Skinner was touched by the Queen's good wishes. Most of all he was relieved by Proud's news of her insistence that all steps necessary should be taken to ensure Alex's safe return.
'I'll take personal charge of this operation,' said Proud Jimmy.
'I promise you that no risks will be taken, I'll put marksmen in hiding around the aeroplane. If I'm completely satisfied that it's safe for Alex, I'll open fire. Otherwise I'll let them take off. We'll send word to every country within the plane's operating range to watch out for its landing, and that way we'll get Alex back as soon as possible.' I Skinner smiled: a tired, drained sort of smile.
Two things. Chief. First, you will need to tie me down to keep me away from this operation. Remember, I'm still head of the anti-terrorist unit Ballantyne set up, until his successor tells pie otherwise. Next, if you have men waiting at the airport, they'll be there all bloody night. Mr Black knows there's no way I'll let him get on board that plane with Alex. As soon as they were clear of our air-space, she'd be dead. They're not going to show up at Edinburgh Airport. That plane's just another feint. That's the way our Mr Black works. He sells you a dummy, every time. He's got something else planned. Well, so have I.'
His jaw tightened, and some of the tiredness left his face.
'Anyway, it might not come to that. Let's wait to see what our guest in the Simpson has to tell Adam.'
'What makes you think he'll teH him anything?'
Skinner laughed, quietly. 'You don't know Adam!'