?’

He shrugged. ‘Told her the truth, Guv,’ he said, simply.

Kim visualised the dogs in his home being fussed over and spoilt.

She shook her head with despair. ‘Okay, now drop me off at the station then get to the hospital. One of us needs to be there to question Croft if the opportunity arises.’

‘You not coming?’

Kim shook her head. ‘Probably not a good idea. It may be just paranoia on my part, but I don’t think Mrs Croft likes me all that much.’
