It was July and frightfully hot. The heat excited me. At ten o'clock in the morning I found myself at little Coralie's, just as she was coming out of the bath.
She was stretched on a settee (why not call it a fouteuse?) enveloped in a woollen wrapper and attended by her two chambermaids, Rosine and Nana, both in their shifts.
By the warmth of the kisses which I gave her on my entrance, Coralie comprehended that I was in a gallant humour.
“So!” she said to me, laughingly, “you come to ask charity!”
“Oh! Madame,” said Nana, who came to assure herself that her mistress spoke the truth, “Madame, it is rigid!”
“It is standing!” repeated Rosine.
I took two sovereigns from my pocket, and holding out one in each hand, I asked these two amiable girls to throw off their mistress's wrapper and to strip off their own shifts, requests which they did not refuse me.
They were both brunettes; Coralie, on the contrary, was a blonde, small enough, a little dumpy even, with breasts which resembled balls of ivory, well-developed flanks, full thighs, and corpulent legs, but whose ankles tapered off with perfect loves of feet, such as one never meets with but in Paris or Spain. As for her pretty, rosy backside, all the beau monde, masculine and even feminine, had pinched it, bitten it, slapped it. What a charming, smutty look Coralie had! Fie! The impudent pretty little face! What eyes for the damnation of all our souls! And what a mouth, made equally to love and to laugh in the face of the human race whilst devouring its money!
“Hold!” she said to me, throwing her foot up to my face, “kiss the instrument of thy pleasure; I am going to do thee between these two little feet!”
Well enough! But the bell sounded at the outer door.
Nana, in the costume of Mother Eve, ran to see who was the visitor, and returned aghast.
“Madame, it is the Duke. I have shown him into the boudoir.”
“My sweet friend,” said Coralie to me, raising herself, “allow me to go and earn fifty pounds.”
Drelin, drelin, drelin! It was Rosine's turn to receive the comer.
“It is another fifty pounds, sure enough,” cried Coralie, clapping her hands.
Drelin, drelin, drelin! This time the two girls ran to the door together.
“Madame, it is little Lousteau!”
“He is good for a hundred pounds,” said Coralie, “but by a bill payable when he comes of age. One must coin money in the best way one can when one deals with children. Ah, well! let all three of them wait! My girls, give me the lovely member of my friend!”
Rosine and Nana pulled down my trousers obediently. Coralie took and commenced to roll between her two feet what she rightly called my lovely member.
Are you not aware that the women of Corinth were renowned for their exquisite knowledge of the art of provoking with their feet the venereal orgasm of their Athenian or Boeotian lovers? Coralie's feet were as prettily shaped as they were agile. They seized my member between their two satiny soles.
She ordered her two maids of honour to range themselves on either side of her, one on the right, the other on the left, and commenced tickling one with each hand. Her two pretty little hands disappeared in the black pussies of the two girls. Her two feet glided, flew; turning themselves round my enflamed prickle, anon they scratched sweetly with their nails on the balls which contained the divine liquor, another while they adventured from the tip of my member even unto the passage of Sodomy.
All at once she stopped.
“Suppose I dismiss my three lovers,” she said.
“Madame,” said Nana, “shall I go and ask them separately to return in two hours?”
“What a fool you are!” cried Coralie, “If you want them to come back, rather tell them to go to the devil!”
This was done. As Nana re-entered the room after having fulfilled this delicate mission, she was able to see a white jet shooting into the air. It was my semen spouting.
“Madame!” cried this charming girl, with an air of consternation, “isn't this a good thing lost?”
“Yes,” said Rosine sententiously, “one ought not to waste the gifts of the good God, Madame.”
Coralie screamed with laughter.
“My children,” she cried, “will you restore our good friend to the state which pleasures you?”
Dear girls! Already they brought their charms into play, and extended their hands.
“Don't touch it!” cried Coralie. “It is by the eyes that we must reanimate our friend. Come, then, my girls! Come, then.”
At the same time she stretched herself along the sofa, her thighs open and slightly raised.
“Who loves me, kisses me!” she said.
Rosine and Nana darted forward together. Nana reached the goal first, and Coralie's bush disappeared under her libertine mouth. Rosine consoled herself as best she could by embracing her mistress, and sucking her titties; as for me, I clitorised and postillioned Nana's croup, which was close in front of my face. Cries, sighs, and impious imprecations announced that Coralie was ejaculating.
“Nana!” she cried, “see if it be standing yet!”
Nana assured herself of this by pushing a little backwards her croup, which encountered my member in a state like brass.
“Yes, Madame,” she sighed.
In the position in which she was, it was to Coralie's coynte she spoke. The frivolous thing heard to a marvel. Coralie made me sit in the middle of the sofa, and perched herself upon me. In this posture the pleasure is slow in coming, and the sugarplum-gulf does not close itself so tightly.
Following the orders of her mistress, Rosine came and knelt in front of us. The dear creature commenced to lick us both at the same time. A blow of the tongue to Coralie's clitoris, another blow at the root of my member. I drew it out, and she swallowed it up entirely. It re-entered Coralie's coynte, and I recommenced this charming game. Nana, on her knees behind Rosine, held her comrade's crupper tightly between her thighs and clitorised her.
The bell rang once, twice, three times. It was the three amourists who had been sent to the devil, and who were returning in search of Paradise.
“Yes, yes,” said Coralie, quite swooning, “after pleasure-business. I go to earn my two hundred pounds!”
What a glorious life is that of a courtezan! She kisses, she enjoys, and she enriches herself. She has every joy at once.