AAAS — American Association for the Advancement of Science




CH3-P=O            Substance 33






CH3-P=O             Substance 84






CH3O-P=O            A-232






C2H5O-P=O            A-234






CH3-P=O                  A-242


   N=C-N(R)2,where R – diethyl radical






CH3O-P=O      A-262


    N=C-N(R)2, where R – diethyl radical



A-235 — Russian code name of sarin

A-255 — Russian code name of soman

Complex ether — GOSNIIOKhT’s code name of Substance 33

C.P.S.U — Communist Party of the Soviet Union

CW — Chemical weapon

CWC — Chemical Weapons Convention

DDR — Democratic Russia Movement

FAPSI — Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information

FAS — Federation of American Scientists

Foliant — Soviet/Russian nerve agents program

FSB — Federal Service of Security

GC — Gas chromatograph(ic)

GOSNIIOKhT — State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology

GRNIIOKhT — State Russian Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology

GRU — General Intelligence Directorate of the Soviet (Russian) Army

K-410 — Russian code name of CS-tear gas

K-444 — Russian code name of SR-tear gas

KGB — Committee of State Security

Khoryok — Russian binary chemical weapon program

M-01 — GOSNIIOKhT code name of Substance 33

M-02 — GOSNIIOKhT code name of sarin

M-03 — GOSNIIOKhT code name of soman

MB RF — Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation

MCAD — Military Academy of Chemical Defense

Military Unit 64518 — Directorate of Chief of Chemical Troops of Russia

Military Unit 61469 — Scientific Research Military Institute and Independent Chemical Battalion in Shikhany-2

Military Unit 26382 — Scientific Research Military Polygon and Independent Chemical Battalion in Nukus, Uzbekistan

MITKhT — Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology

NII — Scientific Research Institute

NII-42 — Former code name of GOSNIIOKhT

NII-94 — Former code name of GOSNIIOKhT

NIOKR — Scientific Research Experiment Design Work

NKVD — People’s Commissiariat for Internal Affairs

Nomenklatura — the top of the elite ruling class or bureaucrats in the Soviet Union

Novichok — Soviet/Russian nerve agents program

Novichok-5 — Russian binary weapons program for A-232

NPO Basalt — Scientific Industrial Association for warfare design

OKBA — Special Design Bureau of Automation

OMON — Special Purpose Police Detachment

Ordoval-1 — GOSNIIOKhT code name of sarin

Ordoval-2 — GOSNIIOKhT code name of soman

Post Office Box — Part of code name of all secret scientific research institutes

Post Office Box 702 — Former code name of GOSNIIOKhT

Post Office Box M-5123 — Code name of GOSNIIOKhT for business mailing

Ppt — Part per trillion

R-33 — Russian code name of analog of Substance 33

R-35 — Russian code name of sarin

R-55 — Russian code name of soman

Sharashka — Prison for scientists-political prisoners

S — Secret

SS — Top secret

SS/khf — Top secret/ Foliant program

Substance 33 — Russian code name of VX-analog

Substance 65 — Russian code name of CS-tear gas

Substance 74 — Russian code name of CR-tear gas

Substance 78 — Russian code name of BZ-hallucinogen agent

Substance 84 — GOSNIIOKhT codname of A-230

Substance 100-A — O-cyclopentyl analog of Substance 33

Substance 100-B — O-methylcyclopentyl analog of Substance 33

TSNIIVTI — Central Scientific Research Military Technical Institute

UNKhV — Directorate of Chief of Chemical Troops of Russia

USSR — Union of Soviet Socialist Republic

VF GOSNIIOKhT — Volgograd Branch of GOSNIIOKhT

VKhK — Military Chemical Complex

VP MO — Military Representative of Russian Defense Ministry

VPK — Military Industrial Commission

“White Sea” — Nickname of lake in Volgograd contaminated by residues of chemical agents and phosphoororganic pesticides
