Chapter 29

Arlington National Cemetery
September 30 — Noon

Two black Chevy SUVs pulled into the visitors' parking lot. Team Alpha Tango had remained quiet almost the entire trip. Earlier that morning they learned that two of the young sailors who died aboard the carrier had been buried here. A.T. would add them to the many they'd visit this day, paying respects to fallen comrades, men they knew, and those they had never met.

Even though they had not yet entered the cemetery, the men would respect the hallowed grounds of Arlington, and would speak softly.

Grant looked across the parking lot. "Don't see Scott's car yet."

"We'll hear it before we see it," Adler said.

Grant motioned Stalley closer. "Doc, do me a favor. Go to the Visitors' Center. Get the location of those two sailors. You remember their names?" Stalley nodded. Grant patted his shoulder. "Go 'head."

Once Stalley was out of earshot, Adler said, "This last op sure affected him, Skipper."

"Yeah, I know."

"Think he needs to take some time off? You know, maybe go visit his folks? They're only a few hours from here."

Grant folded his arms across his chest, and leaned against the SUV. "Already made the suggestion to him. I think he'll snap out of it once his mind's focused on getting the training facility up and running."

"Do you think he should've come with us today?"

"Absolutely, Joe."

"Hey, boss," Novak said, as he approached, "are we gonna do our own 'visiting' or do you want us to stay together?"

"I'll leave it up to all of you. But Scott, Joe, and I want to stop at Tony's grave first." Grant spotted the red Trans Am turning into the parking lot. Mullins pulled into a space opposite the SUVs.

Stalley walked up to Grant, holding a piece of paper. "Here are the grave numbers, boss."

"Okay, Doc. Hang onto that."

Mullins closed the car door, and walked toward the men waiting. "Sorry I'm late."

"Not a problem, Scott," Grant said shaking Mullins' hand. "Has your lunch hour been cut short, though?"

"I took the afternoon off," he replied, looking toward the cemetery grounds. "Right now, I've got a couple of things to tell all of you." A.T. gathered around him. From his expression, it was impossible to tell whether the news was good or bad.

Mullins quickly surveyed the area, making sure it was clear. He said in a quiet tone, "First, those four prisoners you brought back are being held at an out of the way location. I can't tell you anything else, but I should have more in a few days."

"It'll be interesting. But I expect somebody's gonna end up at Leavenworth."

"Believe you're right, Grant. Next item on the agenda. An anonymous tip was issued to the Bangkok authorities giving the location of that pill factory. What they do with the info we might never know." Looking over his shoulder, ensuring it was still clear, Mullins said, "I didn't bring official paperwork, but the executive order was carried out successfully. The SEALs are safely back in Coronado."

Whatever was uttered by the men was barely audible, but obvious relief and satisfaction showed on every face.

"Can you give us a quick rundown on how it went down, Scott?" Grant asked.

"The Team arrived on the 23rd, and waited in Subic Bay. They had the three possible hiding locations mapped out, with routes and means of attack planned for each. CIA and NSA had listened closely for any transmissions that could've meant Artadi was at one of them.

"They received the go for mission two days ago and headed to Castillejos. Mission accomplished. Three hours later, they were back at Cubi Point, waiting for a flight to Naval Air Station North Island."

Stalley was the first to comment just above a whisper, "Very cool!"

Grant smiled. "Feel better, Doc?"

"Affirmative, boss!"

"Okay, Scott. Appreciate the report." Grant's eyes went to each of his men. "Guess it's time to pay our respects."

"Lead the way, boss," Novak said.

Team A.T. fell in behind Grant, Adler, and Mullins.
