Chapter 21

Aboard the "Phrog"

Grant looked toward Milton, hearing his voice inside the helmet. "Sir, we're approaching the coast of Burma. Lieutenant Gore's gonna start flying NOE for about another 30 miles. I'll inform you when we're over the Gulf."


After previously reviewing sat images and maps, it was decided to fly the current route. Most of southern Burma and Thailand was forested or only had small villages interspersed across the countrysides.

Keeping the same speed, Gore adjusted the altitude and began flying NOE, barreling across the countryside, avoiding treetops, power lines, hills. Rice stalks swirled violently as the chopper tore across the fields.

The men of A.T. took the "rocking and rolling" all in stride, keeping their eyes closed, either asleep, or just mentally preparing for the mission.

Grant glanced at his watch. They were ahead of schedule. There should be plenty of time to do a thorough recon around the target. They hadn't gleaned much from examining maps and sat images. Were there guards around the docks? The UFs had to have at least one of their own standing watch. Even though Novak said only three were left aboard the Huey after the attack on the shacks, that didn't mean there weren't reserves hiding in Bangkok or aboard the barge.

The barge. Apart from it being a helipad, was it being used for any other purpose? Grant bumped a shoulder against Adler. "Joe!" Adler removed the earplug. "Joe, remember the intercepted calls from Saigon?" Adler nodded. "Didn't Mike say he saw an M16 on the chopper?"

"Don't forget the Uzi."

"Yeah, but where'd they get that shit? Where'd they get the barge? And the Huey?!"

The two friends were on the same wavelength again, as Adler said, "You're thinking Nam's black market, and knowing you, you're thinking weapons are stowed on the barge, weapons and ammo they brought from Nam."

"Am I crazy?"

"No more than me!"

The chopper banked to port just as Milton announced, "Over water! Heading north!"

"Copy that!" Grant acknowledged.

Reaching the Gulf of Thailand, Gore adjusted direction and headed north, continuing to fly low. Where the Bay of Bangkok met the gulf, the distance between Thailand's East and West Coasts was over 60 miles, plenty of space to remain undetected. Then, at the entrance to the bay, Gore would fly on a northwesterly heading until they were over land, when he'd change course again, heading east to the LZ.

Grant nudged Adler, then pointed to Slade. Sound asleep. Grant kicked his foot.

Slade's eyes popped open. "Huh?! Are we there, boss?!"

Grant announced, "Time for final gear check!" His eyes went from man to man, watching as last minute inspections were made, confirming all gear was in order, weapons ready. Shades of green and black camouflage paint streaked their faces. Watch caps were pulled low, before NVGs were put in place.

Grant's thoughts returned to the barge. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his thighs. What the hell would they be up against if his assumptions about additional men and weaponry were correct? Would they have a chance to run a G2 on anyone?

Not realizing his men were watching him, he continued deep in thought. They knew his brain was working overtime. The slight upward curve to the right side of his mouth told them he'd resolved at least one of his issues, but it had to be a helluva big one. They'd learn what it was soon enough. Grant adjusted the wire mike then asked Milton to relay a message to Gore and Feith.
