'If you were there, you'd be putting Alex's life at risk! There's no way, love, I'll let you do that!'

'Bob, that's an awful thing to say. How could you!' Sarah wore, for a moment, an expression which was completely new to him: one of pure hurt. Then it melted into one of anger and frustration. 'Dammit man, I'm a member of your team. You made me one, remember.'

'Well, as of now, you're off the pitch. I didn't tell you about last night's operation until it was over because I knew that, if I had, we'd have had this argument then.'

'But you could need me there! As a doctor. If there is trouble, if there's shooting, people could get hurt. Alex could get hurt. You could get hurt.'

He put his big hands on her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead. She leaned back against the larder cupboard of their kitchen at Fairyhouse Avenue, tears gleaming in her eyes.

He did his best to soothe her. 'Sarah, my darling, I hope with all my heart that, when I catch up with them, these people will decide that they are not on a suicide mission, and will let Alex go. In fact, I'm forcing myself to believe that's what will happen. If I'm wrong, then yes, there will be shooting. If there is, then believe me, the people on my team are the best – me included. But to give our best, we have to be completely focused on the job. If you were anywhere near, you'd be a distraction for me, and probably for Andy too. If the shit did start flying we'd have you to worry about as well. All our thoughts have to be focused on protecting Alex, and rescuing her. If you were there to distract us, then, as I say, you would be adding to her danger. Look, wherever we end up, if we need a doctor, we'll get one quick. If I do decide to take one, it won't be you; it'll be an Army medic. But Adam Arrow's Probably as good as anyone. He'd seen action, and deaR with wounded.'

Slightly guiltily, a grin gleamed through her tears. 'Yeah. from what I've seen of little Arrow, with a point-fcur-five round in the ear!'

The tension between them eased. Bob chuckled quietly. He lifted up her chin and made her look,iim in the eye.

That's better. You're smiling again. That's how you can help me most, love.'

She hugged him close, and very tigtit.

'Oh, but, my darling, I'll be so worried about you. About you both. About you all.'

'I know, honey, but we'll be all riglit.'

He was struck by a sudden thought.

'Listen. Wee Julia'11 be in the sam" boat as you, in her ca… worrying about Andy. I'll have him britg her up here, and the two of you can hold each other's hands like the astronauts' wives did in Alex's play, when their men were in orbit.'

She brightened up again. 'Yeah. We can watch videos. Woody Alien rather than Kevin Costner, though.'

'What, not even The Bodyguard?'

'Especially not that!'

'What about Batman? That'd be quite appropriate really for you and Julia?';

She looked at him, puzzled. 'Why?'

'Well, what with Andy's nickname among the old-timer uniform PCs…'

What's that?'

'Robin the Boy Wonder… I'

Her eyes widened. 'So that means yours must be…'

'Exactly! That's why I gave up wearing the black leather coat.

Folk thought I was trying to live up to my nickname!'

They laughed together again in the midst of their troubles, and Bob kissed her once more.

'Right I'll fix that up with Andy. Now I must be off to Fettes.

It's eight o'clock. All my plans are nude. It's time to brief the troops. Brian's picking me up and he'll be outside by now. Next time you see me, Alex will be with me. Believe me.'

As the door closed behind him, the smile on her face dissolved.

She leaned back against the larder door once more, tears flowing freely.

'Yes, my love, I do believe you,' she whispered. 'But will you both still be alive?'
