I had to practically drag her out of the car when we reached the house, it was a thing of beauty; made in the French style it was a monstrosity of twenty thousand square feet of marble and gold on a prime two acres of land up on a hill looking down on the town. It had been Dana’s dream house fashioned off of some eighteenth century French palace. It cost almost five million dollars to build the shit and add all the doo hickeys that came with a place like this, the money hadn’t been an issue, I’d thought I was in love with the bitch and saw no reason she shouldn’t live in the house of her dreams. It wasn’t going to break me I had more than enough money from my winning purses and endorsements and I still hadn’t touched my trust fund. I knew the reason behind her wanting to build it though, she wanted to be belle of the ball, to outshine all the other women that she would essentially be looking down on from her perch on the hill. She’d tried talking the judge into giving it to her since she’d done all the homework and came up with the idea for this particular design. Since that had been my day for telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I’d politely informed his honor that if he did such a thing he would not only be responsible for the destruction of one but two lives because I was pretty certain that I would burn the shit down with her in it and then I’d be in the lockup for murder one.
“Welcome to your new home Cherry.”
“Drake…” Her hand actually shook in mine.
“Don’t start that shit again this is my place I want you here what others think shouldn’t mean shit tell them to go fuck themselves.”
She looked at me with one of her you’re such a male looks and I think she muttered ‘easy for you to say’ under her breath.
I really didn’t care what anyone had to say, I’m not sure how much the town knew about my divorce and at this point it really didn’t matter, the embarrassment of being cuckolded had worn off between her sweet thighs. I’d gone from the arms of a jezebel to sweet nirvana the town could go fuck itself. Now I just have to work on her, get her over this need to give a shit what they thought.
Inside the house she stood at the door mouth agape and hugging the wall like she was afraid to move.
“Babygirl seriously it’s a house it’s not gonna bite let’s go.” I took her elbow and led her through the kitchen that was off the garage into the little walkway that led to the rest of the house. Her eyes were wide with fascination and I guess coming from poverty she wasn’t accustomed to such grandeur except maybe in the movies.
I dropped the bag with her meager belongings on a chair in the bedroom as she walked around the room running her hands over everything but in a way like she expected me to yell at her to stop any minute, it was going to take her a while to get over that too it looked like.
In the en suite bathroom I started the shower and went back to get her she was standing in the same place I’d left her. I decided not to make a big deal out of it for now as I led her into the bathroom and undressed her before taking off my clothes.
“Snap out of it Cherry.” She looked at me like she was coming out of a daze and I put her under the water getting her wet from head to toe. My unruly cock was at half-mast but I ignored him as I lathered her up and then passed her the soap to do me. The girl had an unnatural fascination with my body, she could spend hours just running her hands all over me and usually did until I got so hot I ended up boning her hard. Before I knew it she was on her knees with my cock in her mouth. Now Cherry had never sucked cock before she met me, I know hard to believe but it’s true, it seems because of her unfounded reputation boys and men alike thought she was easy and that turned her off, so because of their stupidity they lost out on one of the most sensual beings in the world, good for me. So since babygirl had never sucked cock it had been up to me to teach her what I liked. As she knelt there she teased my cock head with her tongue dipping it into my slit and slurping up pre cum like it was the sweetest honey. Then she licked and nibbled along my shaft to my balls and holding my cock up against my stomach proceeded to spit shine my nuts while stroking my now hard as fuck cock.
When she was through with my sac she popped my cock back into her mouth and went for the gusto. She still wasn’t very comfortable taking me in her throat but she did an excellent job with what she had. I pulled her head on and off my cock as I throat fucked while she gagged and slobbered all over my dick, pre cum and spit ran down her chin as she kept eye contact with me the way I’d taught her I liked. When I felt my balls seizing up I pulled her off and to her feet, backed her up against the wall and kneeling between her legs ate out her pussy with the shower raining down on us. When she was screaming out her third or fourth orgasm I turned her to face the wall and fucked into her from behind; her pussy that greedy bitch swallowed me up and owned my ass.
“Is your pussy sore?”
“Uh huh, a little don’t stop, don’t stop.” She reached back and covered my hand on her hip as if to keep me in place as I pounded into her like a man possessed. I wanted to get even deeper into her so I lifted one of her legs on the low seat in the shower so I could pile drive into her. The slapping of our bodies as they came together was loud in the cavernous bathroom. I wanted her tit in my mouth in the worse way so I put my head under her arm and had her twist a little so I could reach. As soon as my mouth closed around her hard nipple she washed my cock in her juices, clamping down on me and sucking the juice out of my balls. I was blowing like a blowfish as I rested my head on her back hoping that that was it for the night. If my cock knew what was good for him he’d stay the fuck down before he had no skin left, fucking idiot.
We washed up and literally fell into bed dead to the world as soon as our heads hit the pillow.