The inevitable communique was delivered to the Queen Street office of the BBC at 9:00 am on the following day. For the first time it was addressed to the media, rather than to the Secretary of State.
The News Editor, Radio, never a man to turn down a scoop, took a snap decision. He sent copies at once to St Andrew's House and to Skinner's office, then ordered that the morning's music programme should be interrupted and the text of the letter broadcast.
Skinner therefore heard it on the radio before he received his copy. He was alerted at once by the excitement in the newsreader's voice.
'The following message has just been received by the BBC.
Because of its use of a special code-word, we believe it to be genuine. It reads as follows:
"From the Fightersor an Independent Scotland.
"It is with regret that we report the death of a fine young Scottish patriot, Raymond Mahoney, on an active service mission in Edinburgh yesterday. We regret too that a further demonstration of our resolve has proved necessary. However the intransigence of Scotland's colonial governor, the Secretary of State, left us no choice.
"As before, our target was selected with a view to focusing international attention on our struggle for freedom. We note with some satisfaction that one member of the enemy's security forces also fell yesterday. If the occupying government continues to deny Scotland its right to freedom, he will not be the last.
"The first phase of our struggle is over. We have claimed the attention, and we believe the support, of the nations of the world. From now on we will seek to strike at the heart of the tyranny, wherever the opportunity arises. Our fight for an independent Scotland will not end with the Edinburgh Festival. It will go on until the occupying government yields, or until the last of its members is cut down. The Secretary of State and his puppet-masters in London are legitimate targets. They must realise that their police cannot protect them for ever." 'That is the end of this newsflash,' said the newsreadt breathlessly. 'Now back to the studio, and to Eddie.'