“Get up and get dressed.”
“What where are we going?” She had that just fucked look about her, red puffy lips, eyes a little glazed over and a flush to her skin. Just looking at her made my cock hurt and other parts of me that I was going to fucking ignore beat faster. I wasn’t going down that road again, not now not ever no matter how much I found myself smiling at just the memory of her during the day when we were apart. Lately when I was busy at my garage where I built engines when I wasn’t pushing myself on the race track trying to beat my last time, she’d sneak into my consciousness and I’d find myself grinning like an ass; fucking sap.
“You’re coming home with me.” I saw the surprise in her eyes and the slight fear; she might as well be surprised you could blow me the fuck over with a feather because two seconds before I said that shit I had no idea I was going to. I wasn’t aware that I was in the market for a new housemate. After I’d gotten free of the tramp I’d gone ahead and finished building the big house on the hill, the only one to rival it for a thousand miles was my family’s estate. It’s the reason I’d worked my ass off all those years, I didn’t want to walk in dad’s footsteps his life wasn’t for me. I liked cars, fast cars; I loved racing them and building them, it was in my blood; mom’s dad had been a racer in his younger days so I came by it honestly. Dad hadn’t wanted me to get into that life, there was danger involved after all, but in the end he’d let me go my own way, and then as time went by and I proved that it was more than just a hobby he’d been just as proud of me as everyone else.
“Move Cherry.” She’d been staring at me wide eyed for the last five minutes not saying a word and not moving, I don’t know what came over me but the thought of leaving her here in this dump one more night was suddenly sickening. I wasn’t going to look too closely at why that was I just knew it was no longer acceptable to me that she stayed here surrounded by decay and neglect while I went home to a house with ten bedrooms that no one used. She never complained about our arrangement, never begged never pleaded, it’s as if she had no other interests but pleasing me. I decided I could have her with me and still keep my distance, besides it went against everything that I was to be having whatever the fuck we were having and leave her here like this. I didn’t have to be in love with her to take care of her, at least that’s what I kept telling myself, especially those times when I had to fight myself not to buy her some trinket or some shit that I’d seen that I just knew would be perfect for her. Not even with Dana had I been into that shit, I’d been too focused on getting ahead on making the sort of money that would put us in the clear for the rest of our lives. I’d had visions of travelling the world with my wife and maybe having a kid or two along the way to round out our little family. Those dreams had died a sudden and bitter death months ago. Now I just wanted her there for those times when I rolled over in the night and felt like a quick fuck; at least that’s what I told myself. I hadn’t spent the night with anyone since my divorce, didn’t think I ever would again but somehow I wanted to with her, sweet Cherry.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Drake.”
“And why not?”
“What would people say?”
I heard the hurt and the pain in her voice and it pissed me the fuck off, I knew she was in love with me, she’d let it slip the second time I’d taken her, we’d both pretended afterwards that it hadn’t happened but the memory was scorched into my brain. I knew what the town’ s people thought of her and her family but right at this moment I could give a fuck.
With one knee pressed into the bed I leaned over and took her chin in my hand.
“Look at me, I don’t care what they think, and neither should you you’ve got to get over that shit fuck them. The only two people who matter here are you and I and I know the truth.” My hand worked its way down to her pussy beneath the sheet she had covering her.
“I know I’m the only man to ever have this and I aim to keep it that way, now get up and get your shit together.”
She scurried off the bed keeping a wary eye on me as she threw her shit in a bag, bile burned in my throat that she lived in such poverty when others who were so less deserving lived high on the hog. The thing about Cherry that got under my skin was the way she just took life’s kicks like she deserved them, like she wasn’t expecting any different. Fuck that I was going to turn this town on its ear, the seed had been planted and knowing my pigheaded ass I was pretty sure my campaign would be in full swing by week’s end. Already there had been murmurs about my comings and goings from her place, it wasn’t like I’d been trying to hide the shit but neither did I want people in my business. I had no idea what was being said to her because she was one of those suffer in silence types, that was something I was going to have to work on as well. I had to break her out of that shell she liked to hide in, as my woman whatever the fuck that meant these days she was not going to cower to these fucks.
“Did you get all your important papers and shit?”
“Yes sir.”
“I told you about that sir shit, I’m not the town judge or some fuck you don’t have to sir me and you sure as fuck don’t have to sir any of these other fuckers in this town either.” I knew she thought they were all better then her, she’d been programmed to think that way because her mother was the town floozy and her father some faceless unknown john. Whatever the case the two of them had come together for a reason because the young girl sitting next to me was gorgeous as fuck. She had a mile of wine colored hair, it wasn’t red and it wasn’t brown just a rich deep almost burgundy color and the clearest bluest eyes, eyes I sometimes found myself falling into. The shit didn’t stop there either oh no, then there were her lips, wide and full with some sort of curve in the middle of the top one that made me think always of feeding her my cock. Her body was another man-eater. Long legs, a round ass that I’d had the pleasure of fucking because my babygirl denied me nothing and two high firm tits that were never far from my mouth whenever we were naked together. It had only been two months since I’d taken her that first time, and what a shock it was. The girl who had carried the taint of slut because of her mother’s actions had been a virgin, she’d been so soft and sweet and shy that night after I’d picked her up at her job at the local diner that I should’ve known something was up but I never would’ve guessed not in a million years that the girl with the body of a playboy centerfold was innocent.