Chapter 13

The Mouth of the Chao Phraya River
0915 Hours

Flying low, coming from the south, a Huey approached the string of barges. Bayani Salazar guided the chopper closer, then hovered over the end barge, slowly easing the skids onto the reinforced raised deck. Running from the wheelhouse, Reyes picked up a hook attached to a wire cable, then ducked low as he secured it to the chopper. Salazar and Flores prepared for shutdown.

With his Uzi strap on his shoulder, Reyes went to the cargo bay door, stunned by what he saw. Blood splatters were on the deck, along both port and starboard sides, on the overhead, and canvas seats. His eyes finally focused on Mendoza, who had blood and brain tissue on his clothes. Not seeing Mercado or Bolivar, Reyes didn't have to ask questions.

Sitting in the middle section of the canvas seats behind the cockpit, Mendoza finally released his seat belt, but he couldn't stop from staring at the interior of the cabin. Two of his men … dead, their bodies somewhere at the bottom of the waterway.

Finally realizing how quiet it was, he looked up, seeing the three men watching him. Salazar asked, "Should we clean the … "

"Not now. Just lock it down. I want to call Artadi."

Salazar questioned, "What about Paolo? Can you contact him?"

"No. He has all the information he needs, and knows what must be done." He looked over his shoulder as he stood by the cargo bay doorway. "No more wasting time."

During the flight back to the barge, the three men discussed everything they saw, everything that happened. The biggest question: Who was the gunman? His shooting ability was true perfection.

When Quibin was interrogated, he never mentioned any such person. There was only his buyer, an American who went by the name of "Hawk." Could that have been him? But how did he know they were coming? Unless it was pure chance he was not in the shacks. Thinking back, the three men never saw anybody, only lights inside. Quibin said the few times he'd made a delivery, there were guards, and a few young boys. But today, no one was there, except the gunman.

Mendoza worried. If that gunman was the American, he might try to inflict revenge, maybe by destroying the Bangkok facility. Or would he try to hunt them down?

"Reynaldo, you to go to the facility, protect the operation. You'll have to remain there until we can find a replacement for Quibin. How much ammo do you have?"

"My gun's loaded, and we've got more stored below deck."

"Take extra, and grab one of the Uzis. Bayani, drive him in the Land Rover. Make sure everything is running smoothly, then you come back."
